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Sales Management

Tauseef Iqbal Khan
Recommended Reading
• Sales Force Management- Leadership, Innovation, Technology -
Twelfth Edition By Mark W. Johnston & Greg W. Marshall
• Harvard Articles
• Cases and Scenarios
Prologue to the chapter
• Sales management is one of the most important elements in the
success of modern organizations
• It is the firm’s most direct link to the customer
• Henry David Thoreau, world will beat a path to the door of the
company with the best mousetrap, the world needs someone to show
how that mousetrap is better—and that role usually belongs to the
Chapter-1 Introduction to Sales Management
in the Twenty-First Century
Learning Objectives
• Identify and discuss key trends affecting sales organizations and sales
managers today
• Present a general overview of the sales management process
• Identify and illustrate the key external and internal environmental
factors that influence
• The development of marketing strategies and sales programs
Sales Management In The Twenty-first
• Personal selling and, consequently, sales management are undergoing
dramatic changes
• These changes are being driven by several behavioral, technological,
and managerial forces that are dramatically and irrevocably altering
the way salespeople understand, prepare for, and accomplish their
Critical Issues
• Building long-term relationships with customers, which involves
assessing customer value and prioritizing customers;
• Creating sales organizational structures that are more nimble and
adaptable to the needs of different customer groups;
• Gaining greater job ownership and commitment from salespeople
• Shifting sales management style from commanding to coaching
• Leveraging available technology for sales success
• Better integrating salesperson performance evaluation to incorporate
the full range of activities and outcomes
Key Themes in Sales today
• Innovation Fuels Success in Selling Today
• Sales Effectiveness Is Enhanced through Technology
• Leadership Is a Key Component in Sales Management Success
Greenleaf’s servant leadership
• Listening, Empathy, Healing, Awareness, Persuasion,
Conceptualization, Foresight, Stewardship, Commitment To The
Growth Of People, Building Community
What is Involved in Sales Management
• First, modern companies realize that selling is an indispensable
component of an effective marketing strategy
• Second, managing a sales force is a dynamic process
Innovation bridging the culture gap in
Global Selling
• As technology and transportation make the world smaller and smaller,
today’s business environment calls for a multicultural selling strategy
• A misconception exists that assumes people from other cultures all
want to be treated the same and do not want their differences
identified or their culture discussed
Sales Management Process
• The formulation of a sales program
• The implementation of the sales program
• The evaluation and control of the sales program
Environmental Factors Impact Success
in Selling
• External Environment (PESTEL)
• Internal Environment (Resource and Objectives)

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