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What is an Interview?

 A résumé will get you an interview, but it is the interview that gets you the job.

 Basically ,an interview is a conversation between two people (the interviewer and
the interviewee) where questions are asked by the interviewer to obtain
information from the interviewee.

 An interview is a conversation that occurs between a prospective employee and an

employer or organization.

 Interviews are conducted by the employer to assess a candidate's personality,

skills, background, and interests to determine if they are the best fit for a job they
are looking to fill.

 An interview is a mutually beneficial conversation — meaning both the employer

and prospective candidate are learning about each other in order to best determine
if the job and job seeker are a match.
Interview means different things

The word interview can stand for different things.

 For example a reporter interviews a celebrity for television. This kind of

interviews can be one-on-one but usually when it comes to television there are
many reporters from different channels.

 There are also job interviews where a person has to go through in order to get a
job he wants. Job interviews are usually face-to-face interviews and it includes
paper work.
Types of Interviews

 Structured Interviews
 Unstructured Interviews
 Face-To-Face Interview
 Behavioral Interview
 Panel Interview
 Exit interview
 Stress Interview
 Technical Interview
Structured Interviews

 A structured interview is typically formal and organized and may include several
interviewers, commonly referred to as a panel interview.
 An interviewer who has a more structured style will usually begin with what is known
as an "icebreaker" question. The icebreaker is used to relax you before the more
serious questions are asked.
 Next, the interviewer may talk for a few minutes about the company and the position.
During this time, the interviewer may describe the day-to-day work responsibilities
and the general company philosophy. He or she may then ask you a series of questions
regarding your past educational, extracurricular, and work experiences.
 Finally, the interviewer may ask if you have questions for him or her. You should
always have several questions prepared. This type of interview is structured and
Unstructured Interviews

 The interviewer is interested in hearing from you, so you may be asked a variety
of different open-ended questions.
 You will find an unstructured interview to be more conversational and less formal
in tone than a structured interview.
 You may be asked questions about your hobbies, what you do on the weekends, or
other casual questions designed to put you at ease.
 If you find yourself in an unstructured interview, be friendly but maintain your
 Casual conversation is acceptable, and it can set a positive tone for the interview,
but be sure to bring the conversation around to your skills and qualifications.
Face-To-Face Interview

 This is a traditional interview and the most common type.

 In this interview the candidate and the interviewer meets face-to-face.

 The main concept of the interview is to build rapport with the interviewer and
show how the qualifications will benefit their organization.

 The interviewee should maintain eye contact, and respond to all the questions of
the interviewer.
Behavioral Interview

 A common type of job interview in the modern workplace is the behavioral

interview or behavioral event interview, also called a competency-based

 This type of interview is based on the notion that a job candidate's previous
behaviors are the best indicators of future performance.

 In behavioral interviews, the interviewer asks candidates to recall specific

instances where they were faced with a set of circumstances, and how they
Panel Interview

 Panel means a selection committee that is appointed for interviewing the


 Panel may include three or five members.

 Questions are asked to candidates about different aspects and marks are given to
each candidate.

 Final decision are taken by all members collectively by rating the candidates
EXIT Interview

 When an employee leaves the company, he is interviewed either by his immediate

superior or by the HRD manager. This interview is called an exit interview.

 Exit interview is taken to find out why the employee is leaving the company.

 Exit interviews are taken to create a good image of the company in the minds of
the employees who are leaving the company.
Stress Interview

 The interview, attempts to find how applicants would respond to aggressive,

embarrassing, rude and insulting questions.
 A stress interview allows interviewers to see how well you work under pressure.

What is that Mean?

 Being asked more than one questions at a time;
 Being asked further questions without being allowed adequate time to respond;
 Being questioned in an interrogatory tone and voice;
 Being asked an unrelated bunch of questions;
 Having his feelings provoked.
Technical Interview

 This kind of interview focuses on problem solving and creativity. The questions
aim at your problem-solving skills and likely show your ability and creativity.

 Sometimes these interviews will be on a computer module with multiple-choice


 Phone Interviews
 Video Conference Interviews
 Pre-Recorded Video Interview
Phone Interviews
 Prepare for a phone interview the same way you would prepare for an in-person interview — research the
company, practice answers to frequently asked questions and know the job description.
 Practice with someone ahead of time to make sure that your phone line has a clear reception and that you
do not make any unnecessary or distracting sounds (breathing loudly into the phone, etc.)
 Make sure you are in a quiet place for the time of your interview. If you live with roommates or family,
choose a time when they will not be home or find a quiet location to conduct your interview. Turn off your
TV, radio and computer speakers. If you have pets, conduct your interview in a separate room so that your
interviewer does not hear barking, scratching, etc.
 Have your résumé in front of you plus a list of questions you have for them. Have pen and paper ready in
case you need to take notes. Have a glass of water in front of you in case you need it.
 Stand up during the interview. It will help you to project your voice better, and prevent you from getting
overly comfortable. Smile while you are talking. Believe it or not, smiles can be heard in one's tone of
 It can be difficult to build a rapport with the interviewer over the phone. Focus on providing direct and
clear answers that emphasize you are a good fit for the job.
 Do not eat, smoke or chew gum while you are speaking with the employer.
 End the phone call on a positive note by thanking them for their time and wishing them a pleasant day.
Video Conference Interviews
Before the Interview
 Ensure you have a quiet place to talk. Choose a room away from street noise, roommates and
pets. Turn off the television, radio and any other media devices that may distract. Silence your
phone, but have it nearby in case the interviewer has to call you due to technical issues.
 Test your sound and video with a friend well in advance of the interview so you have time to
resolve any issues.
 If you are using a new video conferencing service, make sure you have tested the service,
downloaded any necessary programs or plug-ins, and completed necessary troubleshooting prior
to the start of the interview.
 Double check the time of the interview and ensure you have accounted for any time differences.
 Check the lighting and ensure the picture quality is good. Select a spot in front of a blank wall,
so the interviewers will not be distracted by what is behind you. Tidy any clutter that may be
visible to the interviewers.
 Ensure you are logged on early and that they have your user name (which should be a
professional user name).
Video Conference Interviews
During the Interview
 Once the call goes through and they can see and hear you, smile, say hello and
thank them for meeting with you.
 Know the names of the people who will be interviewing you, and use their names
when addressing them.
 Give yourself time to answer the questions. There can often be a small delay on
Skype, so pause, smile and then answer the question.
 Have all the same items you would have for a phone interview (paper, pen, glass
of water, copy of résumé) beside you, but out of sight.
 Focus only on the interview. Do not have other windows open, or have anything
going on in the background.
 Dress professionally. Sit up straight. Look directly into the camera. Smile.
Pre-Recorded Video Interview

