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More is less: How China’s policies

could weaken global food security

Four key policy levers in China’s
“No. 1 Policy Document” on food

1 Increased public spending on price supports and subsidies

2 Management of central, provincial and local grains stockpiles

3 Diversification of foreign supply through trade agreements, FDI

and increased control of global distribution

4 Accelerated innovation and use of advanced seed technologies

1 China will spend more on farmers through
price supports, input subsidies and crop insurance
2 China controls half of global grains reserves,
leaving less for food security in other countries
3 Central planners seek to reduce political
and economic risks by diversifying food imports

- Tariff reductions through trade agreements

- Tariff-rate quota administration

- Foothold in global distribution through state-owned COFCO

4 The government will invest more in
high-quality seeds: “the microchip of agriculture”

- Pick winners - industry consolidation

- Accelerate R&D through public funding and acquisition

- Advance domestic GM seeds

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