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How to improve personal

communication and reduce

conflict with your boss ,your co-
workers , and others.
1-What is the conflict sample word and behavior cases.
The Content
2- Why communication skills are important.
3-Tips for improve communication.
4- How to handle conflict in the workplace.
5- Thing to do can improve your communication skills.
6-How to be an effective interpersonal communicator be between
managers and co-workers.
7- Strategies to reduce conflict with our boss.
8- Recommendation.
Conflict in the workplace is inevitable: opposite personalities clash,
stress is prevalent, perceptions of situations vary, and viewpoints
differ—all of which contribute to tension and disagreement. Knowing
how to manage these situations effectively is key to keeping
productivity and morale high.
Avoiding conflict or mismanaging it comes at a high cost to
organizations. "Unfortunately, employees and managers tend to avoid
conflict because they either don’t want to deal with it or they aren’t
properly trained to do so corporate and organizational communication
program. “Their instinct is to default to the human resources
department even though they shouldn’t. It’s an avoidance mechanism .
Conflict is defined as a clash between individuals arising out
What is a conflict simple words and behavior cases

of a difference in thought process, attitudes, understanding,

interests, requirements and even sometimes perceptions. A
conflict results in heated arguments, physical abuses and
definitely loss of peace and harmony.
And behavior actions that stem from encountering two
contrastive inspirational conditions simultaneously. It
frequently takes place as an outcome of an approach-
avoidance dispute.
Why communication skills are
Tips for improve communication

1- Record your self communicating.

2-improve your listening.
3-seek out resources that aid in emotional development.
4-get better at understanding non-verbal communication.
5-prioritize communication skill development.
6-make eye contact.
7-ensure you are understood.
1. Address issues immediately and openly.
2. Set
How clear conflict
to handle expectations.
in the workplace.
3. Build listening skills.
4. Recognize and respect personal differences.
5-talk with the other person.
6-listen carefully.
7-identify points of agreement and disagreement.
improve our
Thing to do can improve your communication skills
1. Learn the basics of nonverbal communication.
2. Ask for honest feedback
3. Start and end with key points
4. Record important presentations for posterity
5. Master the art of timing.
6. Get comfortable speaking extemporaneously.
7. Get to know your audience
8. Focus on earning respect instead of laughs.
9. Be a listener
Resolving Conflict Begins with
 It verifies the content
 let the speaker finish speaking first
 If the speaker indicates you misunderstood, ask them to repeat

~ Don’t overuse paraphrasing

How to Be an Effective Interpersonal
Communicator between managers and co-workers
1. Don't show negative body language
- Eye contact avoiding
- maintaining overly strong eye contact
- Crossing arms and bad posture
- watching the clock and checking your fingernails
2. Do not interrupt the other person
3. Actively listen
4. Think before you speak, also raise and lower your voice in the suitable time to
make the conversation more interesting and effective.
5. Don't be defensive or attacking – be neutral
6. Don't deviate
7. Be confident of your ideas
8. Be open to receiving feedback
9. Use the right communication method
10. Shake hands firmly!
11- timing
Strategies to reduce conflict with your
1) Understand your supervisor’s expectations
2) prepare an agenda for every meeting and address the conflict in most simple and
straight forward way .
3) explain the problem and leave your emotions out of the discussion
4) define in advance how you would like the problem to be resolved
5) listen to your supervisor’s viewpoint and brainstorm about mutually beneficial
6) put important agreements in writing
7) always follow up and be updated until the end of the deal.
1-Improve workplace environment.
-Invest in the physical environment.
-Show appreciation and support.
-Facilitate social interaction.
-Encourage work-life balance.
2-creating opportunities for training and development.
3-providing concrete rewards.
4-allow flexible work arrangements.
5-practice active listening.
-Effective communicators are always good listeners. Active listening means
engaging with what people say by giving affirmative replies and asking follow-up
questions to show that you are paying attention.
6-practice public speaking.
-Public speaking may sound daunting, but there’s no better way to develop good communication skills than by
seeking out public speaking opportunities.
Great communicators are able to clearly articulate their feelings, whether they’re speaking to a large group or
talking face-to-face to one other person.
Thank you..
Presented By :

 Yahia Abubaker
 Omer Kamal
 Musab Yahia
 Salma Abdelhaleem
 Emtenan Amer Mohammed
 Mohammed Kamal Abd Al Majid
 Mohammed Khider Ali

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