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Slide 1.

Issues Senior Management

Lecture 9
Slide 1.2

 Management Control of Information Technology.
 Management Issues
 Information Technology Issues For Management
Management Control of Information
Slide 1.4

Control Theory
 In this system, a sensor determines actual conditions, and a
comparison device compares the standard with what actually exists.
If the difference between reality and the standard is too great, the
comparison device sends a signal to take action. The action taken
 in turn affects the sensor and standard, and the cycle continues until
the compar­ison device finds agreement between sensor and
standard , and stops signaling for action
Slide 1.5

This example shows how a basic control system functions. In an

Slide 1.6

Control in the Organization

 some of the tools available to managers at different levels for
controlling the organization.
 Top management can create control through the

structure of the organization.

 Middle managers are also expected to exert direct supervision

over their subor­dinates, though more remote work makes this

difficult and control device is the budget. Many managers in the
organization receive periodic budget reports.
 lowest levels of management, we find procedures describing how

opera­tions should be done

Slide 1.7
Slide 1.8

Failure of Control
 What happens when management control fails? Very often, a firm fails
as a result of a control breakdown. In the computer industry, there
are notable.
 absence of controls over expenditures.
 dropped, the failure to have budgets or control expenditures
pushed the firm into bankruptcy.
Management Issues
Slide 1.10

Many of you will eventually be responsible for systems in your
functional areas of business. What are the issues you will confront in this
 Backup. It is extremely important to have backup for systems.

 Security. Personal computers have created a host of security problems

because they are so accessible.

 few users physically lock their computers or use start-up password­

protection programs. As a manager, you will have to decide how much

Slide 1.11

 Keeping to the budget The appetite users have for technology seems
to be insa­tiable
 Project management. As mentioned earlier, IT projects frequently
lose control.
 Control over data. The accuracy of data used in making decisions
is always an important management consideration
Slide 1.12



 The proliferation of personal computers and the
development of communications networks gave rise to a
category of programs that can only be called malicious
Slide 1.13

Slide 1.15

 No matter what their functional area, managers today and in the
future will face a
 highly technological environment. The costs of processing logic and

communica­tions networks are so low, and the potential of this

technology so high, that the
What are the management challenges‫؟‬
 The challenge for senior management in this changing world is

technolog­ical environment. The hardware and software infrastructure

is expanding rapidly as networks of servers and workstations grow
Slide 1.16

The Chief Information Officer

The increased importance of IT to the firm has led to the
creation of a chief in­formation officer (CIO) position.
 The job demands someone who can assume a role in

planning, in­fluencing other senior managers, and

organizing information activities in the organization.
This person responsible for:
1. formation technology in the firm.
Slide 1.17

1. the chief information officer is also an influential member of senior
management and is usually a vice president or senior vice president
in the firm. In addition to traditional information process­ing
2. this individual is responsible for voice and data communications and
office technology.
3. The job of the CIO is to build relationships with other functional
man­agers so IT requirements become a part of business strategy.
Slide 1.18
Continuous assessment 20%
Slide 1.20

 Determine and Communicate Corporate Strategy:

If you and others in the organization are to help the firm achieve its
strategy, you must know what it is ! Develop a plan for how to use
information technology. The plan should include:
 Develop a long-range plan for the technological infrastructure :-
Slide 1.22

chapter 25
 Outline
Social Responsibilities
 Technology

 Applications of IT

 The Impact of IT

 Ethics and Information Technology

 The Future with Information Technology


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