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definitions – types – functions

… a presentation by jamil syed


Advertising is the activity of attracting public

attention to a product or business by paid
announcement in print, broadcast or any
other medium

… a presentation by jamil syed


Advertising is paid form of nonpersonal message

communicated through various media – It is
persuasive and informational, and is essentially
designed to influence the purchasing behavior
and thought patterns of target audience

… a presentation by jamil syed

accepted definition

Advertising is a nonpersonal communication

of information, usually paid for, and usually
persuasive in nature, about products,
services and ideas by identified sponsors
through various media

… a presentation by jamil syed

understanding the definition

• Nonpersonal as compared to personal, i.e., Direct,

one-on-one. It is directed towards groups of
people and not an individual

•Communication uses any number of the five

senses – but mostly two

•Information can be complete, incomplete, or

relevantly complete

… a presentation by jamil syed


• By Target Audience
• By Coverage
• By Media
• By Purpose

… a presentation by jamil syed

types – By Target Audience

• Consumer
• Business
o Individual
o Trade
o Professional

… a presentation by jamil syed

types – By Coverage
• International
• National
• Regional
• Local

… a presentation by jamil syed

types – By Media

• Print
• Broadcast
• Out of Home
o Billboards, Posters, Terminals, Stations, POS, Shop Signs
o Transit – Busses, Trains, Cabs

• Direct Mail
• Directories
• Internet

… a presentation by jamil syed

types – By Purpose

•Product or non-product
•Commercial or non-commercial
• Primary demand or selective demand
• Direct action or indirect action

… a presentation by jamil syed


• To differentiate products from competition

• To communicate product information – features,
benefits, value, image
• To urge and induce product use
• To expand product distribution by creating
• To increase brand preference and brand loyalty
• To enhance brand equity

… a presentation by jamil syed


The Communication Process

• Source – message – encoding – medium –

audience – decoding – noise – feedback

… a presentation by jamil syed


The Communication Process in Advertising

• Sending a promotional message to target

audience is called marketing communication. It
moves customers along a continuum from
awareness to satisfaction in six phases. This is
also called The Hierarchy of Effects Model

… a presentation by jamil syed

hierarchy of effect model

• Awareness
• Comprehension
• Acceptance
• Preference
• Ownership
• Reinforcement

… a presentation by jamil syed

planning process

• Analyzing the current situation

• Defining the audience
• Developing marketing goals and marketing plan
• Developing advertising goals and advertising plan
• Deciding and agreeing on a budget
• Deciding and executing creative strategy
• Drawing an effective media strategy
• Evaluating advertising effectiveness

… a presentation by jamil syed

Thank You

… a presentation by jamil syed

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