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• Salma Salsabila Abdillah (20170520177)

• Yulita Fatma Wati (20180520115)

Energy Justice: A Case Study

of Freeport Mining Project in
Papua 11

| Environmeent Policy & Government

o Injustices happen in so many sectors, this paper aims to talk about injustices in
the scope of energy and environment.
o We raise a motion about Freeport energy extraction in Tembagapura because we
think the long-standing injustices there need more attention and thorough
observation, in order to raise the bigger audience’s awareness about the
| Environment Policy & Government

injustices that happened to the environment and the indigenous people there.
Content and Goal

In this paper we will discuss about the application of There are indications of energy injustice in
justice to the process of energy production on a case the process of energy production by Freeport
study of a mining project in Papua by focusing on McMoran, an American mining company,
the three prongs emphasised in the conceptual which has operated a mining project in Papua
review of Energy Justice research, which includes: for the past 54 years. This paper aimed to
evaluation on where injustices emerge, evaluation on breakdown the case through the order of the
which affected sections of society are ignored, and tenet of justice presented in the conceptual
review of Energy Justice: distribution—

| Environment Policy & Government

the last one is evaluation on which processes exist
for their remediation in order to reveal and reduce identifying the concern, recognition—
such injustices identifying who it affects, and procedure—
identifying strategies for remediation
Research Plan

We use the theory of “Energy Justice: A Conceptual Review” by

Kirsten Jenkins et. al. as our foundation of analysis, research
procedures, and measures.
o This research uses qualitative methods. Using secondary data
from journal articles, web, thesis, and data related to the topic to
| Environment Policy & Government

be discussed.
o This research will discuss the the application of justice to the
process of energy production on a case study of mining project in
Papua by focusing on three prongs emphasised in the conceptual
review of energy Justice research.
Research Plan
First Basis: Distributional Justice
Distributional justice recognises both the physically unequal
allocation of environmental benefits and ills, and the uneven
distribution of their associated responsibilities. It represents a call for
the even distribution of benefits and ills on all members of society
| Environment Policy & Government

regardless of income, race, etc. As recognition that some resources

are unevenly distributed (the location mining sites, for example) such
claims for justice require that evidence of inequality are combined
with an argument for fair treatment.
Research Plan
Second Basis: Procedural Justice
concerns access to decision-making processes that govern the
distributions outlined above. It manifests as a call for equitable
procedures that engage all stake holders in a non-discriminatory way.
Procedural justice is underpinned by access to and pressure from
| Environment Policy & Government

multi-level legal systems. It is also driven by softer non-regulatory

influences such as practices, norms, values and behaviours. Rather
than classifying procedural injustices or unveiling mechanisms of
exclusion. Three mechanisms of inclusion designed to achieve just
outcomes through local knowledge mobilization, greater information
disclosure, and better institutional representation.


| Environment Policy & Government

Energy Justice: A Case Study of Freeport Mining Project in Papua

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