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Universitas Udayana




By :

Luh Kartika Sutra Dewi 1512025008

Kadek Bagus Gede Jelantik 1512025016
Putu Agus Surtawan 1512025041
Putu Vayya Malika 1512025047
A.A Ayu Budiningsih 1512025053

With the progress of tourism in Bali, many villages in Bali

Indonesia's tourism potential is an economic activity that can
manage the tourism potential in their area to become a tourist
support economic growth in Indonesia. Indonesia has quite
attraction as a source of income. Because the management is
good tourism potential, with various resources in Indonesia,
carried out by the community and income is also entirely for
with various resources and various facilities and
them, the rise of villages in Bali is managing the potential of
infrastructures that make it possible, and makes it possible to
attraction in the area and increasing the form of community-
move and help the community economy.
based tourism management (Putra, 2015).

Ceking Rice Terrace is a tourist attraction that has natural

Sustainable Tourism is a tourism that is growing very rapidly,
beauty as the main attraction, located in the village of
including the increasing flow of accommodation capacity, so
Tegallalang, Tegallalang District, Gianyar Regency, Bali. This
some initiatives are taken by the public sector to regulate tourism
tourist attraction is managed by the Village of Pakraman
growth to be better and put the problem of sustainable tourism as
Tegallalang, District of Tegallalang with every Kelihan banjar
a priority because it’s good
in the village of Tegallang who is the manager.
 Ekonomic Dimension
 . Indicators of Sustainable
Tourism or Sustainable 2
 Social Dimension
Tourism used in this study
are concepts from Chris and 3
 Cultural Dimension
Sirakaya (2006) as an
analyzing approach to  Ecological Dimension
Sustainable Tourism in
Ceking Rice Terrace
 Political Dimension

Technologi Dimension

The research method used is descriptive qualitative research. The

research was conducted at Ceking rice terrace located in Tegallalang
Gianyar. Data is collected through direct observation, depth interviews,
and literature studies. The informant determination technique uses
purposive sampling technique. The selection of informants is based on
certain considerations that have the ability and willingness to provide
data related to problems in the study.
The participation of the Tegallalang community where the
community actively and takes the initiative to participate in the
development and management of Ceking's tourist attraction. The
community participation was motivated by the development of
Ceking's tourist attraction from before it was established until after it
was determined as a tourist attraction by the Gianyar Regency
Government the condition of Ceking's tourist attraction did not show
improvement and less economic contribution to the local
community. The nature of community participation in the village of
Pakraman Tegallalang is transformational participation, namely
participation that occurs when participation is itself seen as a goal,
and as a means to achieve a higher goal, for example being self-
sufficient and sustainable. The community is self-supporting to
manage and organize Ceking's tourist attraction to expand
employment and gain economic benefits so that Ceking's tourist
attraction will develop sustainably
The community empowerment program carried out by the Gianyar
Regency government is: Education and community development on
tourism. Education and training programs are provided by the
government in order to increase public awareness and knowledge
about tourism. Provide space and opportunities for the community to
develop and manage Ceking's tourist attraction by forming a
management body. The management body that involves the
community of Pakraman Tegallalang Village was formed to manage
and organize Ceking's tourist attraction. Since 2011 based on the
Bendesa Village Regulation of Tegralang District No. 055 / VI /
DPT / 2011 concerning the Ceking Region Structuring, Ceking's
tourist attraction is officially managed by the Pakraman Tegallalang
Village in a management body called the Ceking Tourism Object
Management Agency or Badan Pengelola Objek Wisata Ceking
The traditional culture in Ceking Rice Terrace namely SUBAK. The
participation of the local community in developing Ceking's tourist
attraction provides support in the preservation of the agricultural
culture in Ceking's tourist attraction, and also in other cultures namely
the culture of making woodcarving that is around Ceking's tourist
attraction. This cultural culture will not disappear because it is
precisely the culture that was developed and used as a tourist
attraction in Ceking. Agricultural culture in the form of processing
terraced rice fields is the main attraction, coupled with the recognition
of the village of Tegallalang as a center for woodcraft makes tourists
interested when visiting it.
The government opens a wider space for people to participate in
development, especially tourism development. Community
participation in tourism development in Bali by giving people the
opportunity to develop and manage existing tourism potentials has
been successful in improving the welfare of local communities and a
sense of responsibility in maintaining the existing tourism potential.
The success of other regional communities in developing and
managing the existing tourist attraction has encouraged the people of
Tegallalang Village as a community to manage and develop Ceking's
tourist attraction in the hope of preserving the attraction and
optimizing the economic benefits of tourism for the local community.

The community of Pakraman Tegallalang Village participated in the development and

management of Ceking's tourist attraction. The form of community participation in the village
of Tegallalang Pakraman is participation in making decisions, participation in the
implementation of decisions, participation in obtaining benefits, and participation in
evaluation. Community empowerment in managing Ceking's tourist attraction is not optimal
because not all communities are involved in it. The response of tourists to Ceking's tourist
attraction is interesting to visit, while tourism facilities and facilities need to be improved.

Entering the era of globalization, information technology has a very broad role. In this
indicator the data collection that is recapitulated is only the data of tourists visiting the
entrance ticket to Ceking Rice Terrace using a web system managed by the Ceking Rice
Terrace manager. Promotion Technology at Ceking Rice Terrace uses social media to get a
broader market. In recapitulation of data to promote, this Tourism Village uses technology
which is certainly not dangerous. The technology used by Ceking Rice Terraces is the only
CCTV, so arounds Ceking Rice Terrace is safe because easy to control with CCTV.

Based on the results of our research, Ceking Rice Terrace's tourist attraction is one of the tourist
destinations (eco tourism) located in the village of Pakraman Tegalalang Gianyar, in terms of Economic
Dimension, Social Dimension, Cultural Dimension, Ecological Dimension, Political Dimension and
Technology Dimension. Sustainable tourism in the tourist attraction of Ceking Rice Terrace Pakraman
Tegallalang Village It has been growing rapidly for seven years with no damage to nature and the
environment which is a real implementation of the concept of sustainable tourism. In addition to
contributing to local revenues, Ceking Rice Terrace also contributes to local communities where jobs are
created that help the economy of the community in the village of Pakraman Tegalalang.

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