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From Where Does This Exam Stress Come
From ???
• Pressure for getting Good Marks
• High Expectations of Parents
• Competitiveness
• Comparison with others
• Fear of being Left out alone
• Fear of Rejection
• Fear of being ridiculed by Parents, siblings,
friends, teachers, neighbors etc.
Why Do I Forget What I Have Learnt
• No Plan for Study
• No Plan for Revision
• Not taking the right kind of Rest
• Mind filled with Negative Emotions
6 Tips On How To
Manage Exam
Tips for Improving Concentration
• Sit at the Same Place at the Same Time for study,
so your mind is tuned to the environment
• Put off all distractions like Mobile, Tab, TV,
• Tell your family members about your study time,
so they too do not disturb you
• Postpone any calls from your friends or neighbors
• The greatest failure is "Failing to Concentrate"
Few Exercises that Helps Concentration
• Deep Breathing
• Palming -- Rub your palms and cover your eyes
• Stretching
• Listening to music
• While Revision - Fast Reading
• Making Vision Board for Formulas, Charts,
• Mind Maps
• Visualizing your Success
Take right amount of Rest
• During the study time take small breaks and do the
concentration exercises
• Take right amount of Sleep everyday
• Especially during Exam days do not skip sleep as
it will make you lethargic & dull
Unwind Yourself
• "All work and no play makes jack....“
• Relax your mind
• Take a break — Go out
• Smile & Make someone smile Talk to someone
• Do what you like and love
Have a Positive Attitude
• Think, Feel & See yourself as successful with the
mark you desire
• Think and Feel good about yourself
• It is never late to Start
• Stop comparing yourself with others
Shatter These Myth
• Marks in Exam = Intelligence or Brilliance
• Success in Exam = Success in Life
• Good Marks = Good Job
• Failure in Exam = Failure in Life = End of

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