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Lymph, lymph vessels, lymph organs

 Consists of a network of blind-ending tubes

called lymph, lymphatic vessels and lymphatic
Main functions:

a. transportation and
collection of fluid
called lymph
b. provision of sites to
attack and destroy
invading pathogens
c. Maintain body fluids
• Lymph= Latin word “clear water"
• Lymph vessels= they collect excess fluid
• Lymph organs= parts of the lymphatic system
(spleen, tonsils, lymph nodes, etc.) that defends
the body
a. Lymph nodes= bean-shaped; swell during infection
(“swollen glands”)
b. Tonsils= located at the back of the tongue; contains WBC, which
responsible for killing germs
c. Peyer’s Patches= small patches found in the wall of the lower
small intestine and the appendix; prevents bacteria in the
intestines from entering into the bloodstream
d. Spleen= largest lymphoid organ about the size of a fist; site
of lymphocyte proliferation; removes microbes and toxins
e. Thymus Gland= produce thymic hormones that are
thought to aid in the maturation of T-cells.
Ingestion, Digestion, Absorption,
• Ingestion: The process of taking food or drink into the
body via the mouth (eating).
• Digestion: breaking down of ingested food into smaller
 Mechanical: chewing
 Chemical: involves the action of enzymes
• Absorption: The entrance or movement of the products
of digestion ( glucose, amino acids) into the bloodstream
• Egestion: the elimination of indigestible materials from
the body into form of feces (defecation).

• Teeth = mastication (chewing); Food bolus

• Tongue = taste and roll

• Hard palate = mash food

• Soft Palate & Uvula

• Salivary Glands = secrets saliva (lubricant)

= Salivary amylase: breakdown starch (CHO)
into sugar
 Hypothalamus: signals  hunger
 Full

 Thalamus: signals relaxation of the anus

• Pharynx

• Epiglottis = flap

• Esophagus= peristalsis

• Stomach = gastric juices (HCL)

• Small Intestine

• Large Intestine
• Rectum

• Anus
Other Structures of the Digestive System

 Pancreas: secretes digestive enzymes

 Liver: produces bile -> emulsifies fat -> easier to absorb
 Gallbladder: stores and concentrates the bile
Pituitary, Thyroid, Parathyroid,
Adrenal, and Pineal Glands
• Glands: secrets hormones -> acts as a
messenger, travelling throughout the
bloodstream -> delivers messages to cells ->
affect the BODY
 Pineal Gland  Adrenal Gland

 Pituitary Gland  Pancreas

 Hypothalamus

• GONADS (sex hormones)

• NECK  Testes
 Thyroid Gland  Ovary
 Parathyroid Gland

I. Anterior Pituitary Gland

a. Prolactin: production of milk

 Increase prolactin

• F: Amenorrhea ( X Menstrual period)

• M: Erectile dysfunction
b. Growth hormone (GH): growth of long bones and soft
 Increase GH

• Adult life: Acromegaly ( thickening of nose, ears,

vertebra, enlargement of hands and feet
• Childhood: Gigantism; (-) dwarfism
c. Thyroid stimulating hormone: stimulates the thyroid

d. Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH): Stimulates

skin pigmentation

e. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH): Stimulate

cortisol (stress hormone)
f. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

• F: stimulates estrogen

 Regulate menstrual cycle; breast enlargement; widening

of hips, etc

• M: stimulates sperm
g. Luteinizing hormone (LH)

• F: triggers ovulation

• M: stimulates testosterone (male sex hormone)

II. Posterior Pituitary Gland

a. Oxytocin “ love hormone” : production of milk

• F: Milk ejection; Contraction of uterine wall during

• M: less important, but it does have a role to play in
moving sperm
b. Antidiuretic hormone (Vasopressin):
Reabsorption of water within the kidney -> to
avoid dehydration
Reproductive System
Male Reproductive Organ
• Testes, prostate gland, including the scrotum
and the penis
 Scrotum: the supporting structure for the testes,
consists of loose skin

 layer that hangs from the root (attached portion)

of the penis
 Testes or Testicles: paired oval glands in the
scrotum responsible for making testosterone (male
sex hormone and for producing sperm ->
 Urethra: serves as a passageway for both semen
and urine. About 20 cm ( 8 in.)
 Prostate Gland: walnut-sized gland located
between the bladder and the penis
 prostate secretes seminal fluid that nourishes and
protects sperm

 During ejaculation, the

prostate squeezes this
fluid into the urethra,
and it is expelled with
sperm as semen.
 Semen: a mixture of sperm and seminal fluid

 Seminal fluid: protection from the hostile acidic

environment of the male’s urethra and the female’s
 Penis: male reproductive organ that contains the
urethra which the passageway for the ejaculation
of semen and the excretion of urine
Female Reproductive Organ
 Ovaries: the female gonads; are paired glands that
resemble unshelled almonds in size and shape
 Fallopian Tube: also called uterine tubes that
connect the ovaries to the uterus
 responsible for carrying the egg to the uterus
 Fertilization takes place
 Uterus (womb): a small pear-shaped organ
 It functions to nourish and house a fertilized egg
until the fetus, or offspring, is ready to be
 Vagina: long fibromuscular canal lined with mucous
 the receptacle for the penis during sexual
intercourse (coitus), the outlet for menstrual flow,
and the passageway for childbirth.
 Breast (Mammary gland): made of specialized
tissue that produces milk
• Areola: dark coloration around
the nipple
• Colostrum: First milk; healthiest
• Menstruation (Period)

 A normal vaginal bleeding that occurs as part of a

woman’s monthly cycle; happens if fertilization does
not occur
 If no pregnancy occurs, the uterus (womb) sheds its
lining; the menstrual blood is partly blood and partly
tissue from inside the uterus
• Menarche

 First menstrual cycle

 Occurs between the ages 10-16 years

• Menopause

 Marks the end of the menstrual cycle

 Can happen in 40`s and 50`s

• Normal pH level of vagina
 about 3.8 to 4.5
 Below 4.5

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