1.3 Curvilinear Motion

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At the end of this topic, the student will be able to:
• Describe the motion of a particle traveling along a curved
• Relate kinematic quantities in terms of the rectangular
components of the vectors.
• Analyze the free-flight motion of a projectile.
• Determine the normal and tangential components of
velocity and acceleration of a particle traveling along a
curved path.
• Determine velocity and acceleration components using
cylindrical coordinates.
(Section 12.4)
A particle moving along a curved path undergoes curvilinear motion.
Since the motion is often three-dimensional, vectors are usually used
to describe the motion.

A particle moves along a curve

defined by the path function, s.

The position of the particle at any instant is designated by the vector

r = r(t). Both the magnitude and direction of r may vary with time.

If the particle moves a distance Ds along the

curve during time interval Dt, the
displacement is determined by vector
subtraction: Dr = r’ - r

Velocity represents the rate of change in the position of a

The average velocity of the particle
during the time increment Dt is
vavg = Dr/Dt .
The instantaneous velocity is the
time-derivative of position
v = dr/dt .
The velocity vector, v, is always
tangent to the path of motion.
The magnitude of v is called the speed. Since the arc length Ds
approaches the magnitude of Dr as t→0, the speed can be
obtained by differentiating the path function (v = ds/dt). Note
that this is not a vector!

Acceleration represents the rate of change in the

velocity of a particle.

If a particle’s velocity changes from v to v’ over a

time increment Dt, the average acceleration during
that increment is:
aavg = Dv/Dt = (v - v’)/Dt
The instantaneous acceleration is the time-
derivative of velocity:
a = dv/dt = d2r/dt2

A plot of the locus of points defined by the arrowhead

of the velocity vector is called a hodograph. The
acceleration vector is tangent to the hodograph, but
not, in general, tangent to the path function.
It is often convenient to describe the motion of a particle in
terms of its x, y, z or rectangular components, relative to a fixed
frame of reference.
The position of the particle can be
defined at any instant by the
position vector
r=xi+yj+zk .
The x, y, z-components may all be
functions of time, i.e.,
x = x(t), y = y(t), and z = z(t) .

The magnitude of the position vector is: r = (x2 + y2 + z2)0.5

The direction of r is defined by the unit vector: ur = (1/r)r

The velocity vector is the time derivative of the position vector:

v = dr/dt = d(x i)/dt + d(y j)/dt + d(z k)/dt

Since the unit vectors i, j, k are constant in magnitude and

direction, this equation reduces to v = vx i + vy j + vz k
• • •
where vx = x = dx/dt, vy = y = dy/dt, vz = z = dz/dt

The magnitude of the velocity

vector is
v = [(vx)2 + (vy)2 + (vz)2]0.5

The direction of v is tangent

to the path of motion.

The acceleration vector is the time derivative of the velocity

vector (second derivative of the position vector).
a = dv/dt = d2r/dt2 = ax i + ay j + az k
• •• • ••
where ax = vx = x = dvx /dt, ay = vy = y = dvy /dt,
• ••
az = vz = z = dvz /dt
 The magnitude of the acceleration vector is

The direction of a is usually

not tangent to the path of the

Given:The box slides down the slope described by the

equation y = (0.05x2) m, where x is in meters.
vx = -3 m/s, ax = -1.5 m/s2 at x = 5 m.

Find: The y components of the velocity and the acceleration

of the box at at x = 5 m.

Plan: Note that the particle’s velocity can be found by taking

the first time derivative of the path’s equation. And the
acceleration can be found by taking the second time
derivative of the path’s equation.

Take a derivative of the position to find the component

of the velocity and the acceleration.
EXAMPLE 1 (continued)

Find the y-component of velocity by taking a time
derivative of the position y = (0.05x2)
 y  = 2 (0.05) x x = 0.1 x x

Find the acceleration component by taking a time

derivative of the velocity y
   
 y = 0.1 x x + 0.1 x x

Substituting the x-component of the acceleration, velocity

at x=5 into y and y.
EXAMPLE 1 (continued)

 
Since x = vx = -3 m/s, x = ax = -1.5 m/s2 at x = 5 m

 y = 0.1 x x = 0.1 (5) (-3) = -1.5 m/s

 y = 0.1 x x + 0.1 x x

= 0.1 (-3)2 + 0.1 (5) (-1.5)
= 0.9 – 0.75
= 0.15 m/s2

At x = 5 m
vy = – 1.5 m/s = 1.5 m/s 
ay = 0.15 m/s2 

Given: The particle travels along the path y = 0.5 x2. When
t = 0, x = y = z = 0.

