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Writing Empirical Papers

for SCOPUS Journals

Series I:
Research Issues – Overview and Introduction
• Expectation
• Elements of Empirical Good
• Discussion: 73 Research topics
• Writing introduction
Submissio • > 200
n • Writing skill is a long journey and we are
taking initial steps – commitment and ready
to work hard
1st Screen • > 90 • Adhering to deadline
• Persistence in Reading – this is key to many
in writing a journal article
2nd Screen • >70 • Focus is on writing. However, I would be
able to advise if the research falls under my
areas of expertise and employs econometric
Key: Research hypothesis is clear or can modelling (I do not know everything).
be developed. • Start from scratch. You may refer to the
content of what you have submitted (e.g.
thesis or long writeup) but do not look at the
way to have written.
• Research Objectives • Appropriate
• Motivation • Intuition
• Contributions • Robustness Initial Questions:
• Gaps
• Are the hypotheses
Methods clear and stated
Introduction explicitly?
• What are theoretical
bases for the
• Are hypotheses
Literature • Are data available
Review and sufficient?
• Do they have
• Familiarity • Flow practical and/or
academic relevance?
• State of Knowledge • Neatness
• Contribution?
• Gaps • Absence of
Research objective must be explicitly and clearly stated
Hypothesis: A
statement of This research aims to see how the
performance of Islamic banking and
expectation or conventional banking compares To investigate the borrowers’
during the Covid 19 pandemic
prediction to be tested, characteristics that have an impact
on the default risk in Islamic peer to
To Analyze the Effect of Sharia
normally involving Financial Index on Macroeconomics peer lending during covid-19 crisis
relations between and Poverty Measuring financial performance of
Indonesia Islamic Banking during
variables. This research aims to provide
empirical evidence that various Covid-19 outbreak
It is normally stated as types of bank support have an
influence on SME export
Finding factors impact to financial
performance of Indonesia Islamic
the research objective performance, particularly halal food Banking during Covid-19 outbreak
and Moslem fashion industry.
COVID-19 and stock market




Availability TESTED?
No. Title (Author) Hypotheses Data
01 Determinants of Islamic peer to peer lending default Characteristics of Loans, Secondary
in the covid-19 crisis: Evidence from Indonesia Borrowers, Macroeconomy,
(Dety Nurfadilah) and institutional investors
02 Twin deficits, sukuk and energy sector in Indonesia Macro conditions, sukuk and Secondary
(Nursechafia) energy  Twin deficits
03 Green Sukuk in Mitigating Environmental Risk Green Sukuk  Secondary
(Jumansyah) Environmental risk
04 The Behavior of Indonesian Stock Indices during the Secondary
COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis: Conventional, Sharia, Clear objective. However,
and SRI in Comparison (Nur Hidayah) Will the scope be sufficient?
05 Covid-19 and the Islamic Equity Market Reaction in Secondary
the Largest Muslims Countries (Budi Setiawan)
06 The Impact of Covid-19 Outbreak on Stock Market Secondary
in Indonesia (Rr Tini Anggraeni)
07 The Agriculture Stocks and Covid-19 Pandemic; Secondary
Evidence from the Indonesian Sharia Stock Index
(Mashilal, M.Si)
No. Title (Author) Hypotheses Data
08 The Interest of Millennial Investors to Invest in The Can a hypothesis be Primary
Islamic Capital Market During The Covid 19 developed?
Pandemic (Surepno)

