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Interventions and Treatments

of neurofibromatosis type 1

To control or reduce the

Neurofibromatosis is size of optic nerve For some bone
not curable. Some NF1 tumors/ cancer : malformations can be
tumors may become • Surgery corrected surgically
cancerous. • Radiation
• Chemotherapy
Prognosis of neurofibrmatosis
The prognosis for individuals with NF1 is typically
quite good given that the degree of symptoms is
typically mild to moderate.

These individuals usually lead relatively normal

and productive lives.

In more rare cases NF1 can cause more severe and

debilitating symptoms that cause both significant
psychological and cosmetic difficulties.

Individuals with NF1 are up to five times more

likely to develop learning disabilities
six or more café au lait spots (coffee-coloured skin patches) larger than 5mm in children, or 15mm in

freckles under the arms or around the groin

two or more neurofibromas (bumps on or under the skin), or one plexiform neurofibroma
(a neurofibroma that develops where multiple branches of nerves come together)

a tumour on the optic nerve (an optic glioma), which rarely causes symptoms or affects sight 

two or more tiny brown spots in the iris (the coloured part of the eye), known as Lisch nodules 

bone defects, such as bowing of the lower leg

a family history of NF1

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