Find: The particle’s distance and the magnitude of its

acceleration when t = 1 s, if vx = (5 t) ft/s, where t is in
Plan: 1) Determine x and ax by integrating and
differentiating vx, respectively, using the initial
2) Find the y-component of velocity & acceleration
by taking a time derivative of the path.
3) Determine the magnitude of the acceleration &
EXAMPLE 2 (continued)

1) x-components:

Velocity known as: vx = x = (5 t ) ft/s  5 ft/s at t=1s
Position: òv dt =ò(5t) dt  x = 2.5 t
 2.5 ft at t=1s

Acceleration: ax = x = d/dt (5 t)  5 ft/s2 at t=1s
2) y-components:
Position known as : y = 0.5 x2  3.125 ft at t=1s
• • •
Velocity: y = 0.5 (2) x x = x x  12.5 ft/s at t=1s
•• • • ••
Acceleration: ay = y = x x + x x  37.5 ft/s2 at t=1s

Projectile motion can be treated as two rectilinear

motions, one in the horizontal direction experiencing
zero acceleration and the other in the vertical
direction experiencing constant acceleration (i.e.,
A series of functions
from gravity). is required to specify a
continuously changing
motion at different

For illustration, consider the two balls on

the left. The red ball falls from rest,
whereas the yellow ball is given a
horizontal velocity. Each picture in this
sequence is taken after the same time
interval. Notice both balls are subjected to
the same downward acceleration since
they remain at the same elevation at any
instant. Also, note that the horizontal
distance between successive photos of the
yellow ball is constant since the velocity in
the horizontal direction is constant.

Since ax = 0, the velocity in the horizontal direction remains

constant (vx = vox) and the position in the x direction can be
determined by:
x = xo + (vox) t
Why is ax equal to zero (what assumption must be made if the
movement is through the air)?

Since the positive y-axis is directed upward, ay = – g.

Application of the constant acceleration equations yields:

vy = voy – g t

y = yo + (voy) t – ½ g t2

vy2 = voy2 – 2 g (y – yo)

For any given problem, only two of these three equations

can be used. Why?
Given: vA and θ
Find: Horizontal distance it
travels and vC.
Plan: Apply the kinematic relations
in x- and y-directions.

Solution: Using vAx = 10 cos 30 and vAy = 10 sin 30

We can write vx = 10 cos 30

vy = 10 sin 30 – (9.81) t
x = (10 cos 30) t
y = (10 sin 30) t – ½ (9.81) t2
Since y = 0 at C
0 = (10 sin 30) t – ½ (9.81) t2  t = 0, 1.019 s
EXAMPLE 1 (continued)

Only the time of 1.019 s makes sense!

Velocity components at C are;

vCx = 10 cos 30
= 8.66 m/s 

vCy = 10 sin 30 – (9.81) (1.019)

= -5 m/s = 5 m/s 
  =10 m/s

Horizontal distance the ball travels is;

x = (10 cos 30) t
x = (10 cos 30) 1.019 = 8.83 m

Given: Projectile is fired with vA=150 m/s

at point A.
Find: The horizontal distance it travels (R)
and the time in the air.

Plan: Establish a fixed x, y coordinate system (in this solution,

the origin of the coordinate system is placed at A).
Apply the kinematic relations in x- and y-directions.
EXAMPLE 2 (continued)
1) Place the coordinate system at point A.
Then, write the equation for horizontal motion.
+  xB = xA + vAx tAB
where xB = R, xA = 0, vAx = 150 (4/5) m/s

Range, R, will be R = 120 tAB

2) Now write a vertical motion equation. Use the distance equation.
+ yB = yA + vAy tAB – 0.5 g tAB2
where yB = – 150, yA = 0, and vAy = 150(3/5) m/s
We get the following equation: –150 = 90 tAB + 0.5 (– 9.81) tAB2

Solving for tAB first, tAB = 19.89 s.

Then, R = 120 tAB = 120 (19.89) = 2387 m

y Given: A skier leaves the ski

x jump ramp at qA = 25o
and hits the slope at B.

Find: The skier’s initial speed vA.

