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07/27/2021 1
Section 2
Assignment 2
Prepared by group of student




Submission date:
July 07/12/2021 Submission to Tadele. B

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1. Explain the benefit of individual dimensions of
organizational behavior for effectiveness of
organization mission, vision and objectives.

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2. What are the relationship of foundations of group
behavior and attainment of organization goal?

foundations of group behavior

two or more individuals, interacting and interdependent, who
have come together to achieve particular objectives.
•    Formal groups :- Those defined by the organization’s
structure, with designated work assignments establishing tasks.
•    Informal group :- A group that is neither formally structured
nor organizationally determined.  Natural formations in the work
environment that appear in response to the need for social contact
•    Command group :- A group composed of the individuals
who report directly to a given manager.

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 •    Task groups:- Also organizationally determined, representing
those working together to complete a job task.
•    Interest group:- People not necessarily aligned into common
command or task groups who affiliate to attain a specific objective.
•    Friendship group:- Those brought together because they share
one or more common characteristics

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The foundations of group performance
 Performance: A number of group properties show a relationship
to performance.
 Among the more prominent are role perception, norms,
status differences, the size of the group, and cohesiveness.
 There is a positive relationship between role perception and
an employee's performance evaluation.
 Because most groups have multiple purposes some manifest and
explicit but others latent and implicit it is useful to partition them
into three sets specifically, those that have mainly to do with
(1) accomplishing the work of the group,
(2) strengthening the capabilities of the group itself, and
(3) fostering the well-being of individual group members.

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3. Define and describe the importance of motivation for
organizational productivity
Motivation is a process that leads to an increase in the productivity
Motivation meets the needs of the employee and thereby creates
the drive to work to the best of his abilities.
The importance of motivation for an organization
 Motivated employees put in their maximum effort for achieving
organizational goals.
 Motivation improves the work performance by bridging the
gap between the ability and willingness to work.
 Better performance results in higher productivity and
consequently lower cost of production.
 Motivation is a very important for an organization because of
the following benefits it provides:

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The importance of motivation for an organization…
1.Increases Productivity
2. Ensures Organizational Efficiency
3. Ensures Loyal Workforce
4. Ensures a Reactive Workforce
5. Facilitates Direction

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1. Puts human resources into action
Every concern requires physical, financial and human resources to
accomplish the goals.
 It is through motivation that the human resources can be utilized
by making full use of it.
This can be done by building willingness in employees to work.
 This will help the enterprise in securing best possible utilization
of resources.

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2. Improves level of efficiency of employees
 The level of a subordinate or a employee does not only depend
upon his qualifications and abilities.
 For getting best of his work performance, the gap between ability
and willingness has to be filled which helps in improving the level
of performance of subordinates.
This will result into-
a. Increase in productivity,
b. Reducing cost of operations, and
c. Improving overall efficiency.

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3. Leads to achievement of organizational goals
The goals of an enterprise can be achieved only when the
following factors take place :-
a. There is best possible utilization of resources,
b. There is a co-operative work environment,
c. The employees are goal-directed and they act in a purposive
d. Goals can be achieved if co-ordination and co-operation takes
place simultaneously which can be effectively done through

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4. Builds friendly relationship
 Motivation is an important factor which brings employees
satisfaction. This can be done by keeping into mind and framing
an incentive plan for the benefit of the employees.
This could initiate the following things:
a. Monetary and non-monetary incentives,
b. Promotion opportunities for employees,
c. Disincentives for inefficient employees.

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5. Leads to stability of work force
 Stability of workforce is very important from the point of view of
reputation and goodwill of a concern.
 The employees can remain loyal to the enterprise only when they
have a feeling of participation in the management.
 The skills and efficiency of employees will always be of advantage
to employees as well as employees.

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 We can summarize by saying that motivation is important both to
an individual and a business. 
 Motivation is important to an individual as:
1. Motivation will help him achieve his personal goals.
2. If an individual is motivated, he will have job satisfaction.
3. Motivation will help in self-development of individual.
4. An individual would always gain by working with a dynamic

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 An individual would always gain by working with a dynamic team.
 Similarly, motivation is important to a business as:
1.The more motivated the employees are, the more empowered the
team is.
2. The more is the team work and individual employee contribution,
more profitable and successful is the business.
3. During period of amendments, there will be more adaptability
and creativity.
4. Motivation will lead to an optimistic and challenging attitude at
work place.

