Case Study On FASHION Prinec Dudhatra-9724949948

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prinec dudhatra-9724949948
 Today every industry thrive by taking the consumer by surprise and
turning dreams into realities.
 But there is one company LIZ CLAIBORNE it’s world largest company
making women’s apparel
 According to the company CLAIBORNE designs are simple straight
forward for women who have more important things to think about than
what to wear.
 The planning and the strategy of the company is made in such a way
that at the time of depression the company was earning 55% of profit.
 It was founded in 1980.and in 1986 it was the second largest company.

prinec dudhatra-9724949948
• The company also has software surf
(system updated retail feedback)

prinec dudhatra-9724949948
1) What action by other industry might be
of greatest concern to chazen?
Every industry thrive by taking the consumer by surprise
and turning dreams into reality but this company did the
opposite, they actually touched their client but not there
So they focused on middle class customers but they had
fear from well establish brand like the gap and limited still
as they produce innovative product that to on competitive
price thus this was the major concern chazen the chair of

prinec dudhatra-9724949948
Question 2
Comment on internal consistency of what is
done strategically at Liz claiborne. Do
goals, strategies , administration, and
strategic control seem to be in harmony?

prinec dudhatra-9724949948
Chazen had well defined plan that they well touched customers and not
their dreams.

Their basic strategy-

Better customer relationship-close contact with retailers and
customers for knowing changing demand and the success of their
different products.

Monitor customer perception-

Liz claiborne also monitor customer perception thought personal
integration with customer and retailers.

prinec dudhatra-9724949948
They had different strategy control –

SURF-A sophisticated computer system known as system

updated retail feedback. Keeps the company in touched with
what is selling and what is not, around the country, around the

Surf also enables Liz claiborne to reach customers in their

favorite store. The same store in different geographic location
often serves different niches.

They also control their strategy of customer relationship

through dedicated staff of 150 specialists and 21 consultants.
prinec dudhatra-9724949948
3) What collective strategy opportunities might exit for
Chazen to consider?
• Mr. JEROME CHAZEN the chairman of the company understand
the ingredient in CLAINBORNE success.

• He think that if the strategy remain continue and effective then the
company will reach to the success.

• The integral to the company’s success is its customer driven


• He actual wants to move from traditional to the modernization.

prinec dudhatra-9724949948

They were more oriented towards women clothing's and they did not
consider men’s wear and children clothing market.

The chairman did not focus on globalization. He can use the other
country market such as MALASIYA and other EUROPION

Product were not that much innovative as compared to their rivals like

prinec dudhatra-9724949948
prinec dudhatra-9724949948
As we know that organization need well defined plans and
strategies to achieve their Goals.
Thus, in this case also Mr. Chazen the chairman of LIZ
CLAIBORNE had well defined plans for his organization that they
will produce apparels which will touch their customers and not their
Accordingly he had strategies for implementation of these plans.
Ex.:- 1) Using of SURF software. They take feedback
from Retailers and customers for the betterment of
their products.
2) They also had well dedicated administrative
department for the proper planning of their company.

prinec dudhatra-9724949948

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