09 Policy Evaluation of Mandatory Spin-offs of Indonesia Policy evaluation? Secondary

Islamic Banking Windows: A Case Study in Islamic
Windows of Regional Banks (Ziyan Muhammad Hypothesis?
Farhan Intan Natasha Putri)
10 Effectivity policies and financial performance of Secondary
Islamic banking during covid-19 outbreak in Indonesia
(Ade Chandra)
11 Optimizing Financing Portfolio of Islamic Bank for Secondary
Challenging COVID-19: Is Optimal Financing
Portfolio Determining Financial Stability? (Ainun
12 Board Characteristics and Political Connectedness of Secondary
Islamic Banks: Empirical Evidence of Indonesian and
Malaysian Islamic Banks (Annisa Rizkia Syaputri)
No. Title (Author) Hypotheses Data
13 Is the covid-19 pandemic crisis affect Islamic and Secondary
conventional banks financial performance in Indonesia? (Nur
14 Corporate Ethical Identity and Earnings Quality: Evidence Secondary
from Islamic Banks in QISMUT+3 Countries (Ulfa
15 Effect of ethical behavior in marketing on the satisfaction of Primary
sharia bank customers (Muhammad Kamal Zubair)
16 Intention to Deposit in Islamic Banks: Analysis of Religiosity Primary
and Profitability (Dewi Fatmawati)
17 Technology diffusion in islamic banking: A case of electronic Primary
banking services in Indonesia (Achmad Hidayat)
18 Islamic Banking Financing in Indonesia: A Cross-Provinces Secondary
Analysis (Faizul Mubarok)
19 Sharia and Conventional Banking in Indonesia: Resilience, Primary
Performance, and Innovation during the COVID-19 Pandemic
20 Credit Risk and SMEs in Indonesian Islamic Banks versus Secondary
Conventional Banks: A Dynamic Panel Analysis (Faizah
No. Title (Author) Hypotheses Data
21 Is it Necessary to Improve the Working Capital Financing Secondary
and Investment by Sharia Banking to MSMEs? (Sri Maulida)
22 Factors Influence Non-Muslims In Taking Home Ownership Primary
Financing in Islamic Banks (Atiqi Chollisni)
23 Pengaruh karakteristik dan tata kelola bank terhadap laju Secondary
pengembalian investasi di bprs (Rozaq M. Yasin)
24 Proyeksi stabilitas jangka pendek dan jagka panjang pada Secondary
perbankan syariah di indonesia periode covid-19
menggunakan pendekatan panel ardl (M. Fikri Himmawan)
25 Islamic banks credit risk performance for home financing: Secondary
Before and during Covid-19 pandemic (Faaza Fakhrunnas)
26 Intellectual capital efficiency to the business and social Secondary
performance of sharia banks(Indonesia) (Novi Wardi)
27 The effect of improving the quality of human resources and Secondary
profitability on company value with good corporate
governance as a moderating variables (study on sharia
commercial banks in Indonesia) (Muhlis)
No. Title (Author) Hypotheses Data
28 Sharia Bank And Conventional Bank During Covid 19 Secondary
Pandemic (Studies On Banking In Indonesia) (Rizki)
29 Shariah supervisory board and financial performance, does Secondary
the tenure matter? (Hasan Mukhibad)
30 Analysis of influencing factors Collection of mudharabah Secondary
deposits on Sharia banking in Indonesia (Isra Hayati)

31 Transmission of conventional and sharia monetary policies on Secondary

inflation control in indonesia in 2012-2020 (Dr. Binti Nur
Asiyah, M.Si.)
32 Sharia financial digitalization model: promoting growth Secondary
inclusivity and economic equality (Feri Dwi Riyanto)
33 Stable Coin, Cryptocurrency and Other Payment Innovations: Secondary
Opportunities, Risks, and Policy Implementations for
Indonesia Economic (Patria Yunita)
34 Research ini akan meneliti bagaimana pengaruh inflasi yang Secondary
terjadi di Indonesia serta optimalisasi peran peningkatan
ekspor terhadap terhadap perekonomian nasional. (Purbawati
No. Title (Author) Hypotheses Data
35 Determinan stabilitas sistem keuangan (Qonitat Az - Zahra’) Secondary
36 Analysis of Islamic Economic-Financial Literacy and Its Primary
Impact on Investment Sharia Decisions in Indonesia (Anisa
37 Electronic money, card-based payment Instruments, and Secondary
monetary policies: Indonesian experience (Pribawa E Pantas)
38 Islamic financial development and income inequality in Secondary
Indonesia (Azwar Iskandar)
39 Determining the nexus between Islamic financial inclusion Secondary
and economic growth in OIC developing countries