Plan: Establish a fixed x,y coordinate system (in this solution,

the origin of the coordinate system is placed at A).
Apply the kinematic relations in x- and y-directions.
EXAMPLE 3 (continued)

Motion in x-direction:
Using xB = xA + vox(tAB)  (4/5)100 = 0 + vA (cos 25) tAB

tAB= 80 88.27
vA (cos 25) vA
Motion in y-direction:
Using yB = yA + voy(tAB) – ½ g(tAB)2

88.27 88.27 2
– 64 = 0 + vA(sin 25) { }– ½ (9.81) { }
vA vA
vA = 19.42 m/s
tAB= (88.27 / 19.42) = 4.54 s

Given: The golf ball is struck

with a velocity of 80
ft/s as shown.
y Find: Distance d to where it
will land.

Plan: Establish a fixed x, y coordinate system (in this solution,

the origin of the coordinate system is placed at A).
Apply the kinematic relations in x- and y-directions.
EXAMPLE 4 (continued)

Motion in x-direction:
Using xB = xA + vox(tAB)
Þ d cos10 = 0 + 80 (cos 55) tAB
tAB = 0.02146 d
Motion in y-direction:
Using yB = yA + voy(tAB) – ½ g(tAB)2
Þ d sin10 = 0 + 80(sin 55)(0.02146 d) – ½ 32.2 (0.02146 d)2
Þ 0 = 1.233 d – 0.007415 d2

d = 0, 166 ft Only the non-zero answer is meaningful.

(Section 12.7)
When a particle moves along a curved path, it is sometimes convenient
to describe its motion using coordinates other than Cartesian. When the
path of motion is known, normal (n) and tangential (t) coordinates are
often used.

In the n-t coordinate system, the

origin is located on the particle
(thus the origin and coordinate
system move with the particle).

The t-axis is tangent to the path (curve) at the instant considered,

positive in the direction of the particle’s motion.
The n-axis is perpendicular to the t-axis with the positive direction
toward the center of curvature of the curve.

The positive n and t directions are

defined by the unit vectors un and ut,

The center of curvature, O’, always

lies on the concave side of the curve.
The radius of curvature, r, is defined
as the perpendicular distance from
the curve to the center of curvature at
that point.

The position of the particle at any instant is

defined by the distance, s, along the curve from a fixed
reference point.

The velocity vector is always

tangent to the path of motion

The magnitude is determined by taking the time derivative of

the path function, s(t). .
v = v ut where v = s = ds/dt

Here v defines the magnitude of the velocity (speed) and

ut defines the direction of the velocity vector.

Acceleration is the time rate of change

. of
. velocity:
a = dv/dt = d(vut)/dt = vut + vut
Here v represents the change in
the magnitude of velocity and ut
represents the rate of change in
the direction of ut.

After mathematical manipulation,

the acceleration vector can be
expressed as:
a = v ut + (v2/r) un = at ut + an un.

So, there are two components to the

acceleration vector:
a = at ut + an un

• The tangential component is tangent to the curve and in the

direction of. increasing or decreasing velocity.
at = v or at ds = v dv
• The normal or centripetal component is always directed
toward the center of curvature of the curve. an = v2/r
•  The magnitude of the acceleration vector is

There are some special cases of motion to consider.

1) The particle moves along a straight line.
r  => an = v2/r = 0 => a = at = v
The tangential component represents the time rate of change in
the magnitude of the velocity.
2) The particle moves along a curve at constant speed.
at = v = 0 => a = an = v2/r
The normal component represents the time rate of change in the
direction of the velocity.

3) The tangential component of acceleration is constant, at = (at)c.

In this case,
s = so + vo t + (1/2) (at)c t2
v = vo + (at)c t
v2 = (vo)2 + 2 (at)c (s – so)
As before, so and vo are the initial position and velocity of the
particle at t = 0. How are these equations related to projectile
motion equations? Why?
4) The particle moves along a path expressed as y = f(x).
The radius of curvature, r, at any point on the path can be
calculated from
[ 1 + (dy/dx)2 ]3/2
r = ________________
d2y/dx 2

If a particle moves along a space curve,

the n-t axes are defined as before. At
any point, the t-axis is tangent to the
path and the n-axis points toward the
center of curvature. The plane
containing the n-t axes is called the
osculating plane.

A third axis can be defined, called the binomial axis, b. The

binomial unit vector, ub, is directed perpendicular to the osculating
plane, and its sense is defined by the cross product ub = ut × un.

