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Fuzzy and Rough Petri Nets: a review

Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic

Petri Nets

Fuzzy Petri Nets


Rough Sets

Rough Petri Nets

Membership function µA(x)

Fuzzy Sets and

Fuzzy Logic

A relevant object x

• Dr. Zadeh was working on the problem of computer

understanding of natural language. Natural language (like
most other activities in life and indeed the universe) is not
easily translated into the absolute terms of 0 and 1.
(Whether everything is ultimately describable in binary
 terms is a philosophical question worth pursuing, but in
practice much data we might want to feed a computer is in
some state in between and so, frequently, are the results of
computing.) It may help to see fuzzy logic as the way
reasoning really works and binary or Boolean logic is simply
a special case of it.
Concept of fuzzy set
• Zadeh (1965) introduced “Fuzzy Sets” where he replaced the
characteristic function with membership
• CS: U → {0,1} is replaced by mS : U→ [0,1]
• Membership is a generalization of characteristic function
and gives a “degree of membership”
• A fuzzy set A in X is expressed as a set of ordered pairs:

p Universe or
function universe of
(MF) discourse
Range of logical values in Boolean and fuzzy logic

Fuzzy logic differs from classical logic in that statements are no

longer black or white, true or false, on or off.
In traditional logic an object takes on a value of either zero or
In fuzzy logic, a statement can assume any real value between
0 and 1, representing the degree to which an element belongs
to a given set.

0 01 0 1 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1

(a) Boolean Logic. (b) Multi-valued Logic
Fuzzy Logic Explained
• The classical example in fuzzy sets is tall men. The elements of the fuzzy set
“tall men” are all men, but their degrees of membership depend on their


Operations of fuzzy sets
• Complement
• Crisp Sets: Who does not belong to the set?
• Fuzzy Sets: How much do elements not
belong to the set?
The complement of a set is an opposite of this
For example, if we have the set of tall men, its complement is

the set of NOT tall men. When we remove the tall men set
from the universe of discourse, we obtain the complement. If
A is the fuzzy set, its complement can be found as follows:
Operations of fuzzy sets
• Intersection
• Crisp Sets: Which element belongs to both sets?
• Fuzzy Sets: How much of the element is in both
In classical set theory, an intersection between two
sets contains the elements shared by these sets.
example, the intersection of the set of tall men and the set of fat
men is the area where these sets overlap. In fuzzy sets, an
element may partly belong to both sets with different
memberships. A fuzzy intersection is the lower membership in
both sets of each element. The fuzzy intersection of two fuzzy
sets A and B on universe of discourse X:
Operations of fuzzy sets
• Union
• Crisp Sets: Which element belongs to either set?
• Fuzzy Sets: How much of the element is in either
The union of two crisp sets consists of every
thatexample, the union
falls into either set. of tall men and fat men contains all men
who are tall OR fat. In fuzzy sets, the union is the reverse of the
intersection. That is, the union is the largest membership value of
the element in either set. The fuzzy operation for forming the
union of two fuzzy sets A and B on universe X can be given as:
History, State of the Art, and Future Development

1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000

Seminal Paper First Introductio Empirical Broad Broad Broad Fuzzy Logic
“Fuzzy Logic” by Application n of Fuzzy Verificatio Applicatio Applicatio Applicatio Becomes a Standard
Prof. Lotfi Zadeh, of Fuzzy Logic in n of Fuzzy n of Fuzzy n of Fuzzy n of Fuzzy Technology and Is
Faculty in Electrical Logic in Japan Logic in Logic in Logic in Logic in Also Applied in Data
Engineering, U.C. Control Europe Japan Europe the U.S. and Sensor Signal
Berkeley, Sets the Engineerin Analysis. Application
Foundation of the g (Europe) of Fuzzy Logic in
“Fuzzy Set Theory” Business and
Petri Nets
Marked Petri Net Graph
• First introduced by Carl Adam Petri in 1939.
• A diagrammatic tool to model concurrency and synchronization in distributed
 A Petri net graph is a weighted bipartite graph PN = ( P, T, A, w, x)
 P is a finite set of places, P = {p1,…,pn}
 T is a finite set of transitions, T = {t1,…,tm}
 A is the set of arcs from places to transitions and from transitions to places
(pi, tj) or (tj, pi) represent the arcs
• I ⊆ P × T is a set of directed arcs from places to transitions. We call each , where (, ) ∈
I, an input place of .
Input matrix = (i =1,2,...,n; j =1,2,...,m)
Marked Petri Net Graph

 •O ⊆ T × P is a set of directed arcs from transitions to places. We call each , where (, ) ∈
O, an output place of .
Output matrix = (i =1,2,...,n; j =1,2,...,m)

 w is the weight function on arcs

 x is the marking vector x = [x1,…,xn] represents the number of tokens in each
a Petri Net Example

Arc with w=1

Arc Transition 0

Place 0 Place 1

Transition 1 Transition
Transition (firing) rule
When input places of a transition have the required number of tokens, the
transition is enabled

An enabled transition may fire (event happens) removing one token from
each input place and depositing one token in each of its output place.

