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Activity Based Costing Method

Overhead Expense Activities performed Allocation Based on

Storekeepers salary 80% in handling raw material Direct Material

20% in administration work
Supervisors Salary 60% in supervising Labour Hours
40% in insurance related work
Insurance No of Machines

Indirect Labour 70% in purchasing raw materials Labour Hours

30% in logistics
Quality Control Inspector's Salary No of batches/product inspected

Transportation No of batches dispatched

Other overheads(power+maintainence) No of machine hours

Cost Activity Pool
Activity Ice-Mint Paan Elachi

Handling of raw materials 15904.84282 10919.28632 9175.870858

Administration work 3976.210705 2729.82158 2293.967715

Supervision 2421.286031 7962.305987 10616.40798

Purchasing of materials 6774.193548 15241.93548 30483.87097

Quality Inspection 6400 14400 19200

Transportation 8720.930233 31395.34884 34883.72093

Insurance related work 1614.190687 5308.203991 7077.605322

Logictics related work 2903.225806 6532.258065 13064.51613

Costs and Activity Cost Drivers

  Ice-Mint Paan Elachi

Production sales volume 6500 7875 8100

Selling price/box 25 40 45
Material Cost/batch 1560 476 600

No of machines/batch 4 4 5
Labour Hours/Batch 13 19 19
Machine Hours/Batch 8 8 12

Set-up time ( hrs/batch) 5 7 4

No of batches/day 20 45 60
Total Set-up time 100 315 240
Wage-rate for setup (hour) 20 100 100
No of dispatches/day 5 18 20

Wage rate - run time (per hour) 150 150 150

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