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Piping Design (General)

Part 2

Prepared by: Engr. Ahmed Ali

Outline of Presentation

1. Calculation of pipe wall thickness

2. Different types of piping (CS, SS, PVC, CPVC,PE, GRP)
and joints
3. Process Plant Layout

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Choices of standards

Clients: Available standards


Industry/Sector: Specific applications:

Desalination, Oil and Gas, High pressure, high
Petrochemical temperature, cryogenic,
hazardous fluids

Example: SWCC>Desalination>Saudi Arabia>Process/Power

Plant>High Temperature and Pressure = ASME

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ASME design standards

1. Pipelines:
B31.4 Liquid Transportation Pipelines
B31.8 Gas Transportation Pipelines
B31.11 Slurry Transportation Pipelines
2. Piping:
B31.1 Power Piping
B31.3 Process Piping
B31.5 Refrigeration Piping
B31.9 Building Services Piping
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1. Calculation of pipe wall thickness

Commonly used standards

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B31.3 and B31.1 Scopes:

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Design Basis

P = Internal design gage pressure P = Internal design gage pressure

D = Outside diameter of pipe D = Outside diameter of pipe
S = Stress value of material from Table A-1 SE = Stress and weld joint efficiency value (shall not
exceed than that given in Mandatory Appendix A
E = Quality factor from Table A-1B
y = Coefficient from Table 104.1.2(A)
W = Weld joint strength reduction factor (Table
302.3.5) A = additional thickness
Y = Coefficient from Table 304.1.1

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Thickness calculation according to B31.3

1st step: List down the inputs

2nd step: Get the allowable stress value from the specified table
3rd step: Get the values of quality factor, strength reduction factor and wall
thickness coefficient from the specified tables
4th step: Apply the Code formula, the result will be “calculated thickness”
5th step: Check B36.10 or B36.19 (according to material) to select schedule
of pipe based on the calculated thickness then take 12% (or as per applicable
mill tolerance) of selected schedule/thickness; the result to be added to the
calculated thickness. Then to this sum add corrosion allowance (if applicable)
to finally get the required thickness.
6th Step: Again check B36.10 or B36.19 and select the schedule of pipe
which is slightly higher than required thickness. This is how we determine
schedule of pipe.

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Internal design gage pressure = 4500 kpa

Design temperature = 250°C
Pipe size = DN 200
Material = Carbon Steel
Spec: A53 Grade B
Electric resistant welded
Corrosion allowance = 3mm

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