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Biodiversity is short for Biological Diversity.

It is the presence of diverse biological life

forms as well as the ecosystem in which they
live that includes all organisms like plants,
animals, microorganisms, and the ecosystem
of which they are part.
Is the variety of the earth’s species, or
varying life-forms, the genes they contain,
the ecosystems in which they live, and the
ecosystem processes of energy flow and
nutrient cycling that sustain life.
Biodiversity is directly involved in 
water purification, recycling nutrients and
providing fertile soils. 
Biodiversity can be also defined as the richness
of species of living things, means the presence
of diverse biological life forms as well as the
ecosystem in which they live. We are part of
biodiversity & we must not abuse our ecosystem.
 Biodiversity is not distributed evenly on Earth,
but varies greatly across the globe as well as
within regions.
The diversity of all living things
depends on temperature,
precipitation, altitude, soils,
geography & other species.
Terrestrial biodiversity is up to 25
times greater than ocean biodiversity
with the total number of species on
Earth at 8.7 million of which 2.1
million were estimated to live in the
Biodiversity hotspot - is a biogeographic
region with a significant reservoir of 
biodiversity that is under threat from
humans. It represents regions that have
experienced considerable habitat loss. The
purpose of biodiversity hotspots is not
simply to identify regions that are of high
biodiversity value, but to prioritize
conservation spending. 
Levels of Biological
1. Species Diversity – refers to the variety of living
species. It describes the number of different kinds
of organisms within
individual communities of ecosystems. It leads
to complex ecological interactions,
“The more species that are present, the more
levels of predation, competition, parasitism and so
on that can exist.”
Genetic Diversity – refers to the variety of genetic
information contained in all of the individual
plants, animals and microorganisms. It is the raw
material that makes microevolution and adaptation
to the environment.
If the Local Population are lost, then the number of
individuals in the species declines and so the
genetic resources for the species. Severe reduction
in genetic variation threatens the survival of a
3. Ecosystem Diversity – Refers to the
variety of biotic communities, habitats,
and ecological processes, as well as the
tremendous diversity present within
ecosystem in terms of habitat differences
and variety of ecological processes.
The disappearance of natural ecosystem
results in the loss of ecosystem services;
the functions are performed by an
ecosystem that directly or indirectly
benefits people. These vital services
include air and water purification,
climate regulation and erosion control.
4. Functional Diversity - is defined as the part
of biodiversity contributing to pest control.
Cropping practice (organic/conventional) can
affect both plant and arthropod diversity with real
effects on both pests and their natural enemies 
Benefits from
a. Supporting Services. Biodiversity
maintains the condition for life on earth,
including soil formation and retention,
nutrient/carbon cycling and primary
b. Cultural Services. Represents human value
and enjoyment
example: landscape aesthetics,
cultural heritage, outdoor recreation, and
spiritual significance.
c. Regulating Services. Those that lessen
environmental change (e.g.: climate
regulation, pest/disease control). Include
regulation of air quality, climate, floods,
soil erosion, water purification, waste
treatment, pollination and biological control
of human, livestock and agricultural pests
and diseases.
d. Provisioning Services. Involve the
production of renewable resources (e.g. food,
wood, fresh water). Biodiversity provides food,
fuel, biochemical, natural medicine,
pharmaceutical, genetic resources & fresh
Important ecosystem
a. Air and water purification
b.Climate regulation
c. Erosion control
d. Recreation
e. Resources used by people
such as wood, water and
Importance of
A. Direct Economic Value – obtain from
species of plants, animals and other
- Many Species have direct value as
sources of food, medicine, clothing,
biomass, (for energy & other purposes) &
B. Indirect Economic Value
= There are benefits produced by
species without consuming them,
or using them. They perform series
of activities beneficial to humans
C. Ethical and Aesthetic Value
Convinced that every species has a value in its
own right, even if humans are not able to
exploit or benefit from it, many people
believe that preserving biodiversity is an
ethical issue. Species have their right to exist.
Biodiversity is of great value for the products
with which it provides us, for its contributions
to the health of the ecosystems upon which
we all depend, and for the beauty it provides
us. It is valuable in itself.
= Diverse biological communities are of vital
importance to healthy ecosystems, in maintaining
the chemical quality of natural water, in preserving
soil and preventing loss of minerals and nutrients,
in moderating local &regional climate, in absorbing
pollution & in promoting the breakdown of organic
wastes and the cycling of minerals.
Ex. Certain species maintain the chemical
quality of natural water bodies, prevent soil
erosion, drought and floods, cycle minerals in the
soil, absorb pollutants.
Biodiversity Crisis is a serious
problem that the world is facing
By destroying biodiversity, we create
conditions of instability, lessen
productivity and promote desertification,
waterlogging, mineralization and many
other undesirable outcomes throughout
the world.
Reasons of Biodiversity Crisis
`1. The main problem is our countrymen have
exploited too much of our flora and fauna.
Philippines is one of the worlds most threatened
hotspots, with only seven percent of its original
old growth, as a result of illegal logging activities,
mining & land conservation.
2. The country’s development objectives, includes
road network development, irrigation, power and
energy projects, and planned ports and harbors.
3. National parks and protected areas are
crucial for the conservation of Philippine
biodiversity. Biodiversity crisis in the
country roots from habitat destruction,
overexploitation, land conversions,
By destroying biodiversity, we create
conditions of instability, lessen productivity
and promote desertification, waterlogging,
mineralization and many other undesirable
outcomes throughout the world.
Causes of Declining
1. Habitat alteration or Destruction – the
massive destruction and fragmentation of
habitats caused by agriculture, urban
development, forestry and mining pose the
single greatest threat to biodiversity.
Deforestation is one of the main causes of
loss of habitat. Reconstruction of the area
into park, agricultural development among
others, causes alteration or destruction.
2. Improper Use of agriculture chemicals-
Human beings polluted the environment with
chemical poisons called pesticides. Some
valuable insects are destroyed at the same
time the harmful ones are killed.

