C3: Qualitative Metrics (Q M) : No Metric No Criteria Details Weightage

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C3: Qualitative Metrics (Q1 M)

s. Metric Criteria Details Weightage

1 3.2. C3 nstitution has created an ecosystem for innovations and ha 5
1 initiatives for creation and transfer of knowledqe

2 3.4. C3 Extension activities are carried out in the neighborhood community, 5

1 sensitizing students to social issues,for their holistic development,
and impact thereof durinq the last five vears.
Tota 1

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C3: Quant itative Metrics (Q"M)

S. No. Metric No. QnM I Details Weightage
Criteria 3- Research,Innovations and Extension (120)
3.1 Resource Mobilization for Research (15)
1 3.1.1 Q"M Grants received from Government and non-governmenta l 5
agencies for research projects , endowments,Chairs in the
institution during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)
Data requirement:
• e-copies of the grant award letters for sponsored research
projects / endowments
• List of endowments / projects with details of grants (Data

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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for DVV: 3.1.1 (QnM)

Metric Documents Needed Specific Instructions to HEis Not to be Included

No. I Considered
3.1.1 • List of grants for research projects • Sanction letter of grants by the • Grants given by their
received during the last five years funding agency is mandatory to own trust / sister
along with the nature of award,the support the claim. institutions not to be
awarding agency and the amount. • The duration of the grant period to included
• E-copies of the letters of award for be aligned with the assessment • Grants in the form of
research projects sponsored by period. Equipments / softwa re
Government and non-government / skill development
sources. centres will not be

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C3: Quant itative Metrics (Q"M)
S. No. Metric No. QnM I Details Weightage
Criteria 3- Research,Innovations and Extension (120)
3.1 Resource Mobilization for Research (15)
2 3.1.2 Q"M Percentage of teachers recognized as research guides\'latest 5
completed academic year)
Data requirement:
• Upload copies of the letter of the university recognizing faculty
as research guides
•Institutional data in prescribed format

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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for DVV: 3.1.2 (QnM)

Metric Documents Needed Specific Instructions to HEis Not to be Included

No. I Considered
3.1.2 • e-copies of letters from the • Teachers recognised as
University indicating the name of guides during the latest
the Guide / co- guide recognized completed academic year
• Data peining to only teachers of should be considered.
theInstitution in the latest • f the Data is large, the DW will
completed seek for the Guide ship letters of
Specific list of Teachers during DW

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C3: Quant itative Metrics (Q"M)
S. No. Metric No. QnM I Details Weightage
Criteria 3- Research,Innovations and Extension (120)
3.1 Resource Mobilization for Research (15)
3 3.1.3 QnM Percentage of departments having Research RJ;Ojects funded 5
by government and non government agencies during the last five
Data requirement:
• List of research projects and funding details(Data Template)
• Supporting document from Funding Agency
• Paste link to fundinq aqencv website

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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for DVV: 3.1.3 (QnM)

Metric Documents Needed Specific Instructions to HEis Not to be Included

No. I Considered
3.1.3 • List of teachers along with the • Data provided in this metric to • Grants given by their
department affiliation,title of the match with that of 3.1.1 own trust / sister
funded project, the amount and institutions not to be
the funding agency during the last included
five years. ft) • Grants in the form of
Equipments / software I
skill development
centres will not be

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C3: Quant itative Metrics (Q"M)
S. No. Metric No. QnM I Details Weightage
Criteria 3- Research,Innovations and Extension (120)
3.2Innovation Ecosystem (10)
4 3.2. QnM Number of workshops/seminars conducted oft' Research 5
2 Methodology, ntellectual Property Rights (IPR) and
entrepreneurship during the last five years
Data requirement:
• Report of the event
• Link to the activity report on the website
• List of workshops/seminars durinq last 5 years (Data

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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for DVV: 3.2.2 (QnM)

Metric Documents Needed Specific Instructions to HEis Not to be Included

No. I Considered
3.2.2 • Detailed report for each program. • Only activities with a bearing on • Courses Conducted
• Brochure/Geo tagged Photograph Research Methodology, under the metric 1.2.2
with date and captions; title of the Intellectual Property Rights not to be considered in
worksho ps I seminars conducted . (IPR), entrepreneurship and this metric.
• Details of resource persons. skills development to be
considered here.

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C3: Quant itative Metrics (Q"M)
S. No. Metric No. QnM I Details Weightage
Criteria 3- Research,Innovations and Extension (120)
3.3 Research Publication and Awards (25)
5 3.3.1 Q"M Number of Ph.Ds registered per eligible teacher during the last 5
five years
Data requirement: {l'l
• URL to the research page on HEIweb site
• List of PhD scholars and their details like name of the guide , title of
thesis, vear of award etc (Data Template)

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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for DVV: 3.3 .1 (QnM)

Met ric Not to be I ncluded

Documents Needed Specific I nstructions to HEis
No. I Considered
3.3. • List of faculties along with the • Document of registration of the • Guideship registration
1 name of the research research scholar indicating the after the assessment
scholars / Guide during the guide's name from the university. period not to be
assessment period. • If data is large, randomly considered.
• Guidesli p should be valid selected research scholars
during the assessment period. document from the universitv will
be souaht.