 Understand what to expect.

 Research and prepare.
 Practice.
 Dress the part.
 Have your technology ready.
 Pick a quiet and professional place for your interview.
 Take a deep breath and be yourself.
Need for interview

 To judge the overall personality of the candidate.

 To know whether you are able to perform the required job or not.
 To judge the skills and attributes which are not mentioned in c.v.
 Apart from your knowledge your ability and capacity to do the job.
 To find out what motivates you, how well you communicate.
 Your actual strengths and weaknesses.
9 Tips on Conducting Great Interviews
 Start slow, safe and personal.
 Coax, don't hammer.
 Make some questions open ended.
 Ask what you don't know.
 Let the interviewees wander a bit--but be careful.
 Don't send advance questions.
 Be prepared. Find the overlooked.
 Listen, really listen.
 There are dumb questions.
Top 10 Interviewing Blunders

 Don’t prepare
 Dress inappropriately
 Poor communication skills
 Cell phone goes off
 Talk too much
 Don’t talk enough
 Fuzzy facts
 Give the wrong answer
 Badmouthing past employers.
 Forget to follow up
Prepare for the Interview

 Research the company

 Check the website and ask around
 Update your paperwork
 Most recent employment and education
 Bring several copies to the interview
 Anticipate and practice interview questions
Commonly Asked Job Interview Questions

 Why do you want to work for our company?

 What are your future career plans?
 Tell me something about yourself.
 Why did you choose this particular field of work?
 Describe a past work situation where you encountered a problem and describe
how you solved it.
Successful Interviewing Strategies

 Note name of interviewer so you can ask for him/her upon arrival
 Consider traveling to interview site ahead of time
 Arrive early, but not too early
 Be courteous to everyone you encounter.
What to Bring?

 Paper to jot down names, information, and questions

 Black pen , ID, reference list, and work history information for filling out an
 Several clean copies of your personalized cover letter and resume
 Portfolio with evidence of accomplishments
Dress for Interview Success

 Attire is determined for the job for which you’re applying

General Dress Guidelines:

 Clean and well-pressed clothes
 Clean-shaven or neatly trimmed hair
 Conceal piercings and tattoos
 Subtle fragrances only
 Clean nails
 Don’t smoke prior or chew gum during
 Turn off your cell phone
Participate in Your Interview

 Be honest and give complete answers

 Be positive about yourself and past experiences
 Avoid one or two word responses
 Give concrete examples
 Paraphrase the question to avoid misunderstanding
 Limit responses to 30 seconds
 Emphasize what you have to offer the company

 Respond positively to questions about weaknesses

 Use positive nonverbal communication
 Sit up and lean forward
 Make eye contact and smile
 Avoid crossed arms and legs
 Use head nods and attentive facial expressions
 Ask questions and show interest in the company
 Avoid questions about salary, benefits, and vacation
 Express thanks and find out when a decision will be made
Follow-Up After Your Interview

 Fewer than 10% of applicants send a thank you letter

 May be the most important letter you write
 Provides another contact with the employer
 Sets you apart from those who didn’t send one
 Should take place within 24 hours after the interview

Follow-Up Letter Should:

 State your appreciation
 Explain what you liked about the position
 Sound enthusiastic about working for the company
Do’s and Don'ts of Interviewing
 Do not assume anything
 Do not form pre-judgments
 Do ask both open and closed questions
 Do verify understanding through probing and confirming questions
 Do avoid confrontation
 Do act in a friendly but professional manner
 Do not interrupt
 Do listen actively
 Do take notes but do not be obtrusive about it
 Do let the interviewee do most of the talking
 Do establish rapport early and maintain it
 Do maintain control over the subject matter
 Do establish a time frame for the interview and stick to it
 Do conclude positively
 Do be polite and courteous.

 You know yourself and what you have to offer.

 You know you and the position are a match.
 You know the organization’s history and the
benefits you would bring to it.
 You have prepared a professional resume.
 You’ve practiced, practiced, practiced
your delivery.
 You’ve selected appropriate attire.
The Key to a Successful Job Interview

Be Prepared.

 You know yourself and what you have to offer.

 You know you and the position are a match.
 You know the organization’s history and the
benefits you would bring to it.
 You have prepared a professional resume.
 You’ve practiced, practiced, practiced
your delivery.
 You’ve selected appropriate attire.

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