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The Lostness

Of The Lost

Matthew 18:11
The Lostness
Of The Lost
Do you believe...
In the reality of hell?
That many souls will be lost?
That most religious people will be lost?

Many seem not to believe...

Manifested by lack of concern for the lost
Manifested by lack of personal evangelism
The Lostness
Of The Lost
Jesus spoke of...
The reality of hell Mt 10:28; 13:41-43,49-50
How few will be saved Mt 7:13-14
How many religious will be lost Mt 7:21-23
The need to believe in Him Jn 8:24
How He is the only way to God Jn 14:6

Jesus believed in “The Lostness Of The Lost”

Matthew 18:10
The Lostness
Of The Lost
His apostles wrote of...
Judgment, the need to repent Ac 17:30-31
God’s wrath, the need for mercy Ro 2:4-11
The coming Day of the Lord 2Pe 3:7-14
Vengeance and destruction 2Th 1:7-9
The lake of fire and brimstone Re 21:8

The apostles believed in “The Lostness Of The Lost”

Romans 9:1-3; 10:1-4
The Lostness
Of The Lost
If we believe...
In the reality of hell
That many souls will be lost
That most religious people will be lost

Then let us possess...

A strong concern for the lost
Manifested by personal evangelism
The Lostness
Of The Lost

For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost.

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