Lecture 04: Detail System Analysis CSC 401: Database Management System

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Department Computer
of &Engineering

System Analysis
Tools and Techniques 02

Lecture 04: Detail System Analysis

CSC 401: Database Management System
A system is an interrelated set of business procedures used within

one business unit working together for a purpose

A system has nine characteristics

A system exists within an environment

A boundary separates a system from its environment

Department Computer
Science&Engineering CSC 401: Database Management System
of Database
Characteristics of a System
Interrelated Components
Boundary – IP
Purpose E.g. IRAS
Environment – Outside of boundary

Department Computer
Science&Engineering CSC 401: Database Management System
of Database
Department Computer
Science&Engineering CSC 401: Database Management System
of Database
Information System
An information system (IS) is an arrangement of people, data,
processes, and information technology that interact to collect,
process, store, and provide as output the information needed to
support an organization.

Information technology is a contemporary term that describes the

combination of computer technology (hardware and software) with
telecommunications technology (data, image, and voice networks).

Department Computer
of &Engineering Database
Elements of System
Non-computing Hardware
Network Non-
Communi computing
Computing Hardware cation Hardware
Software m
Databas Computin
Database e

Communication & Network Softwar


Department Computer
Science&Engineering CSC 401: Database Management System
of Database




Department Computer
of &Engineering CSC 401: Database Database
HUMAN: Stakeholders
System owners (sponsor, executive advocate)
System users ( Customers who works with data &
Internal users
External users
Development Team (Analyst, Designer, Builder, Project
External Service Providers

Department Computer
Science&Engineering CSC 401: Database Management System
of Database
Who are potential stakeholders?
 Primary stakeholders:
 Beneficiaries or targets of the effort.

 Secondary stakeholders:
 Those directly involved with or responsible for beneficiaries or targets of the
 Those whose jobs or lives might be affected by the process or results of the effort.

 Key stakeholders:
 Government officials and policy makers.
 Those who can influence others.
 Those with an interest in the outcome of an effort.

Department Computer
of &Engineering Database
When and How should you identify stakeholders?
In general, stakeholders and their interests should be
identified and involved/addressed as early in the process of
the development of the effort as possible.
Identify stakeholders by:
Collecting categories and names from informants in the community.
Consulting with organizations that either are or have been involved
in similar efforts, or that work with the population or in the area of
Getting more ideas from stakeholders as you identify them.
If appropriate, advertising.

Department Computer
of &Engineering Database
Why identify stakeholders and their interests
It puts more ideas on the table.

It includes varied perspectives from all sectors and elements of the

community affected.
It gains buy-in and support for the effort from all stakeholders.

It’s fair to everyone.

It saves you from being blindsided by concerns you didn’t know about.

It strengthens your position if there’s opposition.

It creates bridging social capital for the community

It increases the credibility of your organization.

It increases the chances for the success of your effort.

Department Computer
of &Engineering Database
Non-Computing Hardware
Any tools that are used in the system and

Not a computing device

Example: Forms, Reports, Books, Pen, Others based on the


Department Computer
Science&Engineering CSC 401: Database Management System
of Database
Computing Hardware
Any computer-based devices or computing facility enabled

Example: Computer, Mobile Phone, Smart Phone, Tablate,

Laptop, Printer, Network Device, POS machine, Touch Screen,

ATM Machine and others.

Department Computer
Science&Engineering CSC 401: Database Management System
of Database
Software is a collection of data or computer instructions that

operate the computer. Software includes computer programs,

libraries and related non-executable data, such as online
documentation or digital media.
Software can be categorized is two groups, a) Operating

Software and b) Application Software.

Operating Software: Windows, Linux

Application Software: MS Office, ERPs

Department Computer
Science&Engineering CSC 401: Database Management System
of Database
A database is an organized collection of data, generally stored

and accessed electronically from a computer system. Typically,

by database we assume data will be stored in computer system.
However, manual data store can be considered as database.
Example: Log file, Register Book, Excel file, SQL Server,


Department Computer
Science&Engineering CSC 401: Database Management System
of Database
Network and Communication
Communication can be defined as sending data/information from

one point to another using any media. Network is a group or

system of interconnected people or things.
Both network and communication has manual aspect and

computing related aspect.

Department Computer
Science&Engineering CSC 401: Database Management System
of Database
Use of Six Elements Analysis
Six elements illustrate the detail business processes.
Roles of related Human and other elements are explained in
Analyst is required to conduct six elements analysis for Existing
Business processes at the beginning.
 The KPI (Key Performance Indicators) of the system must be
known prior conducting Six elements analysis.
For Information System the goal of the analyst would be reduce
roles of Human and Non-computing Hardware by increasing the
roles of Computing Hardware, Software, Database and Network
& Communication.
Department Computer
Science&Engineering CSC 401: Database Management System
of Database
Six Elements Template
Process System Roles
Human Non- Computing Software Database Network &
Comp Hardware Communicatio
Hardware n
Name of Manual activities Non- Computing Any Any Any
the carried out by computing hardware software databases communication
Process each stakeholder hardware, that are that are used to or network
for the process of tools that used in the used in the store data used to
the system are used to process. process. for this complete the
complete process. process.

Department Computer
Science&Engineering CSC 401: Database Management System
of Database
Problem 01: DASH

CSC 401: Database Management System

Problem: DASH

Department Computer
Science&Engineering CSC 401: Database Management System
of Database
Possible Processes
Basic Data (Annual GDP, National Energy Consumption related

data) Entry.
Verify/validate Data Source

Update Sub-projects Basic Data

Report Heading and Template Setting

Generate Report

Department Computer
Science&Engineering CSC 401: Database Management System
of Database
Six Elements Analysis: Basic Data Entry
Process Human Non- Computing System Database Network /
Computing Hardware Communication
Basic SREDA Users: Pen & Computer: DASH MS SQL Server: Internet:
Data 1. Explore the possible sources Papers: 1. All related 1. DASH has 1. DASH is 1. All related data
Entry for data. 1. The data are interface to store integrated with are searched
2. Gather data from different sources, data searched and the data. MS SQL Server. through Internet.
sources. sometimes stored using 2. Using the   2. DASH is a
3. Select appropriate data entry are recorded computer. interface of DASH Other Sources: web-based
form. manually by admin creates 1. Related data application and
4. Enter the data in the system. the SREDA users and set is stored by required Internet
Users need to provide data entry users. different system different to access.
options, data period, correct unit variables and other agencies using
and source related information parameters. different
in the system.   sources.
5. Click on the save button to Other System:
store the data. 1. Other system
  can be access by
Admin: the SREDA users
1. Can create new users for the to gather related
system. data.
2. Using setting can change
different system variables and
other parameters.

Department Computer
Science&Engineering CSC 401: Database Management System
of Database
Thank You

Department Computer
Science&Engineering CSC 401: database Management System
of Database

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