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Dr. S. DEEPAPRIYA, M,Sc., M,Phil.(MATHS),M,Sc.,Ph.,D.(STATS),

Dr. S. DEEPAPRIYA, M,Sc., M,Phil.(MATHS),M,Sc.,Ph.,D.(STATS), 07/24/2021


 Research
 Characteristics of good research
 Research problem
 Developing strong Research question
 Importance of Research question
 Hypothesis
 Nature of hypothesis
 Importance of hypothesis
 Functions of hypothesis
 Framing of research question/ hypothesis
 examples
Dr. S. DEEPAPRIYA, M,Sc., M,Phil.(MATHS),M,Sc.,Ph.,D.(STATS), 07/24/2021
What is a Research

 Research the systematic process of collection analyzing

information (data) in order to increase our understanding of the
phenomenon about which are concerned or interested

Dr. S. DEEPAPRIYA, M,Sc., M,Phil.(MATHS),M,Sc.,Ph.,D.(STATS), 07/24/2021

Characteristics of good research

 Originates with a question or problem

 Requires clear articulation of a goal or goals
 Follows a plan or procedure
 Often divides main problem into sub problems
 Guided by specific problem question or hypothesis
 Can accept certain critical assumption
 Requires collection and interpretation of data
 Cyclical in nature

Dr. S. DEEPAPRIYA, M,Sc., M,Phil.(MATHS),M,Sc.,Ph.,D.(STATS), 07/24/2021

Research problem

 A Research problem is a question that a researcher wants to answer or a

problem that a researcher wants to solve
 The research will answer any question posed, and the answer to the research
question is often statement of the thesis

Dr. S. DEEPAPRIYA, M,Sc., M,Phil.(MATHS),M,Sc.,Ph.,D.(STATS), 07/24/2021

Research question

 A research problem can lead to hypothesis or research question it should be some way….
 Be worth investing
 Improve educational practices
 Improve human conditions

Dr. S. DEEPAPRIYA, M,Sc., M,Phil.(MATHS),M,Sc.,Ph.,D.(STATS), 07/24/2021

Why write a research question

• Provide focus for investigation helps to avoid aimless search of

Focus information

Defines Significant • Clearly defines significant area of interest with requires

areas investigation and saves time.

• It is the fundamental core of research project of research.

Fundamental core of Study, review, methodology, guides all stages of inquiry,
research project analysis and reporting

Dr. S. DEEPAPRIYA, M,Sc., M,Phil.(MATHS),M,Sc.,Ph.,D.(STATS), 07/24/2021

How to develop strong research question

Background question Foreground question

Root question PICO FINER

• What Problem • Treatment of INTEREST • INTERESTING
• When • Control • NOVEL
• how • RELEVENT

Dr. S. DEEPAPRIYA, M,Sc., M,Phil.(MATHS),M,Sc.,Ph.,D.(STATS), 07/24/2021

Definition of hypothesis

• Means tentative or subject to the

• Means composition of two or more
variables which are to be verified

• Means statement about solution of the

• Means position of these variables inn the
specific frame of reference

Dr. S. DEEPAPRIYA, M,Sc., M,Phil.(MATHS),M,Sc.,Ph.,D.(STATS), 07/24/2021


The hypothesis is a prediction, but it involves more than a guess. Most of the time, the hypothesis begins
with a question which is then explored through background research.

 Explain what you expect to happen

 Be clear and understandable
 Be testable
 Be measureable
 Consist of an independent and dependent variable
 Most of the time, the hypothesis begins with a question which is then explored through background

Dr. S. DEEPAPRIYA, M,Sc., M,Phil.(MATHS),M,Sc.,Ph.,D.(STATS), 07/24/2021

Nature of hypothesis

Pivot of scientific research Declarative form

Relationship/Directionall Future oriented

Dr. S. DEEPAPRIYA, M,Sc., M,Phil.(MATHS),M,Sc.,Ph.,D.(STATS), 07/24/2021

Importance of hypothesis

Investigator's eye

Focuses research

Clear and specific

Links together

Prevents blind research

Guiding light

Dr. S. DEEPAPRIYA, M,Sc., M,Phil.(MATHS),M,Sc.,Ph.,D.(STATS), 07/24/2021

Functions of hypothesis

 It is a temporary solution to the problem

 It sensitizes the investigator to the major aspects to be considered i.e., goals, tools sample,
design etc..
 Each hypothesis provides the investigation with definite statement which may be
objectively tested and accepted or rejected and leads to interpreting results ad drawing
conclusion that is related to original purpose.
 It delimits field of the investigation
 In research work, a hypothesis is needed to clarify the issue at stake and to crystallize the
problem for investigation
 A hypothesis serves as a powerful bacon that lights the way for the research worker….

Dr. S. DEEPAPRIYA, M,Sc., M,Phil.(MATHS),M,Sc.,Ph.,D.(STATS), 07/24/2021

Formulation of hypothesis
Background knowledge

Versatile intellect
A researcher may deduce
hypotheses inductively after Analogy and other practices
making observation of behavior, The researcher proceeds to
noticing trends or probable deduce a hypothesis from this
relationships. theory through symbolic logic or Analogies also lead the researcher
mathematics.. This is possible to clues that he may find useful in
only when the researcher has a formulation of hypotheses and
versatile intellect and can make finding solutions to problems.
use of it for restructuring his

Dr. S. DEEPAPRIYA, M,Sc., M,Phil.(MATHS),M,Sc.,Ph.,D.(STATS), 07/24/2021

Formation of hypothesis

 A hypothesis often follows a basic format of "If {this happens} then {this will
happen}." One way to structure your hypothesis is to describe what will happen
to the dependent variable if you make changes to the independent variable.

 The basic format might be: "If {these changes are made to a certain independent
variable}, then we will observe {a change in a specific dependent variable}."

Dr. S. DEEPAPRIYA, M,Sc., M,Phil.(MATHS),M,Sc.,Ph.,D.(STATS), 07/24/2021

A few examples:
 "Students who eat breakfast will perform better on a math exam than students who do
not eat breakfast.“
 "Students who experience test anxiety prior to an English exam will get higher scores
than students who do not experience test anxiety."​
 "Motorists who talk on the phone while driving will be more likely to make errors on
a driving course than those who do not talk on the phone.“
 "People with high-stress levels will be more likely to contract a common cold after
being exposed to the virus than people who have low-stress levels."

Dr. S. DEEPAPRIYA, M,Sc., M,Phil.(MATHS),M,Sc.,Ph.,D.(STATS), 07/24/2021

Stay Home Stay Safe!!!
Wash Your Hands Often!!!
Use the Mask to cover nose and mouth!!!
Dr. S. DEEPAPRIYA, M,Sc., M,Phil.(MATHS),M,Sc.,Ph.,D.(STATS), 07/24/2021

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