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 Historical individuality in study of religion

 Concepts and its semantic connotation

 Non-isolation of an event from the socio-

historical unit of which it forms a part

 Distinction between revealed truths and

personal life of the founder

 Assimilation of pre-Islamic elements
 Conception of religion
 Belief in one God or Tawhid
 Prophethood and revelation
 Holy Scriptures
 Spiritual dimensions of existence
 Day of retribution
 Predestination
 Before Prophethood
 Early period of Muhammad’s mission
 Migration and the establishment of a Muslim

community in Medina
 Struggle for survival of the infant community
 The spread of Islam to the Arabian Peninsula
 Affirmation of faith
 Prayers
 Fasting
 Alms-giving
 Pilgrimage
 Religious humanism vs tribalism
 Ideal of human personality as God’s
vicegerent on earth-insan kamil
 Individual freedom, moral responsibility and
 Equality
 Mutual respect and tolerance
 Sacredness of life
 Emphasis on truth and wisdom-intellectual
 Justice, mercy and compassion
 Inclusivity on the basis of values
 Dignity of labour
 Denouncement of usury and waste
 Status and treatment of women
 Striving for righteousness-jihad
 Charity and brotherhood among mankind
 Social justice
 Moral leadership
 General life nourishing values-cleanliness,

honesty, charity, sacrifice etc.

 Dualism
 Unbridled materialism
 Destruction and strife
 Social injustice
 Sensate indulgence
 Superstition
 Fanaticism and violence
 Taboos
 General moral transgressions-adultery,
killing , theft, slander, cheating, etc

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