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WorkSafe Victoria

Digital Services
Sprint 16

COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE — Do not circulate without WorkSafe’s written permission.

• Why we are here today?

• Sprint Theme

• Sprint outcomes

• Scenarios

• What’s next !!

Digital Services Showcase | 15 June 2021 2

Sprint Theme
Reminders and updates
The purpose of this feature is to provide portal users with clear avenues to display the relevant tasks, enable them to action it and their
progress and current status. This ensures that the user knows what tasks are most critical to action and what options are available to them to
start and complete them.

This solution reduces a degree of confusion about what the user needs to do within the myWorkSafe portal as the resources are available on
the myWorkSafe user role dashboard which is the landing page after login. It also allows them easy access and navigation to the pages they
most frequently use based governed role they hold within their account/(s).

This feature seeks to solve multiple problems related to Business and Personal myWorkSafe portal users in understanding:
• what tasks they can achieve in the portal
• what tasks they should action first; and
• what tasks they have in-progress. 

3 Digital Services Showcase | 15 June 2021 COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE — Do not circulate without WorkSafe’s written permission.
Sprint Overview
Sprint Goal
Discovery, Design and Build of Reminders and
updates feature

Sprint Outcome
Personal Dashboard and Business Dashboard
Homepage banner and Welcome message
Apply Licences Page

Content and design sign-off for “Getting
Started” and “Reminders and Updates”

Matching a Person Account During Registration
Capturing Personal Information to Identify &
Match to a Person Acct
Account Switching

4 COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE — Do not circulate without WorkSafe’s written permission.

Digital Services Showcase | 15 June 2021

Digital Services Showcase | 15 June 2021 5


COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE — Do not circulate without WorkSafe’s written permission.


7 Digital Services Showcase | 15 June 2021 COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE — Do not circulate without WorkSafe’s written permission.

COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE — Do not circulate without WorkSafe’s written permission.


9 Digital Services Showcase | 15 June 2021 COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE — Do not circulate without WorkSafe’s written permission.

COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE — Do not circulate without WorkSafe’s written permission.

Section title goes here.
11 WorkSafe Victoria Presentation Title | xx Month 2018 COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE — Do not circulate without WorkSafe’s written permission.
Level 1 – Body text Level 1 – Body text
Level 2 – Bullet point 1 Level 2 – Bullet point 1
Level 3 – Bullet point 2 Level 3 – Bullet point 2

12 Digital Services Showcase | 15 June 2021 COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE — Do not circulate without WorkSafe’s written permission.

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