•The firing represents an occurrence of the event or an action taken.

•After firing, tokens will be transferred from the input places (old state) to
the output places, denoting the new state.
Firing example

2H2 + O2  2H2O

2 t

Firing example

2H2 + O2  2H2O

2 t

Petri Net Structures
•A system may have many local states to form a global state.
•There is a need to model concurrency and synchronization.
• A sequence of events/actions:

e1 e2 e3

• Concurrent executions:

e2 e3


e4 e5
Petri Net Structures

• Synchronization

Petri Net Structures

• Synchronization and Concurrency

Fuzzy Petri Nets
• Fuzzy Petri nets, combining fuzzy set theory and Petri net theory, is
a tool for the representation of uncertain knowledge about a
system state.
• The Fuzzy Petri net (FPN) is expanded from a Petri net is a
bidirectional graph that has place and transition nodes like the Petri
net, however, in FPN a token incorporated with a place is associated
with a real value between 0 and 1; a transition is associated with a
certain factor (CF) between 0 and 1, indicating the belief strength of
the rule
• the labels of transitions are some special words modeled by fuzzy
Structure of FPN
  The general formalism of FPN is viewed as a 2-tuple structure.
FPN= < N, C >, N is the FPN’s basic structure as N={P, T, I, O, f},
• is a finite set of places,
• T is a finite set of transitions,
• I ⊆ P × T is a set of directed arcs from places to transitions. We call each , where (, ) ∈
I, an input place of .
Input matrix = (i =1,2,...,n; j =1,2,...,m)
• O ⊆ T × P is a set of directed arcs from transitions to places. We call each , where (, ) ∈
O, an output place of .
Output matrix = (i =1,2,...,n; j =1,2,...,m)
Structure of FPN

 • f : T → [0,1] is an association function, a mapping from transitions to real values

between zero and one, represents the threshold value of transition ();

• C is the correspondence between knowledge-based systems KBS and FPN as C = {D, β,

}, where
• D= is a finite set of propositions,
• : P → [0, 1] is an association function, a mapping from places to real values between
zero and one.
• β: P → D is an association function, a bijective mapping from places to propositions
Structure of FPN

 •By using a fuzzy Petri net, the fuzzy production rule

: IF THEN ( CF = ) (1)
can be modeled as shown in Fig. 1.
Structure of FPN

 •A transition is said to be enabled if all of its input places are marked by a token and its
real value is greater than or equal to a threshold value.
• A transition , fires by removing the tokens from its input places and then depositing
one token into each of its output places.

 • FPN = {P, T, D, I, O,
• P=
• T=
• D= { it is hot, the
humidity is low}
• I()=, O()=
• f ()=0.9
• ()= it is hot,()= the
humidity is low
• ()=0.90, ()=0
Knowledge Representation
 • knowledge, fuzzy production rules have been used for knowledge representation.
• A fuzzy production rule is a rule which describes the fuzzy relation between two
propositions. Let R be a set of fuzzy production rules R = {, ,… , }. The general
formulation of the ith fuzzy production rule is as follows:
: IF THEN ( CF = ) (1)

1) and are propositions which may contain some fuzzy variables, such as “high,” “low,”
“hot,” etc. The truth of each proposition is a real value between zero and one.
2) is the value of the certainty factor (CF), ∈ [0, 1].
Composite Fuzzy Production

• If the antecedent portion or consequence portion of a fuzzy production rule contains

“and” or “or” connectors, then it is called a composite fuzzy production rule. The
composite fuzzy production rule can be distinguished into the following types:
The fuzzy reasoning process of type 1
 • Type 1: IF and and … and THEN (CF = ).
The fuzzy reasoning process of type 2
 • Type 2: IF THEN and … and (CF = ).
The fuzzy reasoning process of type 3
 • Type 3: IF or or … or THEN (CF = ).
The fuzzy reasoning process of type 4
 • Type 4: IF THEN or … or (CF = ).
Applications of FPNs