40 Adoption of syariah insurance in indonesia: theory diffusion Primary

of innovation (Nurul)
41 Determinan pengembangan wakaf uang dan implikasinya Primary
42 Analisis dampak kualitas pelayanan, reputasi merek dan Primary
kemudahan penggunaan terhadap kepuasan wakif dalam
pelayanan lembaga wakaf (Muhammad Wicaksono Hasdyani
No. Title (Author) Hypotheses Data
43 Literacy index of waqf, perception of cash waqf as a Primary
moderation of desires of cash waqf (studies on west java
society) (Husnul Khatimah)
44 Factors Determining Muslim Behavioral Intention to Primary
Participate in Waqf Mushtarak (Lu'liyatul Mutmainah)
45 Factors Affecting Intention to Do Cash Waqf (Popy Novita Primary
46 Determinant Financial Practices in the Baitul Maal Wat Secondary
Tamwil and Islamic Banking in Indonesia: Case study on
Waqf Contract (Rahmawati)
47 Does Financial Technology Improve Muslim's Participation in Primary
Zakat During Pandemic Covid-19?: An Extended UTAUT2
Approach (Izra Berakon)
48 This research contributes to providing new insights regarding Primary
the factors that influence consumers in using e-zakah (Ravika
Mutiara Savitrah)
No. Title (Author) Hypotheses Data
49 Analysis of amil zakat institution readiness in facing the Primary
digital era (Siti Nur Rosifah)

50 Implementasi Islamic Wealth Management terhadap Primary

Keberdayaan Perempuan di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 (Aas
51 Islamic Pension Fund Literacy: What Drives Customers on Primary
Having Islamic Pension Fund in Indonesia (andri soemitra)
52 Relationship Between Age and Happiness: The Role of Secondary
Expenditure and Education (Rakhmawati)
53 The effect of application of tauhid-based accounting behavior Secondary
to avoid tax practice in Indonesia (Dwi Koerniawati)
54 The role of islamic social finance toward overcoming poverty Primary
problems on covid-19 pandemics (Muhammad Iqbal Fasa)
55 Savings-investment behaviour towards hajj pilgrimage Primary
Among youth (Fitri Hastuti)
No. Title (Author) Hypotheses Data
56 Fostering Export for Halal Food and Moslem Fashion Primary
(Masruri Muchtar)
57 Tarif Bea Masuk Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam dan Secondary
Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kesejahteraan (Herlitah)
58 How Social Media Influencer Forming Muslim Consumer’s Primary
Halal Cosmetics Purchase Intention: Religiosity Concern
(Indri Supriani)
59 Apakah Implementasi Nilai Maqashid Syariah dapat Primary
Mencegah Terjadinya Kejahatan Siber pada Pengguna E-
Money di Indonesia? (Irma Yuliani)
60 Circular economy and islamic microfinance: Secondary
Cultural, outreach and efficiency (PURWANTO)
61 Determinants Variables that Related to Tourism in ASEAN-5 Secondary
and Several Asia Countries (Dr. Sutikno, SE., ME.)
62 Adoption of Halal Marketplace by Consumer in Indonesia Primary
(Sarah Fadilla)
No. Title (Author) Hypotheses Data
63 Pengaruh Human Capital dan Kesadaran Halal Primary
Untuk Menjadi Halalpreneurs (Dwi Nur'aini Ihsan)
64 Understanding halal brand purchase intention: the effect of Primary
islamic branding, halal awareness and trust (Dr. Hj. Anita
Rahmawaty, M.Ag.)
65 Recovery after pandemic: achieving sustainable redistribution Secondary
With financial inclusion and digitalisation msme’s (RIRIS
66 Does determinants loyalty and word of mouth about Primary
M-commerce among muslim consumer?: Evidence from
Indonesia (Saiful Anwar)
67 Socio-Religious Contribution to the Food Security Primary
Strengthening of Households: Evidence from South Sulawesi,
Indonesia (Syaparuddin Razak)
68 The effect of factor of the amount of regional income and Secondary
quality of environment on the level of poverty in indonesia in
maqashid syari’ah point of view (Cut Dian Fitri)
No. Title (Author) Hypotheses Data
69 Behavior approach to acceptance e-marketing for msme Primary
enterprises for improving the performance of msme in the
period and post-pandemic (Fetria Eka Yudiana)
70 Untuk Mengetahui Pengaruh Financing to Deposit Ratio Many focuses (from Secondary
(FDR) terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Bank Umum Syariah thesis)
(BUS) Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) di Indonesia. (Dr.
Early Ridho Kismawadi, MA)
71 The Role of Islamic Financial Technology to Financial Secondary
Inclusion in Indonesia (Eko Fajar Cahyono)
Writing Introduction
Any discussion in practices?

Theoretical foundations

Existing empirical evidence

Relevant statistics


The sample/subject of the study: why?

Writing Introduction Kotze (2007)

1. Statement of topic of study

Topic 2. Academic/Practical
3. Summary of Literature
4. Gaps, Controversies,
Issues Inconsistencies
5. Research Objectives and
6. Outline


Q & A Session

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