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Natural Disaster Management System Using IOT

Presented by
K . Laya [17F21A0451]
V . Gunasree [17F21A0427]
D. Hemalatha [17F21A0432]
S. Baba Fakruddin [17F21A0407]

Supervisor :
Mr. P.Surya Prakash Reddy M.Tech.,
Assistant professor
Dept of E.C.E
GATES Institute of Technology

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Permanently Affiliated to JNTUA & Accredited by NAAC)
Gootyanantapuram (V), Gooty-515401, Anantapur (Dist.), A.P.
• Introduction
• Problem statement
• Objective
• Literature Review
• Existing method
• Proposed method
• System Architecture
• Implementation
• Software
• Advantages
• Conclusion
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Disasters cannot be predicted but the least that one can do
is to be prepared for it. Many disastrous events are cordially
involved with the momentum of nature , the system
proposed in this paper is an advanced solution for
monitoring the natural disasters at a particular place and
make the information visible anywhere in the world.
Technology has its own limitations but has the potential to
aid in relief operations planning , management and analysis
for long term disaster management .The IOT technology
available today is quite mature and has the potential to be
very useful in disaster situations. Disaster management
planning depends heavily on the topology climatic
conditions , habitat etc .

 The main aim of the paper is to design and implement an

effective monitoring system through which the required
parameters are monitored remotely using internet and data
gathered from the sensors are stored in the cloud and
project the estimated trend on the web browser.
Problem Statement
 The issue of predicting of the natural disaster like Tsunami
is highly impossible .The Internet of Things (IoT) enabled a
solution by using sensors at different locations to gather the
info regarding climatic conditions . An IoT based monitoring
system mainly aims at monitoring the coordinates of the earth
and water levels i.e., any parameter value crossing the
threshold value ranges . The solution also provides an
intelligent remote monitoring for a particular area of interest.
 The main objective of the proposed system consists of a
microcontroller and a capacitive sensor to detect the Tsunami
occurrence . The system deals with monitoring and
controlling the conditions like floods , earthquakes with
sensors and sends the information to the webpage as well as
alerts through SMS and then plot the sensor data as graphical
statistics . The data updated from the implemented system can
be accessible in the internet from anywhere in the world.
Literature Review
Author : Elizabeth A . Basha
Year : 2008
Name of the Paper : Model-Based Monitoring for Early Warning
Flood detection
Description : Predictive environmental sensor networks provide

complex engineering and systems challenges. These systems must

withstand the event of interest, remain functional over long time
periods when no events occur. utilizing prediction models that are not
typically designed for sensor networks.
Limitations :
• Our system uses only a small number of nodes to cover basins of
1000-10000 square km2

• This architecture mainly depends on prediction which cannot be

true all the time.
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Literature Review
Author : M . Ancona et al.,
Year : 2014
Name of the Paper : On the design of an intelligent sensor network
for flash food monitoring,diagnosis and
management in urban areas position paper. Description :We propose an
intelligent sensor system based on a new sensing methodology, relying
also on 3D map reconstruction techniques, for computing with high
precision, in real-time and without human intervention the parameters
needed for stream-flow computation: water levels, morphology of the
streams of all potentially flooded areas by each controlled stream. This
system will be able to diagnose the health state of the controlled
environment and to define specialized alarm levels for each potentially
interested area that will be used to alert all citizens (ubiquity) locally
present (alerting locality).
• Storing of data in cloud cannot be done.
• The system only includes alarming.
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Literature Review

 Author : Qinggong Ma , Bo yang.

 Year : 2017
 Name of the Paper : Application of Internet of Things in Urban
Flooding Prevention Management System.

 Description : This paper aims to realize the extensive application of Internet

of things technology in urban water logging prevention management
system, and has analyzed the security requirement and security architecture
of Internet of things technology. There is visual management for emergency
command and dispatch, and at the same time, the drainage pipe network
assessment management can be conducted correctly.

 Limitations:
Accuracy is not efficient since visual monitoring is done.
Complex in Operation and cost is high.
Existing Method

• At present there exists a method of simply detecting the

variations in the water level and sending the alerts
• But as natural disasters are very unusual it needs very
accurate monitoring and showing the variations in water
level at very frequent intervals of time.
• So it requires continuous monitoring and displaying the
variations in water level position of surface with respect
to threshold voltage.

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Proposed Method
 The technology behind this is Internet of Things(IoT),
which is an advanced and efficient solution for
connecting the thigs to the internet and to connect the
entire world.

 The detection section of the proposed system consists

of a microcontroller(NODEMCU) and a capacitive
sensor to detect the Tsunami occurrence and a water
sensor to detect the changes in water level at a
particular area.

