SCML13 - Sustainability Green SCM

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Abdullah Athar
Where it All Begins

 Concerns about the environment and

development are not new
 Post- World War II
 Many people consider 1962 as the year in
which people began to understand how closely
linked the environment and development truly
The 50’s and 60’s
(A Period of Awakening)

 London Smog
 Minamata Disease and other Health issues
 Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
 Population Bomb by John Erlich
The Great London Smog

Industrial revolution of the 19th

century in Britain’s major cities gave a
dramatic increase in air pollution.
Minnamata Disease
 Neurological syndrome
caused by severe mercury
 First discovered in

Minamata bay in Japan in

 It was caused by the

release of methyl mercury in

the industrial wastewater
from nearby chemical
As of March 2001, 2,265
factory (from 1932 to 1968).
victims had been
officially recognized
(1,784 deaths)
Silent Spring

Author of Silent Spring, Rachel Louise

Carson was a writer, scientist, and ecologist
Wrote the book calling for an end to
indiscriminate pesticide use.
Emphasized the importance of changing
how we interact and perceive nature.

Other Books by her: Under the Sea-Wind (1941), The Sea

Around Us (1952), The Edge of the Sea (1955).
The Population Bomb
Best Selling Book written by Paul R. Ehrlich.

The book showed the link between population, resource

exploitation and the impact on environment.

It predicted disaster for humanity due to overpopulation and

the "population explosion".

"in the 1970s and 1980s hundreds of millions of people will

starve to death“

Went on to say that nothing can be done to avoid mass famine

greater than any in the history, and radical action is needed to
limit the overpopulation.
The 70’s

 Starting of USEPA(united state environmental

protection agency)
 World Summit on Environment &
Development (Stockholm, Sweden)
 Starting of UNEP (united nation environmental
protection act)
 Publication of “Limits to Growth”
First Earth Day
(April 22nd 1970)

i a l
of fic
f irs
i t s ay
a s thd
h h ir
a rt b
Green Peace Movement

 Radical
initiated in Canada
 Launched an
aggressive agenda to
stop environmental
damage through civil
protests and non-
violent interference.

Other Such organizations include Earth First and Friends of the Earth
The 80’s

 World Commission on Environment and

Development (WCED)
 Brundtland Report – “Our Common Future”
 The coining of Word “Sustainable Development”
 Vienna Convention/Montreal protocol
 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
 Basel Convention
Closer View
 Earth : home of 7 Bn people & 27 Mn species
 Vicious Triangle


poverty population
Closer View
 Population :
 3 bn in 1960 vs 7 bn in 2011
 Word trade of 6 trillion usd in 1950 than 45 trillion usd
in 2010

Population (billions)
1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 2050
Closer View
 Poverty:
 Wealth are unequally divided.0.2 bn are super rich
 57% of population are facing food shortage
 Pollution :
 40% of global death due to pollution
 Many affects of pollution are Climate Change, Ozone
Layer Depletion, Acid Rain, Water Stress/Water Quality
Degradation, Soil Contamination, Toxic discharges, Bio
Diversity Loss &Food Shortage
Sustainable Development:

"..development that meets the needs of the

present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs"
(source: Our Common Future)

 2 out of 3 will face water shortage till 250

 Water quality is another issue.
Projected availability of metals

13 Years

Predicted World’s Fe
The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies- 2009 supply 150 years

 Severe Stress on Natural Resources (through Use,

Overuse, Misuse and Abuse) and Resulting Environmental
 30-50% supply is lost
 Resources at wrong place creates environmental
Over consumption of resources by
developed country
Think about this….
 We leave the Air conditioner on in a vacant room
High Monthly
Electricity Bill

How is electricity generated ?

Burn Fuel Hydro Power

CO2 – Green house Effect / Increased Global Temperature

SO2 – Acid Rains
Hydro Carbons – Respiratory disorders / lung disorders
Dust – Asthma

Other Effects of ACs – Use of CFC (Ozone depletion)

We use other equipment that consume electricity
• Computers
• Lights Each equipment will
impact the
• Photocopiers environment in its
own way in addition to
• Fax Machines
the electricity
• Refrigerator consumption
Our Role
Our Role

 Promote awareness
 Reduce less resources
 Go to waste less culture
 Less bad in not enough
 Contribute in protection of LAW (land , air &

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