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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for DVV: 3.4 .

4 (QnM)

Metric Documents Needed Specific Instructions to HEis Not to be Included

No. I Considered
3.4.4 • Detailed report for each program • During the DW process,HEImay
extension and outreach program to be asked for student attendance
be made available,with specific documents I certificates for
mention of number of students selected extension activities.
participated and collaborating • Data given here should match with
agency. that of the activities indicated in
• Photograph or any supporting metric 3.4.3.
document of relevance should • Attendance sheet provided should
have proper captions and dates contain siqnature of students.

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C3: Quant itative Metrics (Q"M)
S. No. Metric No. QnM I Details Weightage
Criteria 3- Research,Innovations and Extension (120)
3.5 Collaboration (20)
11 3.5. QnM Number of Collaborative activities for research,Faculty exchange, 10
1 Student exchange/ internship per year
Data requirement:
• e-copies of related Document
• Details of Collaborative activities with institutions/industries for
research,Faculty exchange, Student e change/ internship (Data
Template) •

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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for DVV: 3.5.1 (QnM)

Metric Documents Needed Specific Instructions to HEis Not to be Included

No. I Considered
3.5 .1 • Copies of collaboration/related • The Collaboration should be valid • The collaborations
documents indicating the nature for the assessment period. mentioned in metric 3.4.3
of collaboration d activities • The collaboration activities of not to be considered here.
year-wise. research/ faculty exchange/ • Collaborations with the
student exchange/ internship/ sister institutions under the
on-the-job training/ project work same Trust not to be
should be facilitated through the included.
mentioned collaboration only. • Certificates issued by
external agencies to
students/Faculty for
exchange/ internship
cannot be the proof for
having collaboration with
the exte:rnaleaae.eY6
C3: Quant itative Metrics (Q"M)
S. No. Metric No. QnM I Details Weightage
Criteria 3- Research,Innovations and Extension (120)
3.5 Collaboration (20)
12 3.5. Q"M Number of functional MoUs with institutions,other universities, 10
2 industries,corporate houses etc. during the last five years
Data requirement:
• e-Copies of the MoUs with institution,/ industry/ corporate
• Details of functional MoUs with institutions of national,
international importance, other universities etc during the last
five years
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for DVV: 3.5 .2 (QnM)

Metric Documents Needed Specific Instructions to HEis Not to be Included

No. I Considered
3.5 .2 • List of activities conducted • The MoU should be functional • MOU's with the sister
under each MoU along with during the assessment period institutions under the same
dates of starting and • f the MoU is for three years Trust not to be included.
completion viz • Avoid data given in metric
year-wise signed by both 2011-2013, it shall be counted 3.5.1.
parties only once.
• E-copy of the letters showing • At least one activity should have
MOUs with other institutions. been conducted under an MOU
during the assessment period to
qualify as a functional MOU with
Crite rion 4:

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C4: Qualitative Metrics (Q1 M)
s. Metric Criteria Details Weightage
1 4.1. C4 TheInstitution has adequate infrast ructure and physical facilities for 5
1 teaching- learning. viz., classrooms, laborator ies,computing
equipment etc.
2 4.1. C4 ThInstitution has adequate facilities for cultural activities,sports, 5
2 qames (indoor,outdoor), qymnasium, yoqa etc.

3 4.2. C4 Library is automated usingIntegrated Library Management System 4

1 (ILMS)

4 4.3. C4 I nstitution frequently updates its T facilities including Wi-Fi 5

5 4.4. C4 There are established systems and procedures for maintaining and , 10
2 utilizing physical, academic and support facilities - laboratory, library
sports complex, computers, classrooms etc.
Tota 29
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C4: Quant itative Metrics (Q"M)
S. No. Metric No. QnM I Details Weightage
Criteria 4- Infrastructure and Learning Resources (100)
4.1Physical Facilities (30)
1 4.1.3 Q"M Percentage of classrooms and seminar halls with CT- enabled 10
facilities such as smart class,LMS,etc.
Data requirement:
• Upload Number of classrooms and seminar halls withICT
enabled facilities (Data Template)
• Number of classrooms with LCD facilities
• Number of classrooms with Wi- Fi/ LAN facilities
• Number of smart classrooms
• Number of classrooms with LMS facilities
• Number of seminar halls with CT facilities
• Paste link for additional information

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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for DVV: 4 .1.3 (QnM)

Metric Documents Needed Specific Instructions to HEis Not to be Included

No. I Considered
4.1.3 • Geo-tagged photographs of CT • Only classrooms and/or seminar •Labs and workshops with
enabled class rooms /seminar halls with CT enabled facilities to ICT facility not to be
halls with caption be considered here. considered.

