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Training presentation

Copyright: Shell International Ltd 2007
Safety Moment
What are Hydrates?

• Natural Gas Hydrates (clathrates) are crystalline

compounds formed by water with natural gases
and associated liquids.
• The hydrates are solid ice-like crystals composed
of cages of water molecules surrounding
hydrocarbon gas molecules such as methane,
ethane, propane, etc.
Why hydrates are important?

• Hydrates can block any type of flow line,

production tubing, and pipeline.
• Hydrates can form at much higher temperature
than 32°F (formation temp. of ice)
• Hydrate blockages can occur very rapidly
Methane Hydrate Structure

Methane gas molecules

trapped inside hydrogen-
bonded water molecules.
How Hydrates are Formed?

• Water is actually a loosely formed group of molecules with spaces

between. When the spaces are filled with other molecules such as
hydrocarbon gases [methane] (C1), ethane (C2), propane (C3), and
butane (n-C4 and i- C4) and /or impurities [nitrogen (N2), carbon
dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen sulphide (H2S)], crystals will form
and the mixture becomes solid. Gas molecules can occupy those
spaces under the right conditions of temperature and pressure
based on solubility of the gas in water. All gases will dissolve to
some degree in water at normal temperatures and under
atmospheric pressure conditions.
Hydrate Formation

• Hydrates form from free water

condensed in the gas stream at
or below its water dew point.
• Hydrate formation will not
occur if any one of the three
required elements symbolized
here are altered.
Primary Conditions Promoting Formation of Gas
• Gas at or below its water dew-point
• Low temperature
• High pressure
• High velocity
• Presence of H2S and CO2
Operating Conditions Promoting Formation of
Gas Hydrates
• Hydrate formation at constant pressure caused by
sudden drop of temperature
• Sudden expansion will be accompanied by a
temperature drop resulting in hydrate formation
Gas Hydrates Formation Line

• Hydrates formation lines for

methane and different gravity
Hydrate Formation
Pressure-Temperature curves for
predicting hydrate
formation in gases with specific gravity
of 0.6, 0.75 and 1.00
Low Temperature and High Pressures
favour Hydrate Formation
Hydrate in Pipelines

• Hydrate formation is a major hazard in pipelines that

carry wet gas. Pockets of water will form in low points of
the line, where hydrates can form.
• For pipelines that carry wet gas and traverse changing
elevations, hydrates can form at any elevation change
where pockets of water lie.
Where can Hydrate Form?
• Hydrates can form in any segment of an operating system:
• Down hole in wells – Well tubing & Casing
• Gathering systems -
• Flow lines; and
• Above or below ground horizontal, vertical or any slant
Hydrate Prevention
• Line Heaters and Insulated/heat Traced Lines Will Keep
the Temperature of Flowing Gas Above the Hydrate
Formation Temperature
• Glycol Dehydrators Will Remove Water Vapour From the
Gas Stream
• Line depressurisation for long shutdown periods.
• Determine Safe Shut-in Periods for Lines to Avoid
Pressure Build-up.
Hydrate Inhibitors

• Altering the gas composition by adding chemicals can

lower the hydrate formation temperature and/or delay
their formation.
• Two options exist: Thermodynamic inhibitors And
LDHIs: Low Dosage Hydrate Inhibitors (2 types: Kinetic
inhibitors and anti-agglomerants).
Thermodynamic Inhibitors

• Methanol: MeOH
• Mono ethylene Glycol: MEG
• Di ethylene Glycol: DEG

Injected at a specific rate/operating pressure, thermodynamic

HIs shift the hydrate curve to a lower temperature, thus
reduce the region where hydrates can form. Reference 1.
Low Dosage Hydrate Inhibitors

• Are usually polymers or copolymers

• New and evolving technology that requires extensive tests and
optimization to the actual system.
• They require much smaller concentrations than the conventional
thermodynamic inhibitors.
Kinetic inhibitors

• KHIs work by slowing down the kinetics of the nucleation (the

process by which the hydrate crystallizes).
• Act during a timeframe, and for a given subcooling:
difference in T between Hydrate formation T and ambient T.
Beyond a given subcooling, and/or beyond a given
timeframe, KHIs become ineffective.
• No regeneration facility required.

AAs work by Stopping hydrates from agglomerating

(slugging/conglomerating) I.e. from causing plugs: This
results in hydrate being transported along the line in the
form of slurry.
The fluid will be heavier and more viscous. Thus the
reservoir pressure would need to be enhanced to “push”
the slurry to the platform.

• Questions???
• Discussion on the safety implications of hydrate
• Where can we find hydrates in FGP area
FGP Offshore – Hydrate Risk Areas

• Wellbore
• Downstream of wells production choke (JT
• Subsea pipelines
FGP Onshore – Hydrate Risk Areas

• Downstream of valves, chokes, due to JT cooling

following a pressure drop.
• Condensate filters
• Slugcatcher small bore piping
Pearl GTL Project – Hydrate Prevention
• KHI injected offshore into subsea pipelines (In
combination with corrosion inhibitor)
• MeOh injected during cold well startups
• Existing scope to insulate and heat-trace the slugcatcher
(Including inlet and outlet piping)+condensate filters
• MEG and MeOH injection points upstream and
downsteram of the slugcatcher.
Operator Actions to Prevent Hydrate Formation

• Adhere to the operating procedures in place.

• Monitoring/Surveillance: Pressure and
temperature gauges to detect low Ts and Pressure
drops across pipelines, filters, etc..

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