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2 Sprinkler Irrigation System

Uses pressure energy to distribute rainlike droplets over field surface.

Distribution is through pipes (by pumping)

Main components:
i. Pump unit: takes water from source with adequate delivery
pressure into a network of pipes

ii. Mainline : pipe delivers water from pump plant to submain pipes

iii. Submain lines: pipes deliver water from mainline to laterals

iv. Laterals : deliver water from submain lines to sprinklers

v. Sprinklers: distribute water over field surface. Example are: impact,

gear driven, reaction and fixed head sprinklers.
2.2.1 Types of Sprinkler Irrigation Systems

(i) Portable System

• Entire system can be moved from field to field

(ii) Semi Portable System

• Only water source and pumping unit are fixed.

(iii) Semi Permanent System

• Has portable lateral lines, others stationary (fixed mainline and risers).

(iv) Permanent System

• A fully permanent system. Suited to automation.

(v) Set Move Systems

• Are moved from one set position to another by hand or mechanically.
• Normally have a single mainline laid through the center of the field
• Examples are: hand move, tow move, side roll and gun type.

(vi) Solid Set System

• Has enough laterals and sprinklers to irrigate the entire field simultaneously.

(vii) Continuous Move Systems

• Remained connected while continuously moving as water is applied. Three types are: center pivot, linear move
and traveler .
2.2.2 Sprinkler Performance

(i) Sprinkler Discharge

• Volume per unit time passing out of the sprinkler (l/min)

(ii) Distance of Throw

• Distance the sprinkler throws
• Spacing increases as throw distance rises.
• Determined by: operating pressure, size, shape and angle of nozzle opening.

(iii) Distribution Pattern

• It is normally consistent for a given operating pressure, nozzle geometry and wind.

(iv) Application Rate

• Match sprinkler rate to soil, crop and terrain.
• Higher rates cause runoff and erosion.

(v) Drop Size

• Causes formation of seals on bare soil that restrict water movement into the soil.
• Runoff and erosion can be reduced by sprinkler that emits smaller droplets.
2.2.3 Selection of Sprinklers
(i) Sprinkler Discharge Capacity
• Must supply DDIR plus wind drift and evaporative losses

(ii) Allowable Application Rate

• Needs to be less than the infiltration capacity of the soil.
(iii) Operating Pressure
Sprinklers must operate at lower pressure to lower operating costs at the same
time meeting water requirements.
(iv) Performance Parameters
• The nozzle angle, droplet size, distance of throw and application pattern need
to be known in order to select the proper sprinkler.
2.2.4 Principles of Preliminary Sprinkler Design

Collection of Basic Farm Data

i. Topo Map showing: proposed irrigated area,
contour lines, farm boundaries, water source,
power points and other relevant features.
ii. Water Resources: quantity and quality, water
rights and costs.
iii. Climate: temperature, solar radiation,
iv. Soil Characteristics: infiltration rates, types,
v. Crops to be grown: Crop water requirements
2.2.5 Farm Data Analysis
To determine the following design
i. Peak and total irrigation water
ii. Infiltration rate of soils to be irrigated
iii. Maximum net depth of water application
per irrigation
iv. Irrigation frequency and cycle
v. Gross depth of water application
vi. Preliminary system capacity
2.2.6 Computation of Parameters (Equations)
i. Depth of water application per irrigation
• Quantity of water applied during irrigation
• Requires the inputs: (a) available soil moisture, (b) allowable soil moisture depletion and (c)
effective root zone depth

The maximum net depth to be applied per irrigation can be calculated, using the following equation

dnet = (FC-PWP) x RZD x P where:

dnet= readily available moisture or net depth of water application per irrigation for the selected crop

FC= soil moisture at field capacity (mm/m)

PWP = soil moisture at the permanent wilting point (mm/m)
RZD = the depth of soil that the roots exploit effectively (m)
P= the allowable portion of available moisture permitted for depletion by the crop before the next
Depth of water per irrigation in volume

To express depth of water in terms of volume,

the area proposed for irrigation must be
multiplied by the depth:

Volume of water (m) = 10 x A x d

where: A = area proposed for irrigation (ha)

d = depth of water application (mm)
ii. Irrigation frequency
• Time it takes the crop to deplete the soil
moisture at a given soil moisture depletion
• Is determined using:
IF = dnet / wu

where: IF= irrigation frequency (days)

dnet= net depth of water application (mm)
wu= peak daily water use (mm/day)
(iii) Duration of irrigation/ set and required (gross depth )

• Equals the net depth of irrigation divided by

the farm irrigation efficiency
• Can be computed by:

dgross = dnet / E
where: E= irrigation efficiency.
(iv) System Capacity (flow rate)

• System capacity needs to be estimated.

