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01 SANDHYA GUPTA 1019109

02 GARIMA SETHI 1019124


04 MONIKA 1019152
What combination of ‘on-the-job’ training
and ‘off-the-job’ training and
development methods used for
improving the interpersonal skills as well
as work competence of nurses attached
to ICU meant for corona patients?
Dale S. Beach defines training as ‘the organized procedure by
which people learn knowledge and/or skill for a definite
purpose’. Training refers to the teaching and learning
activities carried on for the primary purpose of helping
members of an organization acquire and apply the
knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes needed by a
particular job and organization.
Training constitutes a basic concept in human resource
development. It is concerned with developing a particular
skill to a desired standard by instruction and practice.
Training is a highly useful tool that can bring an employee
into a position where they can do their job correctly,
effectively, and conscientiously. Training is the act of
increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a
particular job
“Executive or management development is a planned process
of learning and growth designed to bring behavioural change
among the executives.” It is continuous process of learning. It
implies that there will be a change in knowledge and behavior
of the individuals undergoing development programme. The
employee will be able to perform his present job better and
will increase his potential for future work.
In the opinion of Molander, “management development is a
conscious and systematic process to control the development
of managerial resources in the organisation for the
achievement of goals and strategies.”

Training is mostly provided to teach new skills while

development focuses on improving existing skills.


The On-the-Job Training is a technique wherein the The Off-the-Job Training is the training method
workers, i.e., operative staff, is given the direct wherein the workers/employees learn their job roles
instructions to perform their jobs on the actual work away from the actual work floor.
floor.The workers can learn the skills that are required to Simply, off-the-job training comprises of a place
be performed in the actual work conditions and also gets specifically allotted for the training purpose that may be
accustomed to the working environment. Also, the near to the actual workplace, where the workers are
organizations need not to bear any additional cost of required to learn the skills and get well equipped with
setting up a classroom or a simulated setup for imparting the tools and techniques that are to be used at the actual
training to the workers, away from the actual work floor, work floor.
as in the case of Off-the -Job training.

The healthcare crisis caused by the pandemic has cruelly
emphasised the relevance of critical care nurses. Every day the
media has reported the demand from different hospitals for the
appointment of new professionals.
Training of nursing experts in critical care requires months of
postgraduation training.
Changes in today’s healthcare services require nurses to stay
updated in knowledge and practice. Identification of learning
needs- that are the gap between nurse’s present level of
comprehension and a higher level of professional performance.
Nurses will need to be flexible which may require in an unfamiliar
situation/environment and other people.
Nurses have to continue to serve and prepare their emotional and
physical strength to battle these tough time.
Objective- enhancing nurses’ knowledge and prcactice to gain
maximum knowledge and skills related to covid to make them
more competent in protecting themselves, their patients and their
community at large.
On-the Job Training Methods

01 Hands On Training

02 Understudy

03 Online Courses & Webinars

04 Coaching & Mentorship

Hands On Training
Hands On Training includes any
experiential training which help
employees fit perfectly into their
upcoming or current role, while
enhancing their current skills.

Advantage of Hands On Training is that it is time

intensive method of employee training . Also it is
effective for training when it comes to new business
equipment and procedure.
Hands On Training was very effective during COVID
19 Pandemic to meet the immediate need of
Critical Care Staff. This training included 2 phases:
• ICU Management
• Critical Care for Covid patients

TIRUVANANTHAPURAM was the first to have

largest team of health workers in a state trained in
intensive care for Covid 19 patients. Over 320
doctors & 180 nurses have already completed the
hands on training by April end.
It is a training method where superior gives
training to the subordinates as his under study
especially for filling a particular vacancy. It is also
called “stepping into the role” training.

Lack of critical care ICU nurses and increasing patients initiated a surge response training of
non ICU healthcare professionals, under already trained professionals. Also the Critical Care
nurses and practitioners who have served or are serving as front line workers train the new
staff with real life experience and prepardness drill.
This training method will help a trainee to get to the real root for dealing with the crisis under
already experienced training methods and perform better.
Online Courses & Webinars
Online Courses & Webinars are a great source of effective training when
supplemented with the actual job work experience.

Regular webinars and online sessions designed, based on protocols of key

standard setting agencies like WHO , AIIMS, ICMR need to be organized by
TNAI , Health Ministry or any other medical association covering topics like
– Proper use of PPE Kits, Infection Control Practice, Bio- Medical Waste
Management, Taking care of self against the virus and Mental well being etc.