There is no motion, thus no velocity or acceleration, in the

binomial direction.

Given: A car travels along the road

with a speed of v = (2s) m/s,
where s is in meters.
r = 50 m
Find: The magnitudes of the car’s
acceleration at s = 10 m.

1) Calculate the velocity when s = 10 m using v(s).

2) Calculate the tangential and normal components
of acceleration and then the magnitude of the
acceleration vector.
EXAMPLE 1 (continued)
1) The velocity vector is v = v ut , where the magnitude is
given by v = (2s) m/s.
When s = 10 m: v = 20 m/s
2) The acceleration vector is a = atut + anun = vut + (v2/r)un
Tangential component:
Since at = v = dv/dt = (dv/ds) (ds/dt) = v (dv/ds)
where v = 2s  at = d(2s)/ds (v)= 2 v
At s = 10 m: at = 40 m/s2
Normal component: an = v2/r
When s = 10 m: an = (20)2 / (50) = 8 m/s2
  The magnitude of the acceleration is
a == = 40.8 m/s2

Given: A boat travels around a

circular path, r = 40 m, at a
speed that increases with
time, v = (0.0625 t2) m/s.
Find: The magnitudes of the boat’s
velocity and acceleration at
the instant t = 10 s.
The boat starts from rest (v = 0 when t = 0).
1) Calculate the velocity at t = 10 s using v(t).
2) Calculate the tangential and normal components
of acceleration and then the magnitude of the
acceleration vector.
EXAMPLE 2 (continued)
1) The velocity vector is v = v ut , where the magnitude is
given by v = (0.0625t2) m/s. At t = 10s:
v = 0.0625 t2 = 0.0625 (10)2 = 6.25 m/s
2) The acceleration vector is a = atut + anun = vut + (v2/r)un.
Tangential component: at = v = d(.0625 t2 )/dt = 0.125 t m/s2
At t = 10s: at = 0.125t = 0.125(10) = 1.25 m/s2
Normal component: an = v2/r m/s2
At t = 10s: an = (6.25)2 / (40) = 0.9766 m/s2
  The magnitude of the acceleration is
a = = = 1.59 m/s2

Given: The train engine at E has a

speed of 20 m/s and an
acceleration of 14 m/s2 acting
in the direction shown.
Find: The rate of increase in the
train’s speed and the radius of
curvature  of the path.
  1. Determine the tangential and normal components of the
2. Calculate from the tangential component of the
3. Calculate  from the normal component of the
EXAMPLE 3 (continued)
1) Acceleration

Tangential component :
at =14 cos(75) = 3.623 m/s2

Normal component :
an = 14 sin(75) = 13.52 m/s2
 2) The tangential component of acceleration is the rate of
increase of the train’s speed, so
at = = 3.62 m/s2.
3) The normal component of acceleration is
an = v2/r  13.52 = 202 / r
r = 29.6 m

Given: Starting from rest, a bicyclist travels around a

horizontal circular path, r = 10 m, at a speed of
v = (0.09 t2 + 0.1 t) m/s.
Find: The magnitudes of her velocity and acceleration when
she has traveled 3 m.
The bicyclist starts from rest (v = 0 when t = 0).
1) Integrate v(t) to find the position s(t).
2) Calculate the time when s = 3 m using s(t).
3) Calculate the tangential and normal components
of acceleration and then the magnitude of the
acceleration vector.
EXAMPLE 4 (continued)
1) The velocity vector is v = (0.09 t2 + 0.1 t) m/s, where t is in
seconds. Integrate the velocity and find the position s(t).
Position: ò
v dt = ò(0.09 t2 + 0.1 t) dt
s (t) = 0.03 t3 + 0.05 t2
2) Calculate the time, t when s = 3 m.
3 = 0.03 t3 + 0.05 t2
Solving for t, t = 4.147 s

The velocity at t = 4.147 s is,

v = 0.09 (4.147 ) 2 + 0.1 (4.147 ) = 1.96 m/s
EXAMPLE 4 (continued)
3) The acceleration vector is a = atut + anun = vut + (v2/r)un.
Tangential component:
at = v = d(0.09 t2 + 0.1 t) / dt = (0.18 t + 0.1) m/s2
At t = 4.147 s : at = 0.18 (4.147) + 0.1 = 0.8465 m/s2
Normal component:
an = v2/r m/s2
At t = 4.147 s : an = (1.96)2 / (10) = 0.3852 m/s2
  The magnitude of the acceleration is
a == = 0.930 m/s2
(Section 12.8)

We can express the location of P in polar coordinates as r = r ur.

