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Presented By :
Nursing tutor
The biological cycle in a woman are controlled
by the hypothalamus.
 It governs the anterior pituitary gland by hormonal
 The anterior pituitary gland in turn governs the
ovaries by hormones.
 The hormones produced in the ovaries control
changes in the uterus.
 All the changes occur simultaneously and
 A women’s mood may chnge along with the cycle
and emotional influences can alter the cycle.
• The ovarian cortex at the birth contains
about 2,00,000 primordial follicles.
• From the puberty onwards certain
follicles enlarges and one matures each
month to liberate an ovum.
• A mature ovarian follicles is called
graafian follicle.
Graafian Follicle
 The ovum is situated at on end of graafian follicle
and is encircled by the narrow priviteline space.
 Surrounded by innermost layer of corona radiata,
called zona pallucida.
 The whole follicle is lined with granulosa cells
and contains follicular fluid.
 Around the outer coat of the follicle surrounded
by theca cells.

The graafian follicle grows and matures to a size of 10-12 mm under
the infuence of Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and later
Lutenizing hormone.
It moves to the surface of ovary and finally protrudes above it.
At the same time it swells and ruptures to release the ovum into
fimbriated end of the fallopian tube. This is called ovulation.
Ovulation occurs on 14th day of 28th day cycle or 14 days befiore
menstruation in any cycle.
A small loss of blood into the peritoneal cavity occurs at this time,
which is termed as mittelschemerz. Some women feel pain at these
The empty follicle is known as corpus luteum (yellow body).
Corpus Luteum
 After ovulation, the follicle collapses. Over the next 14
days it goes through the stages of proliferation,
vascularization, maturity and regression, and becomes
an irregular yellow structure.
 If fertilization does not take place, the corpus luteum
will atrophy and become the corpus albicans (white
body) which is it the corpus luteum of menstruation.
 If fertilization take place, it develops into corpus
luteum of pregnancy due to surge of hypweplasia.
 In the absence of pregnancy, the corpus albicans gets
broken down and completely reabsorbed.
 The production of luteinizing hormone starts a few
days after few days.
 Rising estrogen causes a surge in both FSH and LH
levels resulting in the rupture of a follicle called
 Levels of both both hormones then fall repidly.
 If no pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum
degenerates after 14 days.
 The negative feedback effect of progesterone
dcreases; FSH and LH levels rise again and begin a
new cycle.
The hypothalamus synthesizes and releases the gonadotropin-
releasing hormone (GnRH).
 It reaches the pituitary through portal circulation and causes
the releases of FHS and LH.
 Follicle stimulating hormone causes graafian follicles to
develop and enlarge one of them more than all other each
 It stimulates the granulosa cells and theca to secrete estrogen.
 The level of FSH rises during first half of the cycle and when
estrogen level reaches a certain point its production decreases.
 The granulosa cells and theca of ovaries, under the
influence of FSH produce this hormone.
 It comprises several compounds including estradiol,
estriol and estrone.
 This hormone is responsible for secondary sex
characteristics such as :
• Growth of breast and uterus
• Production of cervical mucus & Hair distribution in female
• During menstrual cycle estrogen causes the proliferation of
the uterine endometrium.
 Progesterone is produced by the corpus luteum under
the influence of LH.
 It acts only on the tissues, which has been previously
affected by estrogen.
 During the second half of the cycle, it causes secretory
changes in the lining of the uterus as the endometrium
develops more glands and become highly vascularised
for the possible arrival of fertilized ovum.
 It causes the body temperature of the women rise by
0.5 degrees after ovulation and causing tingling and
sense of fullness in the breast prior to the menstruation.
 It causes the body temperature of the
women rise by 0.5 degrees after ovulation
and causing tingling and sense of fullness
in the breast prior to the menstruation.
This hormone is secreted in the corpus
luteum and it is at its maximum level after
38 weeks of pregnancy.
 It relaxes the pelvic gridle, softens the
cervix and suppresses uterine contractions.
The hormone is produced in the
anterior pituitary gland.
 It does not play a role in the control of
ovarian hormones.
 If produced in excessive amounts, It will
inhibit the ovulation that is the natural
phenomenon during lactation.
 Menstruation refers to the monthly discharge of the
blood and other substances through the vagina from
the uterus in nonpregnant adult females.
 Although every women has an individual cycle of
menstruation, which varies in length.
 The average cycle is taken to be 28 days long and
reoccurs from puberty to menopause expect when
pregnancy confirmed.
During a life of women, the endometrium
is shed and degenerated no fewer then
400 times.
The menstrual cycle occur in four phases
and they affect the tissue structure of the
endometrium in response to ovarian
 The first day of the cycle is the day on
which the menstruation begins.
oEarly Proliferative Phase:
 This phase follows the menstruation and
last up to the 9 days (5-9). The glands are
narrow and endometrium is less then 2cm
 Under the control of estrogen regrowth
and thickening of endometrium begins.
oLate proliferative phase:

The proliferative phase continuous up to
14 days until ovulation.

The endometrium in this phase is thicker,
due to glandular hyperplasia.

At the completion of this phase the
endometrium consist of three layers.
The basal layer – This lies just above
the myometrium, about 1mm in
thickness. This layer does not undergo
any change during the menstrual cycle
and it contains the rudimentary structures
for building up new endometrium.
The compact layer – This contains tubular
glands of about 2.5mm in thickness. This
layers constantly according to the influences
of ovarian hormone.
The spongy layer - This has cuboidal
ciliated epithelium and covers the functional
oThe Secretary Phase:
This follows ovulation and is under
the influence of progesterone and
estrogen from the corpus luteum.
This phase last up to the 26 days.
The functional layer thickens 3.5 mm
and becomes highly vascularised and
rich in glycogen.
oThe Premenstrual Phase:
It corresponds to the regression of the
corpus luteum and decline in the
levels of ovarian hormones and lasts
from day 27 to 28.
o The Menstrual Phase:
 This phase is characterized by vaginal
bleeding and lasts for 3-5 days.
 The endometrium is shed up to the basal layer
along with the blood and fertilized ovum.
 Bleeding stops when the arteries to a state of
 The amount of blood flow is about 25 to 60 ml
for each menstruation.

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