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Activity Worksheet in

English 6
1 Unscramble the letters to make words.
Then write sentences with the words.
Example: b o y r e b r robbery
There was a robbery at the bank yesterday.]

2 Read the definition, then write the ery words.
Example: Moving things that help people do work.
1 Something which is found or revealed.
2 Necklaces, rings and bracelets.
3 Something which is brought to you.
4 An event when things are stolen.
5 Cups, plates and pots made of clay.
6 Something secret and unexplained.
7 A place for young children.
8 A place where cakes and bread are cooked.
3 Write three advantages and three disadvantages of moving to a
new city.

Moving to a new city: Advantages Moving to a new city: Disadvantages

Example: I will make new friends. Example: I will miss my old friends.
______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________
______________________________ ______________________________

4 Write a letter to a friend telling them how you feel about

moving to a
new city. Answer all the questions.
What will you miss most about your old city?
What are you looking forward to doing in the new city?
What will you do to meet people your age?
What do you think will be most difficult about moving to a new
How will you keep in touch with your friends in the old city?
Activity Worksheets
1 Complete the alliteration poem. Use
the adjectives in the box.
Amazing apples,
brilliant bananas,
Cool, crunchy carrots.
(1) ____________doughnuts,
spicy Excellent eggs,
brilliant Fabulous, (2)________ fish.
perfect (3)________ grapes,
Healthy honey,
jolly Incredible, (4) __________ice-cream.
icy (5)_______ jelly,
delicious Lovely lemons,
(6) ,_______ melting mushrooms.
massive Numerous nuts,
tasty Outstanding oranges,
wonderful Popular, (7)______ pizza.
Remarkable rice,
fresh (8) ________sauce,
great Tiny, (9) _________tomatoes.
Vast vegetables,
(10) ________wheat,
Yummy, yellow yoghurt.
2 Join the sentences using who, which or where to make one
Example: I went to the park yesterday. There was a festival in the
I went to the park where there was a festival yesterday.
1 My cousin has two sisters. They are twins.
2 My mobile phone has lots of games. The games are brilliant.
3 My brother found his watch in the park. He had lost it the day
4 My friend bought a new MP3 player. It can hold 5,000 songs.
5 The teacher told the boys to be quiet. The boys were playing
3 Complete the sentences with the correct word. There
are two extra words.
Running writing Eating Swimming
Climbing reading Jumping riding
Example: Swimming in the river can be dangerous.
1 My sister likes________ a horse. She does this every
2 ______sweets is bad for your teeth.
3 My dad has lovely neat___________ .
4 _________trees is lots of fun.
5 _________is not allowed inside our school.
4 Write the words in the box in the correct group.
impossible inactive inconsiderate imperfect
impolite invisible incorrect inexpensive

Example: uncaring, thoughtless, inconsiderate

1 rude, unkind, 2 cheap, bargain,_________________
3 unbelievable, absurd, 4 hidden,
5 young, childish, 6 wrong,
7 unmoving, sleepy, 8 damaged,
5 Write the words in the box in the correct group.
Example: uncaring, thoughtless,inconsiderate
1 rude, unkind,___________ 2 cheap, bargain,________________
3 unbelievable, absurd__________, 4 hidden, unseen,_______________
5 young, childish,__________ 6 wrong, mistake,_______________
7 unmoving, sleepy,__________ 8 damaged, faulty,_______________
6 Read the definition and finish the word.
1 r_______ the opposite of left, correct
2 s_______ how light or dark a colour is
3 n_______ a short letter
4 s_______ the sound of someone putting their foot down loudly
5 d_______ the time when something happens
6 p_______ something you give to someone
7 n_______ one sound in music
8 b_______ a strong, regular sound
9 n_______ the hard part that covers the end of your fi ngers and toes
10 l_______ you put a key in it to shut a door
6 Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb.
Example If I had a dog, I would take it for a walk every day. (have /
1 If the weather______ sunny, I__________ to the beach. (be / go)
2 If I a lot of money, I________ a computer. (have / buy)
3 I________ happy if I__________ my purse or wallet. (not be / lose)
4 My teacher_________ angry with me if I__________ my homework.
(be / not do)
5 If I_________ to China, I_________ many interesting places and
people. (go / see)
Activity Worksheets
1 Write descriptions. Use two or more adjectives in
each sentence. Then draw two of the things.
Example: Describe a building you know.
It is an ugly, modern skyscraper with blue windows.
Describe a place you know._____________________________________
Describe an animal you know.__________________________________
Describe a plant_____________________________________________
at home or school.___________________________________________

Describe a food you like.______________________________________

Describe a person you know.___________________________________
2 Write the opposite adjective. Then write a sentence using these words.
Example: hot - cold
1 generous 2 kind
3 honest 4 foolish
5 difficult
3 Use and or but to join the sentences.
Example: The teacher walked into the room. The class became quiet.
The teacher walked into the room and the class became quiet.

1 Melo said he would bring his guitar to school. He forgot to bring it.
2 The house was dark when I got there. There was nobody in the house.
3 I had pizza for dinner. Then I had some ice cream.
4 Tanya asked for directions to the museum. She didn’t understand the directions.
5 The bus driver told the children to be quiet. The children didn’t take any notice of
the bus driver.
4 Write the sentences again. Make them passive.
Example: Shane has eaten the bread.
The bread has been eaten.

1 A hurricane has destroyed the village.

2 A fox has killed our chickens.
3 A farmer has found some ancient coins.
4 Their football has broken the window.
5 A storm has blown down the trees.
Activity Worksheets
1 Circle the correct modal verbs. Write the modal verbs.
The Ganges River Dolphin.
A recent survey found fewer than 2,000 Ganges River Dolphins in India, so we
can/must work hard to protect this species.The Ganges River Dolphin lives in fresh
water. It has got a long, thin nose and largeflippers. It (1) can/must live for
about26 years. The Ganges River Dolphin (2) has to/should swim near the bottom
of the river where it (3) has to/can fi nd small fi sh and
crabs in the mud. It (4) can/can’t breathe under water, so it (5) can/must swim to
thesurface every one to two minutes.
We (6) can/can’t do lots of things to protect the Ganges River Dolphin. It prefers
deep water so we (7) should/can stop taking large amounts of river water for
farming. We(8) must/mustn’t stop fi shermen using nets which trap dolphins and
we (9) have to/has to stop building dams. They separate families of dolphins.
The Ganges River Dolphin (10) can/ can’t see so it uses sounds to fi nd its food and
to move around. As a result, we (11) can/should reduce noise pollution in the river
sothat the dolphins (12) can/should fi nd food.
Example: must
1 _________ 2_________
3 _________ 4__________
5_________ 6_________
7 _________ 8_________
9_________ 10________
11________ 12________
2 Write a description of an animal. Use the subheadings to divide
your text.
The name of my animal
What the male looks like.
What the female looks like.
Where in the world your animal lives.
What sort of home your animal lives in.
What your animal eats.
How your animal gets its food.
3 Find ten more abstract nouns. Write the abstract nouns
a h u n g e r o eh
b r a v e r y f r a
f r i e n d s h i p
h f n t e t c b o p
o e a j r o a e d i
p a n r o p l a s n
e r d o s y l u ae
s t u p i d i t y s
d s I t t b o y i s
f oo t y a n g er

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