A Seminar Report On Internet

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Seminar Report


Ms. Sana Bharti Divjot
Assistant Professor 2020002
Department of Computer Applications BCA 1 st Sem

What is Internet?
Father Of Internet
History of Internet
How does Internet work?
Who Governs the Internet?
Techniques to Connect with Internet
Advantages of Internet
Disadvantages of Internet
Services Available on Internet
What is Internet ?
• Internet is a network of networks which • It is popularly called the Net.
consists of inter-connected networks.
• It uses TCP/IP protocols for communication.
• It is a worldwide network of computers that
uses common communications standards
(protocols) and interfaces to provide the
physical backbone for a number of interesting
• All computers which have an access to
internet, are connected with each other either
through cables or satellite.
• A network is a collection of computers that
are connected to each other with the help of
cables or satellites to share information
around the world.
Father Of Internet
• Vinton Gray Cerf is known as the father of the • TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is used to
internet. break the information into Packets and also
responsible for assembling the Packets into a
• Co-designer of TCP/IP Protocols and single message.
architecture of the internet.
• IP (Internet Protocol) is responsible for sending
the Packets to the right address by assigning
them sequence number.
History of Internet
• In 1957, the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist • In 1971, more nodes joined the network.
Republics) launched Sputnik (the first
artificial satellite). • In 1974, data was transmitted more efficiently
with the development of TCP then later on IP
• In 1969, the Advanced Research Project technology was developed.
Agency (ARPA) designed a network of four
computers to exchange and share their data. • In 1991, Tim Berners-Lee developed the
WWW (World Wide Web).
• This network was called ARPANET (Advanced
Research Project Agency Network).
• The Internet grew in leaps and bounds during
• Earlier, the internet was used by engineers, scientists, and computer experts for research purpose.
Gradually, the network was made accessible to private agencies and general public.
• As of 2011, there are approximately 65 million internet users in India alone.
• 1.3 billion users around the world. And now it is even more.
• In India, internet services started on 15 th August 1995 through a government owned company
VSNL (Vides Sanchar Nigam Limited).

Sputnik (first artificial satellite)

How does Internet Work ?
• There are two approaches to understand the working of internet.

• In this approach, Clients and
Client- Servers communicate over a
Server network on a separate hardware.

Approach 2 • In this approach the information

From the that we send through the internet
Point of is broken into packets by TCP
using the technique of packet
view of switching.
Client- Server Architecture
• Clients and Servers communicate over • Example: Banks
a network on a separate hardware. Servers

• The communication is initiated by the 3. Servers

client. validate Action
and Calculates
• They carry out the client’s request to new world state
the server.
• Server responds to the requests from
the client by sending it the desired
• Clients displays the results sent by the
Client A
1. Player sends
command points on

Client- Server Architecture

From Point of View of Network
• The information that we send through • When the packets reach the
the internet is broken into packets by destination computer, the TCP again
TCP using the technique of packet assembles the packets into a single
switching. message using Packet Switching.
• IP assigns a sequence number to • Thus, whatever information we sent
packets. through internet is received correctly
at desired destination.
• These packets are sent independently
of each other to the local ISPs.
• The packets travel through multiple
levels of networks before reaching the
Who Governs the Internet?
• Internet Council for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN): It coordinates
the unique domain extensions across the globe.
• Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF): It is a large and open International
Community of network designers, operators and researchers concerned with the
evolution of Architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet.
• Internet Architecture Board (IAB): It judges appeal when someone complains
that the IESG has failed.
• World Wide Web Consortium (W3C): It develops standards to ensure the long
term growth of the web.
Techniques to Connect with Internet
There are two modes of connecting to the internet:
Wired Broadband
1. Dial-Up Connection
2. Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)
3. Internet via Cable

Wireless Broadband
1. Internet through Satellite
2. Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity)
3. Wi Max

Internet via cable Wi Max

Advantages of Internet

• Education
• Business
• Social Networking
• Health And Fitness
• Instant Messaging
• News And Information
Disadvantages of Internet

• Theft of Personal Information

• Cyber Terrorism
• Spamming
• Virus Threat
• Social Isolation, Obesity, Depression
• Addiction to Internet
Services Available on Internet

• Information Retrieval
• Electronic Mail
• Chat
• Video Conferencing
• E-Learning
• Internet Banking
• News Groups
• Usenet
• E-Groups (Electronic Group)
• Blog
• E-Reservation
• Telnet
 Every new technology comes with both positive and negative effects, and it is up to us as a
society to decide if the positives outweigh the negatives.

 The internet has had many impacts on education, including making the possibility of a fully
accredited online degree possible.

 It has provided students with the makings for both their success and their demise with
online and hybrid classes. The biggest impact though, though, has been a positive one, and
it outweighs all the negative ones we have discussed.

 That impact is choice. The internet has allowed students to pick their path from more than
the two options of old. Allowing students to choose the education path that is right for them
has been an essential change in our society.

 Because of this we must say that the overall impact of the internet on our social lives has
also been positive.

 https://www.actiontec.com/wifihelp/complete-guide-to-modems-routers-an

 https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/digital-subscriber-line-dsl/

 https://howmyinternetwork.weebly.com/page-4.html

 http://thecloud09.blogspot.com/2016/03/cable-cable-provides-internet.html

 https://www.fi.edu/laureates/vinton-gray-cerf

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