Airport Management System

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Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s




“Airport Management System”

Yashwantrao Chavan Institute of Science, Satara
Departmeant of Computer Science

Project NO.
: Project Title : Airport management system

Submitted by: Roll . NO Student Name Sign

1 4606 Prathamesh Sambhaji
2 4656 Saurabh Sunil Yadav

The object of this project is to design and implement Airport Management withuser interface and administrator interface using VB.NET.It includes
details such as passenger with fields such as name, address phonenumber and passport details which will be stored in database for verification.
Reservationdetails help in reserving seats for the passenger with other details such as date, flight no,code and other details. If the user needs to cancel
the reservation he can do cancellation providing details to the administrator. Flight details have to be maintained includingflight no, code, source
and destination etc which is to be considered during reservationAirport Management System is developed in VB .NET as Front end and
SQLSERVER 2000 as Back end. Visual Basic is referred to as an “Event Driven” programming language because all the code is triggered by specific
events that the user  performs. This puts the user firmly in control of how the program flows and thereforeincreases user satisfaction with the program
The airline industry is a very particular system. Airlines
provide a service, which is totransport a passenger between
two cities at an agreed price. There is neither physical product
given to the consumer, nor inventory created and stored.
Airlines also exhibitvery particular economics that, over time,
have motivated specific
concepts, tools and practices. Some of them are analyzed
in this section
The paper presents a general description of a methodology developed for
airport planning taking into account both local and global planning
requirements. This approach involves two related formulations. The Single
Airport Model (SAM) and the Multiple Airport Hub Model (MAM). The MAM
contains the SAM as a subset. The SAM analyzes alternatives, such as
terminal and field expansion to increase airport capacity, within the context
of one airport in isolation. The model contains six major subsystems:
airfield supply, terminal area supply, air carrier operations demand, air
passenger demand, general aviation demand, and a control subsystem. The
approach used in formulating a planning problem in SAM format is
discussed. The supply subsystem, which consists of both airfield and
terminal area components, and the demand subsystem, which takes into
account the demands for airfield capacity by aircraft and for aircraft by
passengers, are described. A representative set of planning policies is
Data flow diagram
Result and conclusion
The review of literature on IT and EMISs for airports shows that the proposed
solutions are usually domain-specific and platform-depended [9,46]. Moreover, they are
away from suggesting complete architectures allowing the integrated management of
energy systems required for airside and landside operations, especially when
considering different type of energy sources i.e. fossil fuel and renewable [10].
Therefore, our main argument is such that EM in airports should be achieved and
addressed by holistic and integrated methods as well as it should have extensible,
architectural and computational foundations airport management.

Mr - Bhosale Prathamesh Sambhaji

Mr – Yadav Saurabh Sunil

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