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Strategies for the Application of Isolation Precautions in Haemodialysis Clinics

During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Sari Murnani (20201030046)
Thesis Supervisor : Dr.dr. Arlina Dewi M.Kes, AAK


Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic becomes a Research Problem

challenge for health care facilities. Dialysis units are
environments potentially prone to the spread of Covid-19. What is the strategy for implementing isolation precautions in haemodialysis clinics during the
Patients cannot suspend treatment, and they often have co COVID-19 pandemic?
morbidities, which assigns them a higher risk and worse
Research Objective Research Benefit
HD patients as well as dialysis staff are susceptible to health
care-related infections due to frequent and prolonged General
exposure to many possible contaminants in the dialysis Theoretical Benefit
To determine the strategy for implementing
environment. Add insight and increase the ability of researchers t is
isolation precautions in hemodialysis clinics
hoped to implement the knowledge and knowledge gained
In order to reduce the occurrence of infection, it is necessary during the COVID-19 pandemic.
in lectures into research. Increase the wealth of knowledge
to increase the application of isolation precautions (isolation Specific
and become a reference material for the world of education
precautions), but There is considerable variation in infection 1. Knowing application of isolation precautions
in determining the educational curriculum.
control and prevention practices across dialysis facilities. to haemodialysis services in clinics during
Practical Benefit
the COVID-19 pandemic.
As input for haemodialysis clinics in order to improve
2. Knowing what obstacles were faced in
infection prevention and control and provide an overview
implementing isolation precautions in
of the application of isolation precautions in the dialysis
haemodialysis clinics during the COVID 19
Prior Study
Years and Author Title Methods Conclusion References
Mashuri, Elsye Maria Pengaruh Penerapan Universal Descriptive There was significant effect of implementation of universal
Rosa, Yuni Permatasari Precaution (Hand Higiene dan APD) Analytic precautions (hand hygiene and PPE) in preventing the incident of 1. Chenoweth C, Hines S, Hall K, et al. Variation in Infection Prevention
Istanti, 2013 dalam Mencegah Insiden Hepatitis C hepatitis, especially for hand hygiene (hand wash) and the use of
pada Pasien Hemodialisa di RSU PKU gloves Practices in Dialysis Facilities: ResultsFrom the National Opportunity to
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Improve Infection Control in ESRD (End-Stage Renal Disease) Project.
Infection control and hospital epidemiology. 2015; 36: 1-5. doi:
10.1017 / ice.2015.55
Chenoweth C, Hines S, Variation in Infection Prevention Descriptive Our findings suggest that there are many areas for improvement in 2. Lee J, Hwang S, Huang J. Review of the present features and the
Hall K, et al, 2015 Practices in Dialysis Facilities: Results Quantitative hand hygiene and other infection prevention practices in end-stage
From the National Opportunity to renal disease infection control challenges of COVID‐19 pandemic in dialysis facilities.
Improve Infection Control in ESRD The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences. 2020; 36 (6): 393-398. doi:
(End-Stage Renal Disease) Project. 10.1002 / kjm2.12239
3. Moura-Neto JA, Abreu AP de, Delfino VDA, et al. Good Practice
Recommendations from the Brazilian Society of Nephrology to Dialysis
Fatma Maulida Abiya , Infection Control Risk Assessment Descriptive ICRA instruments for Haemodialysis from CDC can be used in
Maria Ulfa, Winny (Icra) Di Instalasi Gawat Darurat Qualitative Indonesian hospitals. Risk of infection in The Hemodialysis Unit of Units Concerning the Pandemic of the New Coronavirus (Covid-19).Braz
Setyonugroho, 2017 Rumah Sakit Pku Muhammadiyah PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping Hospital is low / low risk. J Nephrol. 2020; 42 (2 suppl 1): 15-17. doi: 10.1590 / 2175-8239-jbn-
Gamping 2020-s105
4. Tabash M, Kashkash R, Eljedi A. COMPLIANCE OF HEALTH-CARE STAFF
Elsye Maria Rosa1, The Infection Control Risk Assessment  Descriptive The strategy to reduce SSI infection in Hospital Yogyakarta was by TOWARD INFECTION CONTROL PRECAUTIONS IN HEMODIALYSIS UNITS
Ekorini Listiowati1, and Strategies to Reduce HAIs at Qualitative cutting the infection transmission , by identifying bacteria causing - GAZA GOVERNORATES. 2018; 6 (1): 7.
Nurmalita Sari, 2019 Hospital in Yogyakarta Indonesia SSI, using rational antibiotic, optimizing HAIs surveillance activities, 5. Vega-Vega O, Arvizu-Hernández M, Domínguez-Cherit JG, Sierra-
conducting regular meeting to discuss SSI-related issues, report, Madero J, Correa-Rotter R.Prevención y control de la infección por
cooperation, evaluation, SSI socialization and monitoring as well as coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) en unidades de hemodiálisis.
its prevention, SPO refreshment, and SSI management Salud Publica Mex. 2020; 62 (3, may-jun): 341. doi: 10.21149 /
Strategies for the Application of Isolation Precautions in
Haemodialysis Clinics
During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Sari Murnani (20201030046)
Thesis Supervisor : Dr.dr. Arlina Dewi M.Kes, AAK