3. Overpopulation- Population increase and

slow economic growth have brought threat to
biodiversity. Species of plants and animals
have become rare and endangered.
Deforestation- is the main cause of
extinction of species. The destruction
of coral reefs, wetlands also contribute
to the decrease number of species.
Over Exploitation / Over Hunting /
Over Collecting – A large number of
species are threatened by over-
hunting, illegal trade, over fishing,
over collecting of a specie.
Introduction of Invasive Species or Exotic
Species – it can disrupt the native ecosystem of
native plants & animals. The invader species
can adversely affect native species by infecting
them, competing with them, eating them or
mating with them.
Uncontrolled population growth of human-
introduced species to non-native habitats has
caused problem when the introduced species
have competed with, preyed on, parasitized
native species.
7. Change in Climatic Condition – change in climate
can alter environmental conditions. Species may be
lost if they are unable to adopt to a new

8. Pollution; Air and water pollution is a

contributing factor in declining populations of
hundreds of species worldwide.
- The global water cycle can transport pollutants
from terrestrial to aquatic ecosystems hundreds of
miles away.
Pollutants that are emitted in the atmosphere
fall to earth in the form of acid rain.
Importance of Biodiversity
A. Direct Economic Value – obtain from
species of plants, animals and other
groups such as the sources of food,
medicine, clothing, biomass, (for energy
& other purposes) & shelter.

B. Indirect Economic Value - are

benefits produced by species without
consuming them, or using them directly.
- They perform series of activities
beneficial to humans.
Diverse biological communities are of vital
importance to healthy ecosystems, in
maintaining the chemical quality of natural
water, in preserving soil and preventing loss of
minerals and nutrients, in moderating local
&regional climate, in absorbing pollution & in
promoting the breakdown of organic wastes
and the cycling of minerals.
Ex. Certain species maintain the
chemical quality of natural water bodies,
prevent soil erosion, drought and floods, cycle
minerals in the soil, absorb pollutants.
C. Ethical and Aesthetic Value
Convinced that every species has a value in its
own right, even if humans are not able to
exploit or benefit from it, many people
believe that preserving biodiversity is an
ethical issue. Species have their right to exist.
Biodiversity is of great value for the products
with which it provides us, for its contributions
to the health of the ecosystems upon which
we all depend, and for the beauty it provides
us. It is valuable in itself.
Biodiversity Crisis - is a serious problem that the world is
facing today because of too much exploitation of our
flora and fauna. Philippines is one of the worlds most
threatened hotspots, with only seven percent of its
original old growth, as a result of illegal logging
activities, mining & land conservation.
Biodiversity conservation - is a protection, upliftment
and scientific management of biodiversity so as to
maintain it at its threshold level and derive sustainable
benefits for the present and future generation.
- aimed at protection, enhancement and scientific
management of the biodiversity. 
Promotion of Eco

Assessing Socio Conservation of Awareness
Economic Benefits Biodiversity

Restoration of degraded
Biodiversity conservation, the practice of
protecting and preserving the wealth and variety
of species, habitats, ecosystems, and genetic
diversity on the planet, is important for our
health, wealth, food, fuel, and services we
depend on. Biodiversity conservation is vital for
economic growth and poverty reduction.
 is the protection and management
of biodiversity to obtain resources for
sustainable development.
 Biodiversity conservation has three main
objectives: To preserve the diversity of species.
Sustainable utilization of species and ecosystem.

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