This will help nurses in providing appropriate care for Covid 19 patients and
will including those being cross trained into new specialties and can also
protect themselves as Front -line clinician.
Coaching & Mentorship
Here, superior teaches job knowledge and skills to the subordinate enpassing “learning by doing”.

The one-on-one mentoring style creates a relationship between trainees that carries
far beyond training making them fell more comfortable. It can be offline or online.
Mentoring is development driven, not just looking at current job function but has
more holistic career development approach.

Coaching is performance driven designed to improve the professional on the job

performance with no relationship building.

Similarly Critical Care ICU Staff be given coaching and mentorship regularly while
they are performing the job through interactive online or offline learning by trained
professionals for specific job performance as well as overall growth to enhance their
prospects in dealing with covid crisis and continuous revival of strategies, updates and
methods for the same.
Off-the Job Training Methods

01 Online Courses

02 Lecture cum Discussions

03 Conferences & Seminars


Nurses are around the country are being cross trained to work in higher acuity or
critical care patient areas as fast as possible to maximize
efforts against COVID-19.
Online training module for nurses to fight against covid-19, launched in India-
Generation India foundation, along with its coalition partners has organized a free
training course to upskill nursing staff in working with COVID-19 patients.
This course provides provides a series of assessments to confirm learning outcomes. It aims to train
more than 100000 nurses through this module.
The coalition includes Generation India (coalition coordinator and online learning designer), Columbia
Asia Hospital (medical content provider), Trained Nurses Association of India (certification
provider), ABP News, Learnet skills (implementation partner) and UNESCO New Delhi.
The course is designed in a video and demonstration format, allowing for self-paced progress. It was
designed with standards set by WHO, AIIMS, ICMR.
There are some courses provided by private institutions like
❖ Intely care (initial goal was to help protect nursing facilities where residents are particularly
❖ Back to Basics : Caring for the critically ill (as expectation was that they would have to go into the
ICU and be a part of team nursing model,to care for critically covid-19 patients)
❖ Pulmonary, ARD and Ventilator resources (features the latest information nurses need to provide care
for patients with covid-19)
❖ ANA (American Nurses Association ) COVID-19 webinar series
Conferences and Seminars

A conference is a group
meeting conducted according A seminar is organised
to an organised plan in which like a conference, but is
members seek to develop comparatively on a
knowledge and understanding
of a topic by oral participation. smaller scale.
● Conferences provide an occasion for
formal interchange of views among
all critical care ICU nurses of
different hospitals.

● Seminars and workshops organised

by educational institutions
Management Association ,Medical
associations like AIIMS, Trained
Nurses Association of India, Health
Ministry, some international
organisations like WHO, UNESCO
provides a great insight before
actually joining the job.
Lectures cum Disscussion

There are certain aspects of nearly all jobs that can be learnt better in the classroom than on
The lecture method can be easily used for training large group.
Safety training can be accomplished most effectively in the classroom.
Demonstrations may be presented and films may be shown alongwith lecture.
The lessons offer practical, demonstration-based, and immediately applicable support in
the areas of:
•Infection prevention and control in COVID-19 crisis
•Use of personal protective equipment
•Role of nurses in handling covid-19 patients
•Taking care of self
Team work Bridge
Simulation-based teamwork
training program based on Course
Training courses were designed to
adapt allied health sciences with
teaching non-technical skills such
allopathic treatment in a limited
as leadership, communication or
and regulated manner.
situation awareness

Trained Professional Mental Health

Were given sessions regarding how
China’s trained professional
to deal with mental stress during
who had already combated the
isolation, high-risk working
serious crisis in Wuhan and
conditions and direct contact with
Retired ICU Nursing Staff.
covid patients.

Waste Management Infection

Handling, Treatment
Disposal of Waste generated
and Prevention
Infection Prevention and Control
Training was provided to ensure
during Treatment/ Quarantine of there is no further transmission
COVID Patients. of virus to health care workers or
the patient’s family.
They learnt how to handle stress and be mentally
1 stable in difficult times.

Developed better team work and coordination by

2 working during a pandemic.

They learnt how to calm down the patient and

3 their families in this stressful time.

They learnt more from experts all around the

world through webinars which resulted in their
career growth.

They used various training methods to handle the pandemic

according to different situations and acted efficiently to treat
ICU Covid Patients.
They called retired staff to work due to high workload, used
expert opinions from countries who combated the virus, sent
out guidelines, gave webinars and even provided guided
hands on practice.
The nursing staff acquired many skills both work and
personal which will help them in the future and lead to
career growth.


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