Types of Computer Misuse

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Types of Computer Misuse

• Hacking
• Phishing
• pharming
COMPUTER AND network resources
• The activity of breaking into a computer
system to gain an unauthorized access
• The act of defeating the security capabilities in
order to attain the the illegal access to the info
stored in a computer
 Make your password long/complicated, with a
good mix of letters using a case –sensitive letters
 Don’t use anything familiar like your personal
record information DOB,Childname etc
 Don’t ever allow your browser to remember
your passwords
 Activate firewall(network security system , that
monitors traffic incoming/outgoing)
Security protocols
2 types of security protocols while using internet
• Secure socket layer(SSL)
• Transport layer security(TLS)
Set of rules in a computer used to communicate
each other over a internet
• This is a protocol this allows data to be
received or sent over internet securely
When a user logs onto the website- SSL encrypts
the data, only the user computer (host) and
server can make sense of it, user knows when
SSL is applied by https or small padlock in a
status bar
What happens when user see Secure website
and how data sent or received by it??
• The user browser send data through secure website
using SSL
• Web browser sent request for verification to Server
• Server responds by accepting request and issue SSL
certificate to user’s browser
• If browser authenticate its certificate , it again send
message to server to notify that to begin
• Once this message is received, SSL encrypted two way
data transfer begins
• SAME AS SSL but it ensures the privacy and security
b/w two ends for communication
• It is essentially and improved by designing more
features like data integrity, encryption and
• This prevents third party to hacking into this
• This forms 2 ways [Record protocol(without
encryption),Handshake protocol(with session
Session Caching
• Authentication technique
• This avoids the need of utilizing so much computer time
for each connection
• Establish new connection or to attempt to resume an
eisting session
Data Encryption :
Converting the electronic data into cypher text
Symmetric encryption :
The sender and receiver uses the same key for encrypt and

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