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Configuration management (CM) is a systems engineering process

for establishing and maintaining consistency of a product's
performance, functional, and physical attributes with its
requirements, design, and operational information throughout its
Why is Configuration Management Required?

Easy Track of System Cost Reduction Restoration

Reduced risk of Cost reduction by Quicker restoration

outages and having detailed of service. In an
security breaches knowledge of all the outage, you'll be able
through visibility elements of your to recover quickly as
and tracking of the configuration, your configuration is
changes to your avoiding wasteful documented and
duplication of your automated.
technology assets.
Conflicts in Configuration Management
Shared and Common
Simultaneous Updates Version

Preventing one of Notifying everyone How to make

the user from that needs to know changes to all
undoing the the change done in affected or
changes doe by a code inside an involved. Avoiding
another use. organization. Version Mismatch.
● Identification
○ Tracking multiple versions

Task in ● Version Control

○ Control changes

Configuration ● Change Control

○ Prioritize changes

● Configuration Auditing
○ Ensuring proper Changes
● Reporting
○ Informing Changes
● Configuration Manager
○ Defines Procedure

Roles in ● Change Control Board Member

○ Approve and Reject Change

Configuration Requests
● Developer

○ Implements Change
● Auditor
○ Ensures Consistency &
Completeness of Version Release
Quality Factors ●

Increased Efficiencies
Cost reduction
in Configuration ●

Enhanced System Reliability
Faster Restoration
Management ● Decreased Risk

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