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● To get to know each other.

● To get familiar with the test’s parts.
● To diagnose your English proficiency.
Getting to know you

● Introduce yourself, include: Name, nationality, location, likes,


● Why do you need/ want the TOEFL test for?

● What are your strengths in terms of English?

● What are your weaknesses in terms of English?

What is the test about?
The total test takes about 3 hours to complete, but you should plan for 3½ hours, allowing 30
minutes for check in.
Let’s diagnose your English level
We will start with a reading exercise.
Directions: Read the passage. Give yourself 20 minutes to complete this practice set.
Title: The Rise of Teotihuacán

1. What do you think is the reading about?

2. Apply the tips during the reading
3. What was challenging in this exercise?
4. What would you do differently
Listening Practice

1. Directions: Listen to Track 1. Give yourself 10 minutes to complete this practice

2. Directions: Answer the questions.
Speaking Practice 1

Directions: You will now be asked to give your opinion about a familiar topic. Give yourself
15 seconds to prepare your response. Then record yourself speaking for 45 seconds.

Preparation Time: 15 seconds

Response Time: 45 seconds
Writing Practice 1

Directions: Give yourself 3 minutes to read the passage.

Reading Time: 3 minutes
Directions: Give yourself 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response is judged
on the quality of the writing and on how well it presents the points in the lecture and their
relationship to the reading passage. Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.
You may view the reading passage while you respond.

Response time: 20 minutes
Reading Strategy

● What are reading strategies?

● What are they useful for?
● Which reading strategies do you know?
Reading Tips
Good timing and the ability to pace yourself will be the key factors to optimize your score.

Tip #1: Adapt your strategy to your skills and stick to timing. How fast can you read the text without
overlooking too much information? Practice beforehand.

Tip #2: While preparing, read the whole text without looking up the words you don’t know so you can
emulate exam conditions. Wait until the end of the text to search for definitions.

Tip #3: Read every single answer option even though you may already know the correct one. Read the
passage carefully because every correct answer will be supported by the passage.

Tip #6: When encountering an unfamiliar word, continue reading and deduce the meaning of the word
from the context.

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