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Assignment 1

ID #: A00364049
Name: Maged Mounir
Course : Professional Selling Skills
CRN : 1016
Done by : Maged Mounir 1
A. 84 Ps of Professional salesperson

1- Patient 13-Persuasive 25-Promising 37-Plausive 49-Proactive 61-Proponent 73-Privileged

2-Personable 14-Phenomenal 26-Prosperous 38-Positive 50-Perfect 62-Percipient 74-Pathfinder

3-Placid 15-Pivotal 27-Proud 39-Positivistic 51-Productive 63-Perfectible 75-Purposive

4-Pleasant 16-Poised 28-Purposeful 40-Politic 52-Promoter 64-Placative 76-Plain

5-Polished 17-Pragmatic 29-Perspicacious 41-Potential 53-Profitable 65-Pleasurable 77-Painstaking

6-Polite 18-Precise 30-Presumptuous 42-Powerful 54-Profound 66-Pledged 78-Peremptory

7-Popular 19-Preeminent 31-Prepared 43-Practical 55-Pursuant 67-Pliable 79-Pacey

8-Praiseworthy 20-Principled 32-Punctual 44-Preferable 56-Peaceful 68-Pert 80-Pally

9-Precious 21-Pristine 33-Peculiar 45-Preponderant 57-Perky 69-Pioneering 81-Peerless

10-Passionate 22-Proficient 34-Perspicuous 46-Presentable 58-Playful 70-Predetermined 82-Perseverant

11-Perceptive 23-Prolific 35-Pertinacious 47-Prestigious 59-Prompt 71-Participative 83-Pertinent

12-Persistent 24-Prominent 36-Planned 48-Prideful 60-Prudent 72-Prescient 84-Pithy

Done by : Maged Mounir 2

B. 64 types of knowledge

• Mission : is a statement defines what line of business a company is in, and why it

exists or what purpose it serves.
• Vision : is a statement describes where the company aspires to be upon achieving
its mission. 
• Objective : is a goal or outcome that you want your organization to achieve.
• Values : are the set of guiding principles and fundamental beliefs that help a group
of people function together as a team and work toward a common business goal.
• Policy : is a guideline to help employers dealing with employee accountability,
Company health, safety, and interactions with customers. 
• Products : means all products or services produced, marketed, licensed, sold,
distributed or performed by or on behalf of the Company or any Subsidiary and all
products or services currently under development by the Company or any
• Operations : refer to activities that businesses engage in on a daily basis to increase
the value of the enterprise and earn a profit.
• Strategy : is an outline of the actions and decisions a company plans to take to
reach its business goals and objectives.
Done by : Maged Mounir 3
B. 64 types of knowledge

• Trend : is a perceived tendency of financial markets to move in a particular

direction over time.
• Share : the portion of a market controlled by a particular company or product.
• Size : is the total number of likely buyers of your product or service within a
given market
• Segments : is a group of people who share one or more common characteristics,
lumped together for marketing purposes.
Market • Competition : is the rivalry between companies selling similar products and
services with the goal of achieving revenue, profit, and market share growth.
• Customer Mix : is a framework that helps focus on driving customer lifetime
• Distribution channels : is a chain of businesses or intermediaries through which
a good or service passes until it reaches the final buyer or the end consumer.
• Growth : is the rise in the demand for a product or a service in the market.

Done by : Maged Mounir 4

B. 64 types of knowledge

• Sector
• Regulations
• Technologies

• New Trends
• Economic
• Supply Chain
• Threats
• Leaders

• Accounts Type
• Accounts Segments
Territor •

Market Potential
y •

Geographic Boundaries
Revenue Boundaries

Done by : Maged Mounir 5

B. 64 types of knowledge

• Products
• Pricing

Competi •


tor •

Financial position
Channels of distribution
• Brand awareness
• Business development

• Prices
• Features
• Forms

Product •

Production lead time
• Lifetime
• Applications
• Advantages

Done by : Maged Mounir 6

B. 64 types of knowledge

• Name
• Buying Behavior

Custom •


• Demographics
• Psychographics
• Consumption
• Awareness

• Title
• Description
• Specifications

Job •

Work Environment
• Hierarchy
• Promotions & Training
• Salary & Allowances

Done by : Maged Mounir 7

C. Competencies of Salesperson


Abilities Physical

Done by : Maged Mounir 8
C. Competencies of Salesperson


Technical Human
• Persuasive
Communication • Honesty
• Research and Planning • Empathy
• Problem-Solving • Helpfulness
• Objection Handling • Accountability
• Presentation Skills • Curiosity
• Negotiation Skills • Active Listening
• Time Management
Done by : Maged Mounir 9
C. Competencies of Salesperson

Mental Physical Psychological

• Intelligent • Attractive • Enthusiasm

• strong memory appearance • Ambitious
• keen observation • Cheerful • Optimism
skills appearance • Emotional Stability
• Self Awareness • Smart appearance • Patience
• Appropriate dress
• Driving

Done by : Maged Mounir 10

C. Competencies of Salesperson

Planning and Organization – The ability to establish a process for activities that lead to the
implementation of systems, procedures or outcomes

Results Orientation – The ability to identify actions necessary to complete tasks and obtain
Core Competencies

Goal Achievement – The overall ability to set, pursue, and attain achievable goals, regardless of
obstacles or circumstances

Flexibility – The ability to readily modify, respond to, and integrate change with minimal personal

Data Analysis – The ability to to read and analyze data

Customer Focus – Commitment to customer satisfaction

Done by : Maged Mounir 11
Marketing Mix

D. 48 Ps of marketing
Product Price Place Promotion

Packaging Pandemic

Pain Party

Part Peers


Perceptiveness Picture


Done by : Maged Mounir 12

D. 48 Ps of marketing

1-Packaging :If no one notices your product, no one will buy it. And if no one wants to buy your product after seeing it,
no on will buy it.
2. Pain : For example, people who buy a car fear accidents, high maintenance costs, pollution, and what the car does to their
status. If you don’t know what they fear, you may easily induce fear instead of using it to your advantage.
3. Part : What’s the part your product will play in the customer’s life? If it’s an important part, people spend more time
thinking about their options.
4. Pass-along value : the product hold must hold its value

5. Perceptiveness : Intuitive products, especially technological products, are a pleasure to use. There’s
nothing more frustrating than to know you can do something with a product, but you just don’t know how.
6. Pilot : People want certainty and there’s no better way to get certain about a purchase, than to test the
product first.

Done by : Maged Mounir 13

D. 48 Ps of marketing

Done by : Maged Mounir 14

D. 48 Ps of marketing

Done by : Maged Mounir 15

D. 48 Ps of marketing

1. Pandemic : Create something highly valuable or entertaining and people will gladly spread it

2. Party : People want to belong to groups. These groups are often the best marketing tools you have.

3. Peers : Are persons who refer the product. It makes the recommendation more effective.

4. Personas : Unless you understand who buy from you, you can’t target them with your marketing. create buyer personas

 for each different buyer type. You can then target your marketing straight to them..
5. Picture : To understand a phrase, you need to read it. To understand a picture, on an intuitive level, you
only need to glance at it.

Done by : Maged Mounir 16

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