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Selection and Fit

Master Course | Episode 12

Professor Armin Trost, PhD | Furtwangen University, Germany

Let’s start with a question

When selecting candidates,

what is of high priority?
Alpha error, beta error and the meaning of validity

Beta error. Dismiss the

suitable candidates
above beta
expectation error Alpha error. Hiring
candidates that are not
Validity relates to the
below alpha extend to which right
expectation error
candidates are hired and
unsuitable candidates
below above
are dismissed
expectation expectation
Predicted performance
Specificity of requirements

Specific and job-related Careers and companies

We fill vacancies. The starting We enable careers the

point for this is always the developments of which are
most detailed possible always uncertain. Therefore,
description of job-specific our requirement profiles are
requirements. Finding requires always as generic as possible.
knowing what you are looking Above all, candidates must fit
for the company.
Potential versus competence

Level of Level of
competence competence



time time
Requirements to be met by the candidate

Current competencies Future potential

We hire employees so that Potential is more important in

they can perform their personnel selection than
assigned tasks well in their current competence. This
respective positions within the enlarges the relevant target
shortest possible time. group and is more promising
Anything else would be a in the long term.
waste of resources.
Who primarily benefits from the selection procedure?

Department Candidates

Managers and their teams are We treat applicants as

the customers of personnel customers and do everything
selection. We make every in our power to be faster, more
effort to ensure that they are transparent and more
satisfied with the process, appreciative than our
methods and decisions as a competitors in the selection
whole. process.
Positive candidate experience

Speed Transparency Appreciation

The company‘s reaction The candidate is always The candidate is treated

on incoming applications clear about current with full respect. The
and all steps throughout status. He/she company consequently
the entire recruiting understands why certain demonstrates its interest
process are faster than selection instruments are in those candidates it
those of the competitors used and gets (potentially) wants to
appropriate feedback hire.
Candidate experience – best practices

Speed Transparency Appreciation

It will take no longer than ten Before applying, the applicant Introduction of all interview
minutes to submit an will be taught how the participants being
application. selection process works in communicated along with the
An interview appointment concrete terms. invitation to the interview
within a few days after the Participants after an appointment.
application. Corresponding assessment centre receive The applicant will be greeted
time slots are provided at an personal feedback and a by the receptionist with his
early stage. written report. name and accompanied (with
A personal appointment (with Via an app, applicants are a golf cart) to the interview
the applicant) is arranged for informed about the status of location.
the signing of the employment their application on a real-time A personal contact during the
contract. basis. entire process.
Using artificial intelligence when selecting candidates

Past experience

Applicants decision
making Future prediction

Performance Performance
Employees Applicants based
evaluation evaluation
Use of artificial intelligence

Maximum usage People over Systems

We strive to make personnel Decisions about people and

selection decisions based as their future are always made
far as possible on artificial by people. Such decisions
intelligence, appropriate require the assumption of
algorithms and big data. This personal, interpersonal
enables us to achieve greater responsibility.
efficiency and objectivity.

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