Reliance Games Assignment Anubhav Sinha MBA05108

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Product Role Assignment

Submitted by:
Anubhav Sinha
Indian Institute of Management Amritsar
Branding plays an important role form differentiating a product form its competitors. It helps in reaching a product to its
potential customers. It is important that a brand is positioned in a such a way that it has the potential to attract its potential
customers. It should be such that it is able to connect and resonate to its users


Initially we will be targeting the young tech savvy

consumers between the age of 16 – 40 years
In future we will try to reach tier 3 and even
residing in tier 1 and tier 2 cities. Product will be
available to purchase directly via our website and rural population
exclusive partner e-marketplaces

Our vision while creating this product was to make wearable technology function will all features of a phone, so the need for
carrying an extra device is eliminated. We were focused on increasing the convenience of our customers.
Brand Management Process
• Year of Release: 2020
• Genre: Fighting
• Download on Appstore: 500000+
• World Robot boxing 2 is the successor to World robot boxing 1
• Player can acquire and play as any of the 16 Robots from 14 Countries
• There are 6 classes of Robots with whom players can battle across 12 exciting Arenas.
• Player can compete across Multiple game modes be it Story or PVP.
• There are in game rewards as player progresses through the modes which they can
use to upgrade their squad of robots.
• The ultimate aim for the player is to complete the story mode and make it to the top
of the leader board in PVP action.
Core Game loop • Players can collect around 66 Robots across 14 counties
• There are 6 classes of robots, players can use based on the style of
their gameplay
• Robot levels are based on stars with increase in Robot levels they
between the
modes( Story, • Players receives rewards after completing episodes in story mode or
PVP, Events, winning against PVP
Alliances) • Players can also receive awards in form of daily login rewards,
special rewards etc.
Rewards • Rewards are in various form such as in game currency, gold bar, loot
crates etc.

• Robots can be upgraded via the rewards players achieve

Use rewards
World Fight with
• Upgrading increase the health and damage points of robots
• Also upgrading form 1 level to another provides robots with new
to upgrade
your Robots
Robot opponents in
either of the Upgrades unique moves
Boxing 2
• Ultimate aim of players is to reach the top of rankings, finish the
story mode and collect and upgrade all classes of robots available

rewards in
form of parts
and currency
Game Progress
Feature to be introduced : World Championship
Motive: To make players more absorbed in the game

How will this feature work:

• Seasons will be introduced in game which may last for a period of 5-8 weeks.
• Every player will get a chance to play as season will be dived into stages based on weeks.
• Players will be representing countries based on their location or they can choose country they want to represent.
• Players will be matching up against players from other countries and will up if they win specified number of
matches to next stage.
• Points accumulated from players from similar countries will be added and based on that points countries and
players will be ranked.
• At the end of season finale between top players will be conducted across channels.
• Also country with most point will be the champion country and player winning the finale will be world champion.
• Winning countries participants will be awarded based o their contribution.
• Also there will be other rewards for winning matches and advancing to next stages.

Being a part of a larger cohort and the sense of representing one country will be motivating enough to garner higher
level of engagement from the players also the rewards at the end of the season will be an added incentive.
Feature to be introduced: Rewards for Airtime (Time spent online in game.
Motive: To increase the retention rate of players who download and play the game.

How will this feature work:

• Players will be rewarded for the time they spent playing the game
• A new currency shall be introduced, which will be awarded to players based on the amount of time they spend online
• These currency could be used to buy special items
• These items can be either health bonuses, energy bars or rare boosters.
• Player returning everyday will be awarded will special bonuses such as daily bonus.
• Milestones rewards will be provided to players who are returning to the game continuously for example there will be special
reward for a player who has played the game now for 30 days.
• Milestone rewards will be special rewards such as rare crates or new robots so they provide incentive for players to return
• Also for having milestones trial premium membership can be awarded to the players just to give them a taste of what
premium member ship holds and this may also help in converting regular players into premium players.

Since this will be a direct reward system that is completely hustle free and is giving the player opportunity to gain even special
features such as premium membership, special crates in rewards for returning to the game it will act as an great incentive for
even casual gamers to return to the game again and again and will be increasing the game’s retention.
Feature to be introduced: Manual Customization of Robots for Premium members.
Motive: To convert regular players into premium members.

How shall this work:

• Customization mode will be launched for premium members.
• Customization mode will allow players to enhance their robots by using various parts which will be available strictly to
premium members.
• These parts will be sold on offer to members who can acquire it by using gold or paying online.
• Also players can create a completely new robot once they have acquired required number of parts.
• For customization various robots parts could be made available from time to time which players can purchase
• Customization mode can also provide the option of changing skin of their robots and other features as well and these
features could be made available for player during special offers which they can buy either via gold or paying for it.
• Also by providing trial premium membership to regular players via airtime awards we can attract more players to choose
premium membership which can increase monetization
• This will encourage premium members to keep buying the membership.
• Also by providing trial offers to regular members, they can be later converted to premium members.
Thank You..

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