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C3: Quant itative Metrics (Q"M)
S. No. Metric No. QnM I Details Weightage
Criteria 3- Research,Innovations and Extension (120)
3.3 Research Publication and Awards (25)
6 3.3. Q"M Number of research papers per teachers in the Journals notified 10
2 on UGC website during the last five years
Data requirement:
• List of research papers by title,author,department, name and
year of publication (Data Template)
• Title of paper, Name of the author/s, Department of the
teacher, Name of journa l, Year of publication, SBN/ISSN

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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for DVV: 3.3 .2 (QnM)

Metric Documents Needed Specific Instructions to HEis Not to be Included

No. Considered
3.3. • The HEIshould provide the link •Publication of the authors with •Incomplete entries will
2 landing to the paper/article. Institution affiliation will be not be considered.
f!!I considered for assessment • If details given are not
• The HEI should provide the link to years complete with the
the journal website. only. links/screenshot,the
• The HEIshould provide respective publication
screenshots of research articles will not be considered.
clearly showing the title of the
article,affiliation, name of the
journal,year and authors name if
the links and DOI number are not
• The HEIshould indicate in the data
template against each paper
about the presence of the paper in Acti vate Wi 'ldows
the UGC CARE list/Scopus/Web

of Science other clear! .

C3: Quant itative Metrics (Q"M)
S. No. Metric No. QnM I Details Weightage
Criteria 3- Research,Innovations and Extension (120)
3.3 Research Publication and Awards (25)
7 3.3. QnM Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published 10
3 and papers published in national/ international conference
proceedings per teacher during last five years
Data requirement:
• List books and chapters edited volumes/ books published (Data
• Name of the teacher,Title of the paper,Title of the book
published,Title of the proceedings of the conference, Name of
the publisher,National/International, SBN/ISSN number of the
proceedinqs, Year of publication
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for DVV: 3.3 .3 (QnM)

Metric Documents Needed Specific Instructions to HEis Not to be Included

No. I Considered
3.3.3 • Cover page, content page and • Books withIS.SN number only • Publication claimed
first page of the selected would be considered. under 3.3.2 not to be
publication . • The details of selected repeated I included in
• Web-link of research papers by publications this metric.
title,author,Department/ School/ would be sought during the DW
Division/ Centre/ Unit/ Cell, name clarification process, if the data is
and year of publication large.
• Book's publication year should be
C3: Quant itative Metrics (Q"M)
S. No. Metric No. QnM I Details Weightage
Criteria 3- Research,Innovations and Extension (120)
3.4 Extension Activities (50)
8 3.4.2 Q"M Number of awards and recognitions received for extension
activities from government/ government recognised bodies
during the last five years
Data requirement:
• Number of awards for extension activities in last 5 year (Data
• e-copy of the award letters
• Name of the activity, Name of the Award/recognition, Name of
the Awarding government/ government recognized r
bodies,Yea of the Award
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for DVV: 3.4 .2 (QnM)

Metric Documents Needed Specific Instructions to HEis Not to be Included

No. I Considered
3.4.2 • E-copy of the award letters • These awards are to the institution • Awards to the individuals
• Any supporting document in and not to the individual and for should not be considered
relevance to the metric here.
• Awards received other
than extension activities
are not to be considered.
• Awa rds from own trust I
sister institutions not to
be considered .
• Awards local in nature
such as Urban / local
bodies/ Panchayat
etc are to be avoided.

<\ct•v2te I/Ii '1C 0 1 vS

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C3: Quant itative Metrics (Q"M)
S. No. Metric No. QnM I Details Weightage
Criteria 3- Research,Innovations and Extension (120)
3.4 Extension Activities (50)
9 3.4.3 Q"M Number of extension and outreach Programmes conducted by the "'Ir f"i'
institution through NSS/ NCC/ Red Cross/ YRC etc ., ( including the
programmes such as Swachh Bharat,AIDS awareness,Gender
issues etc. )and/or those organised in collaboration with industry,
community and NGOs during the last five years
Data requirement:
• Name and number of the extension and outreach Programmes,
Name of the collaborating agency: Non-government, industry,
community with contact details
• Reports of the event organized
• Number of extension and outreach Programmes conducted with
industry,communitv etc for the last five years (Data TemolateL,
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for DVV: 3.4 .3 (QnM)

Metric Documents Needed Specific Instructions to HEis Not to be Included

No. I Considered
3.4.3 • Geo tagged Photographs and any • Can be supplemented with • Events conducted for the
other supporting document of Newspaper reports of events. benefit of their own
relevance should have proper students not to be
captions and dates. included under outreach
• Detailed report for each extension programs.
and outreach program to be made
available,with specific mention of
number of students participated
and collaboratinq aqency

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C3: Quant itative Metrics (Q"M)
S. No. Metric No. QnM I Details Weightage
Criteria 3- Research,Innovations and Extension (120)
3.4 Extension Activities (50)
10 3.4.4 Q"M Average percentage of students participating in extension 20
activities at 3.4.3 . above during last five yea rs
Data requirent:
• Report of the event
• Ave rage percentage of students participating in extension
activities with Govt. or NGO etc (Data Template)

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