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4. What is the problem of conflict and the importance of conflict
Management for organizational efficiencies?
Conflict and problem
Conflict and problems are two words that typically describe
negative situations or matters.
A conflict is a disagreement or clash, which can be between two or
more people or concepts.
A problem is a matter or situation that is considered as harmful or
unpleasant. A conflict can be described as a problem.

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The importance of conflict in an organization
It enables healthy conversations between employees and help in
improvement of the overall productivity and performance of
an enterprise.
Organizational conflict help people come out of their conventional
thinking styles and innovate better ideas.
Conflict induces creativity of the employees.
Organizational conflict enables managers to revisit their goals and
 It enables healthy conversations between employees and help in
improvement of the overall productivity and performance of an

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The importance of conflict management ….
The purpose of conflict management is to teach conflict resolution
skills, such as managing conflict, self-awareness about the
different formats of conflict and produce effective communication
while in conflict with a team member.
Conflict and problems are two words that typically describe
negative situations or matters.
A conflict is a disagreement or clash, which can be between two or
more people or concepts.
A problem is a matter or situation that is considered as harmful or
unpleasant. A conflict can be described as a problem.

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Conflict management
 Conflict management involves acquiring skills related to conflict
resolution, self- awareness about conflict modes, conflict
communication skills, and establishing a structure for management
 Conflict in organizational environment.
 The problems of conflict management According to HR
professionals at the Newfoundland Public Service Commission,
some of the results of unresolved conflict in the workplace include:
Employee stress, frustration, anxiety and loss of sleep.
Strained relationships.
High employee turnover.
Loss of productivity.
Increased client complaints.
Increased absenteeism.
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5. Do you believe that the stress management has important for
employees and organizational effectiveness? Support your
agreement by evidence (Explain)

 Healthier employees operating under manageable levels of stress

will be happier and more
 Do you believe about the impacts of stress on employee’s
 Employees in stress cannot meet the expectations of their
organization, because of facing physical, psychological and
organizational burnouts. ... Job stress affects negatively on the female
employee's well-being which creates dissatisfaction and negative
emotions towards work and ultimately their performance decreases.

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Organizational stress management
 Stress management refers to a wide spectrum of techniques and
therapies that aim to control a person's levels of stress, especially
chronic stress, to improve everyday functioning.
 To reduce workplace stress, managers can monitor each
employee's workload to ensure it is in line with their capabilities and

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Stress management
 Stress management is a wide spectrum of techniques and
psychotherapies aimed at controlling a person's level of stress,
especially chronic stress, usually for the purpose of and for the
motive of improving everyday functioning.
 In its broadest definition, stress management interventions are
designed to assist people to cope with stressors and with the
negative emotions, physiological arousal and/or health consequences
that arise from these stressors by changing their cognitive and
emotional responses to the trigger events.

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An Organizational stress
 Organizational stressors such as work overload, role conflict,
under-promotion and level of participation interact with individual
factors such as personality and family problems to create mental and
physical ill health in employees.
Stress management important to employees
 Healthier employees operating under manageable levels of stress
will be happier and more positive, helping to maintain a strong,
healthy workplace culture that's conducive to creativity and
 Less sick days: Stress is one of the leading causes of absenteeism
in the workplace.

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Stress management important
 Effective stress management helps you break the hold stress has on
your life, so you can be happier, healthier, and more productive.
The ultimate goal is a balanced life, with time for work,
relationships, relaxation, and fun and the resilience to hold up
under pressure and meet challenges head on.
Stress management is important to organization
 Strong company culture: Employees have a major role in
a company's culture. Healthier employees operating under
manageable levels of stress will be happier and more positive,
helping to
maintain a strong, healthy workplace culture that's conducive to
creativity and productivity.

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Organizational stress management
 Stress management refers to a wide spectrum of techniques and
therapies that aim to control a person's levels of stress, especially
chronic stress, to improve everyday functioning.
 To reduce workplace stress, managers can monitor each
employee's workload to ensure it is in line with their capabilities

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