Presentation Conditionals (2) and (3) (Mixed)

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Present Unreal Conditional: (2)
• If Clause: Simple Past/Past of are (were) (+/-)
• Result Clause: Would, Could, Might, may (+/-) + Base form

If I were the President of Honduras, I would help the poor.

I could help many people if I had a lot of money.
If she weren`t my boss, I would tell her many things.
She could come to our party if she didn`t have to finish her project.
If I didn`t have children, I`d move abroad.
She might come to our party if she found her car keys.
Past Unreal Conditional: (3)
• If Clause: Past Perfect (+/-)
• Result Clause: Would, could, may, might (+/-) + Present Perfect

If we had seen the map, we wouldn`t have gotten lost.

If Marco had saved more money, he might have traveled with us.
My brother wouldn`t have arrived earlier if you hadn`t given him a ride.
If they hadn`t spent all the money, they could have bought this beautiful house.
If we hadn`t stayed here, we wouldn`t have had this terrible problem.
Frank may have won the contest if his competitor hadn`t cheated on the last
Mixed Conditional (1)
• We use this mixed conditional to talk about an unreal situation in the past that has a
consequence or result in the present.
• If Clause: Past Perfect (+/-)
• Result clause: Would, might, could (+/-) + Base form

If I had chosen another career, I might be happier now.

If we had studied more, we`d be in level 3.
If Javier hadn`t gone there, he would have more money.
He might feel better if he hadn`t drunk too much yesterday.
We could enjoy more this trip if we had brought more money.
• We use this mixed conditional to talk about an unreal situation in the
present that has a consequence or result in the past.
If Clause: Simple Past /Past of be (were) (+-)
Result Clause: would, could, may, might (+-) have + past participle
• If I had a beach house in Tela, I would have invited you.
• If she were my wife, I would have loved her a lot.
• If you had sufficient money, you would have bought this house.
• They would have come earlier if they had a car.
• She would have saved lots of money if she lived near the university.
• I bought a new car, so I couldn´t travel to Europe last year.

• My brother got sick this morning, so he can´t be with us right now.

• Her sister isn´t a teacher. We can´t offer her a job teaching.

• Marco had a lot of money, but he made some bad investments.

• Our neighbor can´t pay his house, so we are lending him some money.
• I don´t have time to do exercise. That is why I didn´t go to the gym the last 2 weeks.

• Frank isn´t the Company´s manager, so he can´t give you a job.

• I didn´t study at all for this exam, so I think I can´t do it today.

• I do not have a social área in my house, that´s why I have done all the meetings at
my brother´s house.
• She had the car accident last month. That´s why she didn´t travel with us to Roatan.
Wishes in the Present
• To talk about wishes in the present we use:
• Wish/if only + Past Simple / Past Continuous

I wish I had a better job.

We wish we could travel to Tela.
If only I were sitting on a beach now.
If only we could travel to Cancun with your brother.
She wishes she had a better car and a more expensive house.
If only Carlos were working with us.
Exercises:Wishes in the present
• I am not happy living in this neighborhood.

• Luis doesn´t feel well in his new job.

• Carlos is extremely hungry.

• We are very thirsty.

• Our father isn´t with us right now.

• To talk about wishes and regrets in the past, we use:

• Wish/If only + Past Perfect

I wish I had gotten a proper education.

If only I hadn`t said no.
She wishes she hadn`t gone there.
If only we had practiced more.
If only Peter had arrived earlier.
I wish I hadn`t studied Architecture.
Exercises: Regrets in the past.
• I didn´t check my car before traveling, so I burnt the engine.

• Louis didn´t accept that wonderful job opportunity.

• Robert didn´t get married with Susan, He got married with her cousin.

• Fernando got very drunk last night and he lost his car keys.

• Marco didn´t help his mother when she was alive.

When you wish someone/something get
or do what you are trying to say.
• Wish/if only + someone/something + would + base form.
• I wish Carlos would be more environmentally friendly.
• If only Luis would help them during this difficult situation.
• We wish Mary´s son would be more responsible and respectful.
• If only my brother would visit us on Christmas time.
• I wish my car wouldn´t brake down so often.
• Susan wishes her boss would be more patient.
• If only our coach wouldn´t be so angry.

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