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The killer
Prepared by : srividya
• Define cholera
• History
• Vibrio cholerea
• Physiology
• How it effect Human
• Transmission
• Symptoms
• Treatment
• Vaccine
• Conclusion
What is cholera?

• Cholera is an acute intestinal

infection that occurs when a
certain bacteria is ingested.

• This disease is hard to

• Filippo pacini
discovered cholera in 1854.

• He discovered and studied the bacterial with a microscope.

• Robert koch
Travaled a group of German colleagues from
Berlin to Alexandria, Egypt In August, 1883.

• Found bacillus in the intestinal mucosa in person who died of

Origin of cholera
• Origins from India, cases reported in 1563
• About 7 pandemics are indicated in world:
• 1817 - 1823 : First pandemic
• 1829 - 1850 : Second pandemic
• 1852 - 1860 : Third pandemic*pacini
• 1863 - 1879 : Fourth pandemic
• 1881- 1896 : Fifth pandemic*conclusively by Koch
• 1899 - 1923 : Sixth pandemic
• 1961 - 1975 : Seventh pandemic.
• According to the WHO, 56,958 Cases of cholera were reported in 2007.
• Though cholera has been around for many centuries, the disease came to prominence in the 19 th century, when a
lethal outbreak occurred in India. There have since been numerous outbreaks and seven global pandemics of
cholera. Each year, cholera infects 1.3 to 4 million people around the world, killing 21,000 to 143,000 people,
according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
Vibrio cholerae

• Kingdom:Bacteria
• Phylum:proteobacterea
• Class:Gama proteobacterea
• Order:vibreonales
• Family:vibrionacea
• Genus:vibreo
• Species:Vibrio cholera

• Curved rods,comma shaped

• Motile via polar flagellum
• Facultative anaerobic
• About 1.4 – 2.6úm
• No capsulated, no sporing
• Gram negative bacteria
• pH (6-10)
• Temperature (18-37°c)
How it effects human?
• Cholera Is not a
contagious disease:we
can’t “catch” Cholera.

• Vibrio cholerea is transmitted by:

• Drinking contaminated water
• Eating raw or undercooked foods
The symptoms of cholera
include :
• Diarrhea
• Dehydration
• Irritability
• Drowainess
• Dry/shriveled skin
• Vascular collapse
• An irregular heart beat
Where is cholera most common?
• Cholera is more • Cholera is most
prevalent in common in low
areas where a income areas
natural disaster and in 3rd world
has occurred. countries.
What is the mortality incidence of
• If left untreated, cholera has a 25-50% mortality rate.

• Treatment reduces this to less than 1%.

• In 1885, Spanish physician Jaime Ferrán, who studied under Koch’s rival
Louis Pasteur, became the first to create a cholera vaccine. He did so after
cultivating Vibrio cholerae and working with the live germs.

• The FDA recently approved a single-dose live oral cholera vaccine called
Vaxchora® (lyophilized CVD 103-HgR) in the United States. The
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted to approve
the vaccine for adults 18 – 64 years old who are traveling to an area of
active cholera transmission.
• There is a vaccine for cholera,
but it only gives you 25% to
50% immunity from the
Oral rehydration salts
• Up to 80% of cases can be treated through this.

Intravenous fluids(Ringer lactate)

• For severe cases.

Antimicrobial Therapy
• Can diminish duration of diarrhea, reduce volume
of rehydration fluids needed, and shorten duration
of v. Cholera excretion.
• Basic health education and hygiene
• Chemoprophylaxis
• Privision of safe water and sanitation
• The bacterium doesn’t like acid environment
“block with acid water and acid food.......
Thank you

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