Purpose of The Study: Changing Indian Rural Consumer Behaviour-Soaps and Detergents

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Purpose of the study

Changing Indian rural consumer behaviour-soaps and detergents

This study on Indian consumer behavior is aimed to get a better

understanding of the Indian market place thus enabling them to embark on
selected strategies to effectively reach the Indian RURAL consumers.

India is a big country with 28 states, over one billion people and 120
dialects/languages. From the market perspective , people of India comprise
different segments of consumers, based on class, status, and income.

An important and recent development in India’s consumerism is the

emergence of the rural market for several basic consumer goods. Three-
fourths of India’s population lives in rural areas, and contribute one-third of
the national income.
India is a lucrative market even though the per capita income in India is low
and it remains a huge market, even for costly products

This project report focuses on changing behaviour of rural consumers.

However I have restricted report finding and analysis to detergent and soap
category. This is done in-order to draw boundary lines of project and make
the report specific. Moreover the study includes primary analysis of survey
done in rural area on detergent and toilet soaps. The survey focuses on
understanding consumer behaviour towards toilet soaps and detergents.
Research Objectives of the study

Consumer behaviour can be said to be the study of how

individuals make decisions on how to spend their available
resources (time, money, effort) on various consumption-
related items. This simple definition of consumer behaviour
tells marketers to resolve every activity around the ultimate
consumer and gauge their behaviour by specifically focusing
 Who buys the products or service?
 How do they buy products or services?
 How often do they buy them?
 When do they buy them?
 Why do they buy them?
This questions will help in understanding better what factor
influence the decision making process of the consumers. The
decision making process identifies the number of people
who are involved in this process and ascribes a role to them
like the users,decider, influencer, and buyer.

Analyzing consumer behavior is perceived as cornerstone

of a successful marketing strategy. Consumer behavior is
‘the mental and emotional processes and the observable
behavior of consumers during searching purchasing and
post consumption of a product and service. Similarly
consumer behavior as the action and decision process of
people who purchase goods and services for personal
Research Methodology
 Research is a process through which we attempt to achieve
systematically and with the support of data the answer to a
question, the resolution of a problem, or a greater understanding of
a phenomenon. This process, which is frequently called research
methodology, has eight distinct characteristics:
 Research originates with a question or problem.
 Research requires a clear articulation of a goal.
 Research follows a specific plan of procedure.
 Research usually divides the principal problem into more
manageable subproblems.
 Research is guided by the specific research problem, question, or
 Research accepts certain critical assumptions.
 Research requires the collection and interpretation of data in
attempting to resolve the problem that initiated the research

• Primary Data: - The sources of Primary data were

questionnaires and personal interviews.

• Secondary data: - the sources of secondary data were

internet, books and newspaper articles

Instruments for data collection: -

The research instruments used for this survey is structure
questionnaires. The questionnaires is designed to find the
satisfaction levels of soaps and ditergents users.
Thank You

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