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More on LOGO

LOGO – Language Of Graphic Oriented
• LOGO is a computer language, which stands for Language of Graphic
• Designed by Saymour Pappert in 1960’s.
• Specially created for children to learn the art of programming.
• Used for drawing figures, printing text and performing arithmetic
To start LOGO program :
• Click on start button.
• Go to All programs/ Program/ All Apps
• Click on Microsoft Windows LOGO
Parts of LOGO screen
• LOGO screen is divided into 2 parts.
1. Graphic Window
2. Listener Window
Graphic Window is the area where turtle
moves and draw figures.
Listener Window is the area where
commands are entered.
LOGO turtle
• Turtle is a small triangular shaped pen.
• Placed at the centre of the Graphic window so that the center of
graphic window is called Home of Turtle.
Body parts of Turtle
Head of turtle

Tail of turtle
1. The pointed top of the turtle is called Head
of turtle.
2. The wide base of the turtle is called Tail of
• The commands in LOGO are known as primitives.
• Primitives can be typed in uppercase (Capital Letters) or lowercase
(Small Letters)
• Primitives are entered in the listener window.
• Forward (FD) command is used to move the turtle forward step by
Syntax : FORWARD <no of steps> or FD <no of steps>
Example : FORWARD 100 or FD 100
• Back (BK) command is used to move the turtle in the backward
Syntax : BACK <no of steps> or BK <no of steps>
Example : BACK 100 or BK 100
• Right (RT) command turns the head of the turtle towards the right
Syntax : RIGHT <no of steps>or RT <no of steps>
Example : RIGHT 100 or RT 100
• Left (LT) command turns the turtle to the left direction.
Syntax : LEFT <no of steps> or LT <no of steps>
Example : LEFT 100 or LT 100
• Clearscreen (CS) command erase the entire picture drawn in graphic
window. After rubbing the picture, it brings the turtle back to the
centre of the screen.
• Home command brings the turtle to its starting position.
Syntax : HOME
• HIDETURTLE (HT) is used to hide the turtle from the screen.
• SHOWTURTLE (ST) is used to display the turtle on screen.
• PENUP(PU) is used to lift the pen without drawing.
• PENDOWN (PD) is used to put the pen down so that turtle starts
drawing again.
• PENERASE (PE) is used to change the turtle into eraser mode.
1. LOGO is used for drawing figures, printing text messages and performing
mathematical calculations. Fill in the blanks to see how well you know them:
a…………………….command is used to move the turtle forward step by step.
b. ………………..command is used to move the turtle in the backward direction.
c……………………turns the head of the turtle towards the right side.
d. The………………command erases the entire picture drawn in the Graphic window.
e. The…………………….command is used to display the turtle on the screen.
2. Say whether these sentences are True or False:
a. A computer can think and make any decision on its own.
b. The Graphic window is the window where you type commands
c. The LEFT command turns the turtle to the left, i.e., in the clockwise direction.
d. The HOME command makes the turtle draw as it moves to the centre of the screen.
e. PENUP (PU) command is used to lift up the turtle’s pen.
3. Match the following:
RIGHT (RT) used to lift up the turtle’s pen
PENUP (PU) used to move the turtle forward step by step
CLEARSCREEN (CS) used to move the turtle in the backward direction
BACK (BK) turns the head of the turtle towards the right side
HIDE TURTLE (HT) erases the entire picture drawn in the Graphic window
FORWARD hides the turtle from the screen
4. Write the actions of the following primitives.
a. RT……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
b. BK ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
c. FD……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
d. HT……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
e. LT……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
f. PU ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
g. PE ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. Answer the following questions.
a. What is a LOGO program?
b. Into how many sections is the LOGO program screen divided? Name
c. What is a listener window?
d. What is the function of FD command?
e. Which command brings the turtle to the starting position?
f. What do PU and PD commands do?
Main Features of Editing
• Inserting Text
• Deleting Text
• Copying Text
• Correcting Spelling Mistakes
• Correcting Grammatical errors
Inserting Text
To insert text in a document :
1. Place the cursor where you want to insert.
2. Type text.
3. When text will be inserted, use spacebar or enter.
Deleting Text
There are 2 ways to delete the text.
1. Using Backspace Key
• Position the cursor at the end of text.
• Press Backspace.
2. Using Delete Key
• Position the cursor at the left of text.
• Press Delete
Copying Text
Copying text means make the duplicate text. It allows user to avoid
repeated typing.
To copy text follow these steps :
• Select the text
• Press CTRL+C
• Position the cursor where you want to make a copy.
• Press CTRL+V
Moving Text
Moving text means Shift the text from one part to another into
document permanently.
To move text follow these steps.
• Select the text.
• Press CTRL+X
• Position the cursor where you want to move.
• Press CTRL+V
Undo (CTRL+Z) and Repeat (CTRL+Y)
• Undo and Repeat buttons are located on the Quick Access Toolbar so
that you can use them quickly and easily.
• Undo button use to go back to last action. This is useful in bringing
back a deleted word or to cancel the formatting you have just made.
• Repeat button is useful in re-doing a task which has been undone or
to repeatedly carry out a particular task.
Printing Document
To print the document use the following steps :
• Press CTRL + P
• Set the page layout option as desire.
• Click on print.
Formatting with Word
To format a document is to make it look organized and attractive.
Formatting makes your document look more professional and
presentable. It highlights the important features of your document. This
can be done by using different font style, colours and size, bullet, text
alignments, etc.
Formatting text
• The tools that help to format a document can be found in the font
group and paragraph group on the home tab.
Font is the style of letter in a document. You can make your document
more attractive by changing the font, types, style, colour and size.
Changing Font Type
To change the font type, follow these steps:
• Select the text
• Click on drop down arrow of font box
• Select your desired font.
Changing Font Size
To change font size follow these steps:
• Select the text
• Click on drop down arrow of font size box locate in font group.
• Select the font size.
Making the font Bold/Italic/Underline
• Press CTRL + B to makes the text bold.
• Press CTRL + I to makes the text Italic.
• Press CTRL + U to underline the text.
Making the font color
• Select the text
• Click on font color box.
• Select the desired font color.
Aligning Text
Word offers four ways of aligning text :
1. Right Align (CTRL+R) : it aligns text towards right margin.
2. Left Align (CTRL + L) : it aligns text towards left margin.
3. Centre (CTRL + E) : it aligns text according to the centre of page.
4. Justify (CTRL + J) : it makes text aligned on both sides.
To align the text
• Select the text
• Press CTRL + R to align the text towards right margin
• Press CTRL + L to align the text towards left margin.
• Press CTRL + E to align the text to the centre of the page
• Press CTRL + J to align the text on both sides.
Bullets and Numbering
• Bullets refers the lists that are referred by symbols.
• Numbering refers the lists that are referred by alphabet and number.

To create bullets
• Go to paragraph group
• Click on bullets
• Select any type of bullets.

To create numbered list

1. Go to paragraph group
2. Click on numbering
3. Select any type of numbering.

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