• The system capacity (Q), can be calculated using the equation:

• Q =10 x A x dgross / I x Ns x T

where: Q=system capacity (m3/hr), A=design area (ha),

d=gross depth of water application (mm)I=irrigation cycle
(days)Ns=number of shifts per day T=irrigation time per shift
2.2.7 Final Sprinkler System Design
(i) Identifying system options with farmer
(ii) Preparing system layout and shape
(iii) Hydraulic design
(iv) Equipment selection (economic and
(v) Final irrigation system design
2.3 Drip Irrigation System
• Water is applied to each plant separately in small,
frequent, precise quantities through dripper emitters.
• Advanced irrigation method with the highest
application efficiency.
• The water is delivered continuously in drops at the
same point
• Moves into the soil and wets the root zone vertically
by gravity and laterally by capillary action.
• The filtration of the irrigation water is of major
importance for the normal application of this system.
Advantages of Drip Irrigation
(i) Water use efficiency and savings.
• The planted area is partially wetted with precisely controlled water
amounts. Thus, large quantities of irrigation water are saved and the
irrigated area can be expanded with the same water supply, resulting in
higher income per unit of water.
• Less deep percolation, runoff and evaporation.

(ii) Utilization of saline water resources.

With drip irrigation, low soil moisture tensions in the root
zone can be maintained continuously with frequent applications. The
dissolved salts accumulate at the periphery of the wetted soil mass,
and the plants can easily obtain the moisture needed. This enables the
use of saline water containing more than 3 000 mg/litre TDS, which
would be unsuitable for use with other methods.
Advantages cont…..
(iii) Use on marginal fields
Small irregular marginal plots, remote because of land
fragmentation with varying topography and shallow soil full of
rocks, can be productive under drip irrigation techniques that
deliver the required amounts of water and nutrients directly to
the plants.

(iv) Low labour operating requirements

Reduce the manpower, when using automatic instruments, thus,
that one person can manage all the irrigation process.

(v) Weed control

Weed in conveyance and application methods are controlled

(i) High initial purchase cost

(ii) Good irrigation management is essential for skilled system operation,

application of fertigation and maintenance of the head control unit equipment
(filters, injectors, etc.)

(iii) Emitter blockages.

The first limitation on the successful introduction of drip irrigation techniques
in developing countries is mechanical clogging of the emitters because of
insufficient filtration of impurities in the irrigation water.

(iv) Limited root development

• Crop root development is normally limited to the wetted portion of the root

• Reduce the plants ability to withstand winds

Drip Irrigation Components
(i) Head control unit
Consists of: pump plant, back flow prevention devices, flow meters, pressure gauges, valving, a
filtering unit, a fertilizer/chemical injection equipment and automatic controllers.

(ii) Main and submain pipelines

The main and submain pipelines are usually buried, especially when made of rigid PVC.

(iii) Hydrants
Fitted on mains or the submains, capable of delivering all or part of the piped water flow to the
manifold feeder lines.

(iv) Manifolds (Feeder)

They are attached to the hydrants through compression-type, quick release, PP connector fittings
and remain on the surface.

(v) Dripper Laterals

They are fitted to the manifolds and laid along the plant rows.
They are equipped with closely spaced dripper emitters or emission outlets.
Head Control Unit Components

(i) Valving
Includes: pressure relief, on – off, pressure regulating, vacuum relief, flow
regulation and air relief valves.

(ii) Filters
• Removal of suspended particles to control clogging in drip irrigation
• Its types include: media, screen, cartridge and centrifugal separators filters

(iii) Flow meters and Pressure Gauges

Used to measure the volumetric flow rate (volume/time)
in order to manage the system.

(iv) Chemical Injection Equipment

To apply water soluble fertilizers in drip irrigation by ensuring the
pressure acting on the chemical are greater than the operating pressure within
the system itself.
Head Control Unit Components conti…
(v) Backflow Prevention Equipment
To prevent water source contamination due to
pump, pipeline or valve failure

(vi) Automatic Controllers

Programmed to perform the following functions:
(a) Open/close valves to accomplish irrigation
(b) Interrogate a series of soil and climatic sensors
(c) Decide when to begin or end irrigation
(d) Start / stop pump operations
(e) how much water and fertilizer were applied to the field

(vii) Pumping Plants

• To lift water from water source and to provide pressure for the drip irrigation system
• Normally horizontal or vertical centrifugal pumps powered by electric motors or
internal combustion engines.
Drip Emitters (drippers) Specifications
Specifications that should be stated by the supplier are:
(i)Dripper discharge (flow rate) at the recommended
operating pressure, usually 1.0 bar
(ii) Dripper discharge versus pressure variations and the
optimum length of dripper line with different spacing
and slopes
(iii) Type of connection
(iv) Filtration requirements
(v) Coefficient of variation (cv) (the drippers’
manufacturing variability).
Drip Irrigation System Design Steps
(i) Preparing drip irrigation system layout
(ii) Determining number of laterals
Number of laterals that are going to be operated
simultaneously during irrigation need to be
(iii) Developing emission device specifications
(iv) Designing laterals, submains and mainlines
(v) Developing specifications for filtration, chemical
injection, automatic controller, valve and
pumping plant.

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