Note that the radial direction, r, extends outward from the fixed
origin, O, and the transverse coordinate, q,is measured counter-
clockwise (CCW) from the horizontal.
The instantaneous velocity is defined as:
v = dr/dt = d(rur)/dt
. dur
v = rur + r
Using the chain rule:
dur/dt = (dur/dq)(dq/dt) .
We can prove that. dur/d. q = uθ so dur/dt = quθ
Therefore: v = rur + rquθ
Thus, the velocity vector has two components:
. r,
called the radial component, and rq called the
transverse component. The speed of the particle at
any given instant is the sum of the squares of both
components or
. 2 .
v= (r q ) + ( r )
The instantaneous acceleration is defined as:
. .
a = dv/dt = (d/dt)(rur + rquθ)
After manipulation, the acceleration can be
expressed as
.. . .. . .
a = (r – rq 2)ur + (rq + 2rq )uθ
.. .
The term (r – rq 2) is the radial acceleration
or ar .
.. . .
The term (rq + 2rq ) is the transverse
acceleration or aq .
.. . .. . .
The magnitude of acceleration is a = (r – rq 2)2 + (rq + 2rq ) 2

If the particle P moves along a space

curve, its position can be written as

rP = rur + zuz

Taking time derivatives and using

the chain rule:
. . .
Velocity: vP = rur + rquθ + zuz
.. . .. . . ..
Acceleration: aP = (r – rq )ur + (rq + 2rq )uθ + zuz

Given: The platform is rotating such

that, at any instant, its angular
position is  = (4t3/2) rad, where
t is in seconds.
A ball rolls outward so that its
position is r = (0.1t3) m.
Find: The magnitude of velocity and acceleration of the ball when t =
1.5 s.

Use a polar coordinate system and related kinematic
Break Time
We'll resume at
EXAMPLE 1 (continued)

, ,
4 t3/2, 6, 3
At t=1.5 s,
r 0.3375 m, 0.675 m/s, 0.9 m/s2
7.348 rad, 7.348 rad/s, 2.449 rad/s2

Substitute into .the equation

. for velocity
v = r ur + rq uθ = 0.675 ur + 0.3375 (7.348) uθ
= 0.675 ur + 2.480 uθ

v = (0.675)2 + (2.480)2 = 2.57 m/s

EXAMPLE 1 (continued)

Substitute in the equation for acceleration:

.. . .. . .
a = (r – rq 2)ur + (rq + 2rq)uθ

a = [0.9 – 0.3375(7.348)2] ur
+ [0.3375(2.449) + 2(0.675)(7.348)] uθ

a = – 17.33 ur + 10.75 uθ m/s2

a = (– 17.33)2 + (10.75)2 = 20.4 m/s2


 Given: The arm of the robot is

extending at a constant rate
= 1.5 ft/s when r = 3 ft,
z = (4t2) ft, and  = (0.5 t) rad,
where t is in seconds.
Find: The velocity and acceleration
of the grip A when t = 3 s.
Plan: Use cylindrical coordinates.
EXAMPLE 2 (continued)
When t = 3 s, r = 3 ft and the arm is extending at a constant rate = 1.5
ft/s. Thus ft/s2
1.5 t 4.5 rad, 1.5 rad/s, 0 rad/s2
z 4 t2 36 ft, 8 t 24 ft/s, 8 ft/s2

Substitute in the
. for. velocity
v = r ur + rq uθ + z ur
= 1.5 ur + 3 (1.5) uθ + 24 uz
= 1.5 ur + 4.5 uθ + 24 uz

Magnitude v = (1.5)2 + (4.5)2 + (24)2 = 24.5 ft/s

EXAMPLE 2 (continued)

Acceleration equation in cylindrical coordinates

.. . .. . . ..
a = (r – rq )ur + (rq + 2rq)uθ + zuz

= {0 – 3 (1.5)2}ur +{3 (0) + 2 (1.5) 1.5 } uθ + 8 uz

a = [6.75 ur + 4.5 uθ + 8 uz] ft/s2

a = (6.75)2 + (4.5)2 + (8)2 = 11.4 ft/s2

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