1- Operational management
1.1 Disassembly process planning
1.2 Operation planning and process control
1.3 Rescheduling, workflow management and product ecosystem
2- Fault diagnosis and risk assessment
2.1 Electric power system
2.2 Mechanical and manufacturing systems
2.3 ERP implementation and pipeline transportation
3- Wireless sensor networks
4- Transportation systems
4.1 Bridge damage assessment
4.2 Railway operation control and traffic congestion control
Applications of FPNs

5- Biological and healthcare systems

5.1 Gene regulatory networks
5.2 Disease assessment and diagnosis
6- Others
6.1 System control
6.2 Computing with words, web learning, and service composition
6.3 Formal analysis, real-time decision making, and image annotation
Rough Sets Theory

• In 1982, Pawlak proposed a concept called rough sets, used in

the theory of knowledge for the classification of features of

• The basic idea in rough set theory is that any vague concept is
replaced by a pair of precise concepts that are called the lower
and the upper approximation of the vague concept. For a
vague concept R, a lower approximation is contained of all
objects which surely belong to the concept R and an upper
approximation is contained of all objects which possibly
belong to the concept R.
• The main goal of the rough set analysis is induction of
approximations of concepts.
• It can be used for feature selection, feature extraction,
data reduction, decision rule generation, and pattern
extraction (templates, association rules) etc.
• Identifies partial or total dependencies in data, eliminates
redundant data, gives approach to null values, missing
data, dynamic data and others.
• Rough Sets theory have been introduced as a
mathematical tool for data analysis.
Rough Set Theory
Let T=( U, A, C, D), be a Decision system data,
• Where: U is a non-empty, finite set called the universe , A is a
non-empty finite set of attributes, C and D are subsets of A,
Conditional and Decision attributes subsets respectively.

• for , is called the value set of a.

The elements of U are objects, cases, states, observations.
The Attributes are interpreted as features, variables,
characteristics conditions, etc.
Indiscernibility Relation
The Indiscernibility relation IND(B) is an equivalence relation.

Let , , the indiscernibility relation IND(B), is defined as follows:

The indiscernibility relation defines a partition in U.

If then objects x and x’ are indiscernible from each other by
attributes from P.

The equivalence classes of the P-indiscernibility relation are

denoted .
R-lower approximation

Let , , B is a subset of conditional attributes, then the B-lower

approximation set of X, is the set of all elements of U which can
be certainty classified as elements of X.

R-lower approximation set of X is a subset of X

R-upper approximation
The R-upper approximation set of X, is the set of all elements of
U such that:

X is a subset of R-upper approximation set of X.

R-upper approximation contains all data which can possibly be
classified as belonging to the set X
The R-Boundary set of X :

consists of those objects that we cannot decisively classify into X

in B.

If then, X is R-definable (the boundary set is empty)

If then X is Rough with respect to R.

B-positive region of S:
If are the decision classes of S, then the set ∪...∪ is called the B-
positive region of S and is denoted by .
Dependency of Attributes

An important issue in data analysis is discovering of

dependencies between attributes. Intuitively, a set of attributes C
depends totally on a set of attributes B, denoted by B ⇒ C, if
there exists a functional dependency between values of C and B.

Let S =(U,A) be an information system and let B, C ⊆ A. We say

that the set C depends on B in degree k (0 ≤ k ≤ 1), denoted by B
⇒k C, if
where and |X| denotes the cardinality of X ∅.The set is called a
positive region of the partition U/C with respect to B.
Dependency of Attributes

• If 0 then classification C is independent of the attributes in B

hence the decision attributes are of no use to this
• If then C is completely dependent on B hence the attributes
are indispensable.
• Values denote partial dependency, which shows that only
some of the attributes in B may be useful, or that the dataset
was flawed to begin with.
• The complement of gives a measure of the contradictions in
the selected subset of the dataset.
Core and reduct

• In an information system there often exists some condition

attributes that do not provide any additional information
about the objects in U. So, we should remove those attributes
since the complexity and cost of the decision process can be
reduced if those condition attributes are eliminated

• Core and reduct are two important concepts in rough sets

theory. A reduct is a central part of an information system
which can discern all objects discernible by the original
information system. Core is the common parts of all the
Core and reduct

• Given a classification task mapping a set of conditional

attributes C to a set of decision attribute D, a reduct is defined
as any R ⊆ C, such that γ(C,D)= γ(R,D).