 The data updated from the implemented system can

be accessible in the internet from anywhere in the
world by the officials and rescue hubs to take actions.
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Fig: Proposed Model
System Architecture
This system consists of a microcontroller(Atmel SAM3X8E ARM
Cortex-M3 CPU) as a main processing unit for the entire system and all
the sensor and devices can be connected with the microcontroller.

The sensors can be operated by the microcontroller to retrieve the data

from them and it processes the analysis with the sensor data and
updates it to the internet through Wi-Fi module connected to it.

NodeMCU ESP8266 : The NodeMCU ESP8266 development board

comes with the ESP-12E module containing
ESP8266 chip having Tensilica Xtensa 32-bit LX106
RISC microprocessor.
• This microprocessor supports RTOS and operates at 80MHZ to
160MHZ adjustable clock frequency.
• NodeMCU has 128 KB RAM and 4MB of flash memory to store data
and programs.
• Its high processing power with in-built WI-FI/Bluetooth and deep
sleep operating features make it deal for IoT projects.
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NodeMCU can be powered using Micro USB jack and VIN
(External supply pin).
• It suppports UART, SPI , and I2C interface.
• Operating Voltage: 3.3V
• Input Voltage: 7-12V
• Digital I/O Pins (DIO): 16
• Analog Input Pins (ADC): 1
• UARTs: 1
• SPIs: 1
• I2Cs: 1
• Flash Memory: 4 MB
• SRAM: 64 KB
• Clock Speed: 80 MHz
• USB-TTL based on CP2102 is included onboard, Enabling Plug n
• PCB Antenna
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Sensors : The system consists of Accelerometer and water sensor.
• This 2 sensors will measure the primary factors like coordinates
of the earth and water levels.

• Water sensor mainly comprised of three parts :

1. Electronic connector
2.1 Mega ohm resistor
3. Several lines of conducting wires.
• Voltage of water sensor is 5v.
• Current of water sensor is <20mA.

The ADXL335 is an integrated circuit sensor that can be

used to measure coordinates of the earth with an
electrical output . If the coordinates exceeds threshold
then an alert will send and vice versa.., The
accelerometer is shown in Fig3. The measuring range is
+/-3g. The ADXL335 produces values over a range of
+325 to -274(x,y,z) .

Water Sensor:

Water sensor is designed for water

detection, which can be widely used in
sensing the rainfall, water level, even the
liquid leakage. The sensor mainly
comprised of three parts:
An Electronic connector, a 1 MΩ resistor,
and several lines of bare conducting wires.
working voltage is 5v and working current
is <20mA.

Based on the framework shown in figure 2, we have

identified a suitable implementation model that consists of
different sensor devices and other modules, their
functionalities are shown in figure 3.In this
implementation model we used Arduino DUE board with
modules as embedded device for sensing and storing the
data in cloud as well as sending SMS. Arduino DUE board
consist of analog input pins (A0-A11), digital output pins
(D0-D53), inbuilt ADC and modules connects the
embedded device to internet. Sensors are connected to
Arduino DUE board for monitoring, ADC will convert the
corresponding sensor reading to its digital value and from
that value the corresponding parameters will be evaluated.
Fig : Schematic diagram of implementation model
• Thing Speak is often used for prototyping and proof-of-
concept IoT systems that require analytics.

• With Thing Speak, you can store and analyze data in the
cloud without configuring web servers, and you can create
sophisticated event-based email alerts that trigger based
on data coming in from your connected devices.

• You first need to create an account with your email

address and then proceed.
 Ubidots is an platform empowering innovators and industries to
prototype and scale IoT projects to production.
 Use the Ubidots platform to send data to the cloud from any
internet-enabled device.
 We can then configure actions and alerts based on your real-
time data and unlock the value of your data through visual tools.
 Ubidots offers a RESET API that allows you to read and write
data to the resources available.
 The API supports both HTTP and HTTPS and an API key is
 Data will be protected with two more replication , encrypted
 Their alert nature able to respond effectively and
efficiently which defend the society from large scale

 Cost efficiency.

 Construction of system is simpler.

 Helpful in getting life back on track.

 According to this project we can implement inexpensive
wireless sensor network components to detect floods
and send alert to the people residing across the coastal
line of a country. Adoption of new techniques could
reduce the chances of losing human lives as well as
damage to large-scale infrastructures due to both natural
and human-made disasters. IoT, which allows seamless
interconnection among heterogeneous devices with
diverse functionality, is a viable solution for disaster
management. By applying data analytics and artificial
intelligence tools, IoT-enabled disaster management
systems are used for early warning about the mishap.
Since the impact of any disaster is enormous, the IoT-
enabled disaster management system can be applied to
find the victim and possible rescue operations.

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