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C4: Quant itative Metrics (Q"M)
S. No. Metric No. QnM I Details Weightage
Criteria 4- Infrastructure and Learning Resources (100)
4.1Physical Facilities (30)
2 4.1.4 Q"M Average percentage of expenditure,excluding salary for 10
infrastructure augmentation during last five years( NR in Lakhs)
Data requirement:
• Expenditure for infrastructure augmentation
• Total expenditure excluding salary
• Upload audited utilization statements
• Upload Details of budget allocation,excluding salary during the last five
years (Data Template)

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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for DVV: 4.1.4 (QnM)

Metri Documents Needed Specific Instructions to HEis Not to be Included

c I Considered
4.1.4 • Provide the consolidated fund • This metric is supp&sed to be • Avoid recurring expenditure
allocation towards infrastructure looked at with the perspective of on laboratory, maintenance
augmentation facilities duly infrastructure augmentation of infrastructure and
certified by Finance Officer. only acquisition of books and
• Highlight the relevant items in •In case of privately funded HEI jou rnals under this metric.
the audited income and the document should be certified
expenditure statement. bv Chartered Accountant.

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C4: Quant itative Metrics (Q"M)
S. No. Metric No. QnM I Details Weightage
Criteria 4- Infrastructure and Learning Resources (100)
4.2 Library as a learning Resource (20)

......,,... ,... •<;
3 4.2.2 QnM The institution has subscript ion for the follow ing e-resources ..,,
1. e-jou rnals
2. e-ShodhSindhu
3. Shodhganga Membership
4. e-books
6.Remote access to e-resources
Data requirement:
• Details of membership, Details
of subscription
• Details of subscriptions like e-journa ls, e-ShodhSindhu, Shodhga nga
Membership , Remote access to library resources, Web interface
etc (Data Template) rt t.o 1 ,...

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for DVV: 4 .2.2 (QnM)

Metric Documents Needed Specific Instructions to HEis Not to be Included

No. I Considered
4.2.2 • E-copy of the letter of • Ensure that the letter of • Soft copy of printed books
subscription /member ship in subscriptio contains cannot be accepted as e-
the name of HEI. complete details books.
• Screenshots of the facilities • Provide a link in the institutional
claimed with the name of HEI. website for the selected options
• Specific details in respect of e- for verification by OW.
resources selected.

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C4: Quant itative Metrics (Q"M)
S. No. Metric No. QnM I Details Weightage
Criteria 4- Infrastructure and Learning Resources (100)
4.2 Library as a learning Resource (20)
4 4.2.3 QnM Average annual expenditure for purchase of books/e-books and 5
subscription to journals/e - journals during the last five years (INR in
Data requirement:
• Expenditure on the purchase of books/e-books
• Expenditure on the purchase of journals/e-journals in ith year
• Audited statements of accounts
• Details of annual expenditure for purchase of books/e-books and
journals/e- journals during the last five years (Data Template)

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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for DVV: 4.2.3 (QnM)

Metric Documents Needed Specific Instructions to HEis Not to be Included

No. I Considered
4.2.3 • Provide consolidated extract of
expenditure for purchase of
books and jou rnals during the
last five years duly attested by
Head of theInstitution and CA.
• Audited
Income/ Expenditure
statement highlighting the
expenditure for purchase of
books and journals .

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C4: Quant itative Metrics (Q"M)
S. No. Metric No. QnM I Details Weightage
Criteria 4- Infrastructure and Learning Resources (100)
4.2 Library as a learning Resource (20)
5 4.2.4 QnM Percentage per day usage of library by teachers and students 5
( foot falls and login dat for online access)
(Data for the latest completed academic year)
Data requirement:
• Upload last page of accession register details

• Method of computing per day usage of library

• Number of users using library through e-access

• Number of physical users accessing library

• Details of library usage by teachers and

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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for DVV: 4.2.4 (QnM)

Metric Documents Needed Specific Instructions to HEis Not to be Included

No. I Considered
4.2.4 • Certified E-copy of the ledger • During OW clarification process
for footfa lls for 5 days. library log-book entries and data
• Certified screemshots of the data of online access for randomly
for the same 5 days for online selected five days will be sought.

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C4: Quant itative Metrics (Q"M)
S. No. Metric No. QnM I Details Weightage
Criteria 4- Infrastructure and Learning Resources (100)
4.3 IT Infrastructure (30)
6 4.3.2 Q"M Student - Computer ratio (Del>,ta for the latest completed academ ic 10
Data requirement:
• Number of computers in working condition
• Total Number of students
• Student - computer ratio

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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for DVV: 4.3 .2 (QnM)

Metric Documents Needed Specific Instructions to HEis Not to be Included

No. I Considered
4.3.2 • Number of Computers available • The data pert8ining to the latest • The computers for office
for student use only completed academic year. and faculty use will not be
• Bills for the purchase of considered.
computers . • Computers purchased
• Highlight the entries of after
computers purchased in the the latest completed
stock reaisters. academic year not to be

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C4: Quant itative Metrics (Q"M)
S. No. Metric No. QnM I Details Weightage
Criteria 4- Infrastructure and Learning Resources (100)
4.3 IT Infrastructure (30)
7 4.3.3 Q"M Bandwidth of internet connection in theInstitution 15
A.>50 MBPS
B. 30 MBPS - 50 MBPS
C. 10 MBPS - 30 BPS
I D. 10 MBPS - 05 MBPS
E.< 05 MBPS Data
•Ava ilable internet
•Details of available bandwidth of internet connection in the
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