Corona Virus Disease 2019

HD patients as well as dialysis
(COVID-19) Pandemic
staff are susceptible to health Patients cannot suspend
becomes a challenge for
care-related infections due to treatment, and they often
health care facilities.
frequent and prolonged have co morbidities, which
exposure to many possible Dialysis units are assigns them a higher risk
contaminants in the dialysis environments potentially and worse prognosis.
environment. prone to the spread of

considerable variation in In order to reduce the

infection control and occurrence of infection,
prevention practices it is necessary to
across dialysis facilities increase the application
of isolation precautions

What is the strategy for implementing isolation precautions in
haemodialysis clinics during the COVID-19 pandemic?
General Theoretical Benefit
To determine the strategy for Add insight and increase the ability
implementing isolation of researchers t is hoped to
precautions in hemodialysis implement the knowledge and
clinics during the COVID-19 knowledge gained in lectures into
pandemic. research.
Increase the wealth of knowledge
and become a reference material
for the world of education in
RESEARCH OBJEKTIVE determining the educational


1. Knowing application of isolation
precautions to haemodialysis
services in clinics during the
COVID-19 pandemic. Practical Benefit
2. Knowing what obstacles were As input for haemodialysis clinics in
faced in implementing isolation order to improve infection prevention
precautions in haemodialysis and control and provide an overview of
clinics during the COVID 19 the application of isolation precautions
Pandemic. in the dialysis clinic
Years and Title Methods Conclusion
Mashuri, Elsye Pengaruh Penerapan Universal Descriptive There was significant effect of implementation of universal
Maria Rosa, Yuni Precaution (Hand Higiene dan APD) Analytic precautions (hand hygiene and PPE) in preventing the incident
Permatasari Istanti, dalam Mencegah Insiden Hepatitis of hepatitis, especially for hand hygiene (hand wash) and the
2013 C pada Pasien Hemodialisa di RSU use of gloves
PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Chenoweth C, Hines Variation in Infection Prevention Descriptive Our findings suggest that there are many areas for
S, Hall K, et al, 2015 Practices in Dialysis Facilities: Quantitative improvement in hand hygiene and other infection prevention
Results From the National practices in end-stage renal disease
Opportunity to Improve Infection
Control in ESRD (End-Stage Renal
Disease) Project.

Fatma Maulida Infection Control Risk Assessment Descriptive ICRA instruments for Haemodialysis from CDC can be used in
Abiya , Maria Ulfa, (Icra) Di Instalasi Gawat Darurat Qualitative Indonesian hospitals. Risk of infection in The Hemodialysis Unit
Winny Rumah Sakit Pku Muhammadiyah of PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping Hospital is low / low risk.
Setyonugroho, Gamping
Elsye Maria Rosa1, The Infection Control Risk  Descriptive The strategy to reduce SSI infection in Hospital Yogyakarta was
Ekorini Listiowati1, Assessment and Strategies to Qualitative by cutting the infection transmission , by identifying bacteria
Nurmalita Sari, Reduce HAIs at Hospital in causing SSI, using rational antibiotic, optimizing HAIs
2019 Yogyakarta Indonesia surveillance activities, conducting regular meeting to discuss
SSI-related issues, report, cooperation, evaluation, SSI
socialization and monitoring as well as its prevention, SPO
refreshment, and SSI management
1. Chenoweth C, Hines S, Hall K, et al. Variation in Infection Prevention Practices
in Dialysis Facilities: ResultsFrom the National Opportunity to Improve
Infection Control in ESRD (End-Stage Renal Disease) Project. Infection control
and hospital epidemiology. 2015; 36: 1-5. doi: 10.1017 / ice.2015.55
2. Lee J, Hwang S, Huang J. Review of the present features and the infection
control challenges of COVID‐19 pandemic in dialysis facilities. The Kaohsiung
Journal of Medical Sciences. 2020; 36 (6): 393-398. doi: 10.1002 / kjm2.12239
3. Moura-Neto JA, Abreu AP de, Delfino VDA, et al. Good Practice
Recommendations from the Brazilian Society of Nephrology to Dialysis Units
Concerning the Pandemic of the New Coronavirus (Covid-19).Braz J Nephrol.
2020; 42 (2 suppl 1): 15-17. doi: 10.1590 / 2175-8239-jbn-2020-s105
4. Tabash M, Kashkash R, Eljedi A. COMPLIANCE OF HEALTH-CARE STAFF
GAZA GOVERNORATES. 2018; 6 (1): 7.
5. Vega-Vega O, Arvizu-Hernández M, Domínguez-Cherit JG, Sierra-Madero
J, Correa-Rotter R.Prevención y control de la infección por coronavirus
SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) en unidades de hemodiálisis. Salud Publica Mex.
2020; 62 (3, may-jun): 341. doi: 10.21149 / 113302.

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