• Given a classification task mapping a set of conditional

attributes C, to a set of decisional attribute D, and R is the
reduct set for this problem space, the set of all attribute
belonging to the intersection of all reduct of C with respect to
D, is called the core of C, denoted as Core (C, D).
Representation of the approximation sets
Information System

The information about the real world is given in the form of an

information table (sometimes called a decision table).
Thus, the information table represents input data, gathered from
any domain, such as medicine, finance, or the military.
An Example of Indiscernibility
The non-empty subsets of the condition attributes are {Headache},
{Muscle-pain}, {Temperature} and {Headache, Muscle-pain},
{Headache, Temperature}, {Muscle-pain, Temperature} , {Headache,
Temperature ,Muscle-pain}.
• IND({Headache}) = {{e1,e2,e3}, {e4,e5,e6}}
• IND({Muscle-pain}) = {{e1,e2,e3,e4,e6},{e5}}
• IND({Temperature}) ={{e1,e4},{e2,e5},{e3,e6}}
• IND({Headache, Muscle-pain}) = {{e1,e2,e3}, {e4,e6},{e5}}
• IND({Muscle-pain, Temperature}) = {{e1,e4},{e2},{e3,e6},{e5}}
• IND({Headache, Temperature}) ={{e1}{e2},{e3},{e4},{e5},{e6}}
• IND({Headache, Temperature, Muscle-pain}) ={{e1}{e2},{e3},{e4},
An Example of Indiscernibility
The The indiscernibility classes defined by R = {Headache, Temp.}

are {e1}, {e2}, {e3}, {e4}, {e5, e7}, {e6, e8}.

X1 = {e | Flu(e) = yes} = {e2, e3, e6, e7}
1 = {e2, e3}
1= {e2, e3, e6, e7, e8, e5}

X2 = {e | Flu(e) = no} = {e1, e4, e5, e8}

= {e1, e4}
= {e1, e4, e5, e8, e7, e6}
An Example of Indiscernibility

X1 X2

e2 e7 e5 e1

e3 e6 e8 e4
An Example of dependency
For example, for the dependency {H,M,T} {F} we get k =2 /3.
However, for the dependency , we get k =1 /2.

• The attribute T offers a worse classification than the entire

set of attributes H, M, T. It is worth to noting that neither H
nor M can be used to recognize flu, because for both
dependencies and we have k = 0. In Table1 there are two
relative reducts with respect to {F}, R1 = {H, T} and R2 = {M, T}
of the set of conditions {H, M, T}.
Significance of Attributes
Significance of an attribute a in a decision system S =(U,A
∪{ d}) can be evaluated by measuring the effect of removing
of an attribute a ∈ A from the attribute set A on the positive
region defined by the table S.
• Let B ⊆ A. Significance of an attribute a ∈ A is defined as
and is simply denoted by . This numerical factor measures
the difference between and, i.e. it says how the factor γ(B,{d})
changes when an attribute a is removed.
An Example of Significance of Attributes
• For the set of conditional attributes
• A: σ(H) = 0,σ(M) = 0,σ(T)=1 /2 2.
• For the relative reduct R1: σ(H)=1 /6, σ(T)=2 /3 3.
• For the relative reduct R2: σ(M) = 0,σ(T)=3 /4
Rough Petri Nets
Rough petri net RPN model: definition
Rough Petri Net (RPN) Model can be defined as a 10 – tuples
as follows:

• Where
• is the finite set of places.
• T is the finite set of transitions.
• is the set of arcs.
• where represent the degree of dependency of an attribute
represented by place .
• is a rough marking function represents the distribution of
token over places. where if there is a token in and if is not
Rough petri net RPN model: definition
is a mapping corresponding to the set of directed arcs from
proposition to rules.
, )=1 if there is a directed arc from to
, )=0 if there is no a directed arc from to
• is a mapping corresponding to the set of directed arcs from
rules to proposition.
,)=1 if there is a directed arc from to
,)=0 if there is no a directed arc from to
• [0,1], is a certainly factor.
• [0,1], is a coverage factor.
• [0,1], is a strength factor.
Rough petri net RPN model: definition
The strength of the decision rule is defined as:
where is the support of the decision rule. Support of
decision rule means the number of identical decision rules
in the original decision table.
• The certainty factor of the decision rule is defined as:

• The coverage factor of the decision rule is defined as:

where C is the set of condition attributes and D is the set of

decision attributes
Rough Petri net of the decision rule C → D
• The transition t1 is enabled when all conditions of the rule
have been satisfied and the associated rule is activated. When
this transition fires, Str, Cer, Cov compute the strength of
decision rule, certainty factor, and coverage factor

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