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Akashdeep Rawat (C-10) Dr. Naval Lawande

Akhil M Vijayan (C-11)

Pushpendra Kumar (C-39)

Shambhavi Singh (C-52)

Shashank Rajkar (C-53)

Riya (C-78)

Avina Makadia (C-81)

What is attitude?

Attitudes are evaluative statements or judgments concerning things,, people, or events around us.

Our attitude towards things define our action/approach towards a thing or a task.

Attitude can be described as a tendency to react positively or negatively to a person or circumstances.

Different factors that can influence attitudes are social factors, family, Past experiences, Media, Religious
Believes, Economic Status and Occupations, etc.

Basically Attitude has 3 components-

Cognitive Component- Attitude based on knowledge or information.

Affective Component- Attitude based on Emotional and feelings

Behavioural component- Intention to behave certain way towards

Nature of Attitude
Identifying with a
particular organization
and its goals, and wishing
ASPECTS OF VALENCE- the degree of
to maintain membership in
favorableness or unfavorableness the organization
toward the event

Job Involvement:
Identifying with the
element constituting the attitude job, actively
Types of participating in it,
and considering
Attitude performance
RELATION TO NEED ASPECT- vary in important to self
relation to needs they serve worth.
Job Satisfaction:
A collection of
positive / negative
CENTRALITY ASPECT- importance of feelings that an
attitude object to someone individual holds
towards his / her job
Job Satisfaction
1. Appreciation for your work
2. Good relationships with colleagues
3. Good work-life balance
4. Good relationships with superiors
5. Company's financial stability
6. Learning and career development
7. Job security
8. Attractive fixed salary
9. Interesting job content
10. Company values P.s. if you feel dissatisfied then Himalayas is
always the answer. ;)
job involvement
1. It is a degree to which a person identifies with a job, active participation, & consider performance important to self-worth.

2. Employees who feels that they can change the working environment, their competence, the meaningfulness of their job, and
their perceived autonomy are showing high levels of psychological empowerment.

3. Research suggests two types of organizational factors that tend to promote job involvement and motivate effort toward
achievement of organizational goals: psychological climate such as psychological safety, meaningfulness. and human
resource policies and practices such as hiring selectively, training, rewards, sharing information, & self-managed teams.
Organisational Commitment
Organizational commitment is an individual's psychological attachment to the organization.

Theory of organizational commitment

According to this theory, there are three distinct components of organizational commitment Three-
Component Model (TCM):

1. Affective commitment
2. Continuance commitment
3. Normative commitment
Type of Organisational Commitment

My job is rewarding
and I enjoy coming
WANT to work

My salary and
benefits can NEED
fulfill my needs

My boss has
OUGHT invested time in me

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