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Example Design: Strain-Hardening Metals with Multiple Draws

Problem: How can we process this sample to achieve needs?

Cylindrical rod of 1040 Steel with 15.2mm diameter is to be cold-worked by
drawing, and the circular cross-section will be maintained during the draw.

Needs: A cold-worked TS > 840 MPa and a ductility of at least 12%EL.

The final diameter must be 10 mm.

Consider first drawing without interruption to get desired TS.

A 0 −A d d 02 −dd2 Fig. 8.19

% CW = x100% = x100%
A0 d 2
15.22 −102
= x100% = 56% C W

At 56%CW TS = 920 MPa (ok!)

But…%EL < 10% (unacceptable!)

MSE 280: Introduction to Engineering Materials ©D.D. Johnson 2004(2006)

Example Design: Strain-Hardening Metals with Multiple Draws
Needs: TS > 840 MPa, at least 12%EL, and final diameter of 10 mm.
Instead of single operation, draw some fraction of total deformation, anneal and
recrystallize, then cold-work a second time to get final diameter, %EL and TS.

• 20%CW is needed for TS = 840 MPa.

• 21%CW max. is permitted for 12%EL.

• Avg of these is 20.5%CW

• Let d1 be diameter after 1st draw. So,

d 12 −(10)2
20.5% C W = x100%
d 12

• Solving: d1 = 11.2 mm
Thus, an initial draw to diameter of 11.2
€ mm followed by second draw to
diameter of 10 mm will have TS > 840 MPa and %EL > 12%.
NO %CW of 56% is then necessary!
MSE 280: Introduction to Engineering Materials ©D.D. Johnson 2004(2006)

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