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Talent acquisition techniques

Presented by –
Nitish Kumar (20gsob2010204)
Mansi Nirwal (20gsob2010212)
Harsh Srivastava (20gsob2010160)
Prachi Jaiswal (20gsob2010202)
Udit Nrayan (20gsob2010036)

 The human resources field began to take shape in 18th century

Europe. It built on a simple idea by Robert Owen (1771-1858) and
Charles Babbage (1791-1871) during the industrial revolution.
 Human resource management, HRM, is the department of a business
organization that looks after the hiring, management and firing of staff.
HRM focuses on the function of people within the business, ensuring
best work practices are in place at all times.
 Human resource management deals with issues related to employees
such as hiring, training, development, compensation, motivation,
communication, and administration.
Role of HRM in any organization

The impact of ongoing economic uncertainty, remote working and an all-

too-real impact on employees’ mental health are forcing businesses across
the world to place human resources at the heart of their operation.
Some other role of HRM in any organization are-
 Strategy management
 Benefits analysis
 Training and development
 Conflict management
 Establishing a healthy work culture
A. A comparison between traditional
and 21st century methods
Traditional methods of Talent Acquisition
When it comes to recruitment, organizations around the world have
reaped the benefits of the traditional recruitment methods which have
served them well and delivered employees which have played a key role in
defining their organizations. Presenting the traditional recruitment
 Local Paper Advertisements-The best way to spread the word about
new jobs is through local newspaper advertisements. One can argue
that this is the simplest form of recruitment and yet the most effective
method of all as well.
 Local Employment Office Postings- Many organizations have
employed recruitment methods which are based on postings at local
unemployment offices, where there are bound to be people looking for
a job and Organizations are likely to find all types and sorts of
 Internal Hiring -Another way of recruitment which has been extremely
successful over the years has been the internal hiring program, through
which the company often promotes employees who are already part of
the organization into the positions for which they are hiring. This is one
of the safest methods of recruitment, since you know all about the
employee and the level of work you are getting from them.
 Temporary Agencies - One of the most used recruitment methods is
through temporary employment agencies that can shortlist potential
candidates for your company and find you experienced professionals in
your field easily.
21st century methods of Talent Acquisition or The Modern
Recruitment Methods
The 21st century has seen a significant rise in technology and has seen
modern day recruitment methods grow in influence and make a difference
in landing candidates for organizations all over the United States.
 Virtual reality- VR is an exciting prospect. Some industries have VR
headsets designed to engage with candidates to a greater extent than
ever before.
 Video interviews- Whether a candidate lives 200 miles away or in
another country entirely, the terribly archaic practice of dragging
candidates in for interviews is coming to an end. It's a waste of time
and money when we all have access to Skype, FaceTime, Google
Hangouts, and various other forms of instantaneous communication.
 Social media - This isn’t the most revelatory point to make but, yes,
social media can be a great place to head to recruit. Whether it’s
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, or professional networks such
as LinkedIn, you can find all manner of professionals who are easy to
get in touch with.
 Applicant Tracking Systems- On the rise with large and small
businesses, the ATS has rapidly emerged as the leader in recruitment
 AI- When it comes to recruiting techniques, Artificial intelligence is
already playing a huge role in the way businesses find new talent.
Comparison between traditional and 21st century methods on the basis of few parameters

 Based on Online systems:

 Non Traditional Methods are mainly based on online workings. They
make use of documents which are in digital format, soft copies.
Online Recruitment Methods use web base which is a complex
system and available at all times and all places for communication
between recruiters and candidates.
 Time Frame:
 Traditional method of posting vacancies in newspaper, then waiting
for responses for a week or so and then beginning the process of
sorting the received applications – this took a lot of time.
 Online systems are quick, fast and reduce the time requirement.
However, in online systems, the job openings are posted instantly,
responses can be received in real time and sorting can be done very
quickly based on eligibility and required criteria, using softwares.
All this saves a lot of time.
 Money Factor:
 Traditional methods were long and costly ways to fill up openings.
 However, online systems are cost effective and offer a variety of
services at half the rate of traditional methods.
 Parallel Processing:
 Traditional Methods adapted a process wherein next phase could
begin only after previous phase had completed. This meant that
time increased and the error of one phase was carried on to the next
phase. Thus, a mistake in beginning phases would result in
erroneous processing throughout.
 However in modern systems, processing is done in a parallel stream
and the error can be identified and corrected then and there. It
saves the risk of carry forward of errors.
 Success Rate:
 Traditional method of print media – national, regional or trade press
faces restrictions. It appears for a limited time, say a week or so.
 Online methods of recruitment, gives a better rate of success for
 Reach:
 Online methods give a wider reach as compared to traditional
methods. The number of recruiters and job seekers using internet
for their career related searches is increasing day by day. It reaches
out to people beyond boundaries of geographical and national
restrictions. Thus it gives access to larger pool of talented and
qualified people.
 Personal Touch:
 Traditional Methods have a personal touch to candidate which is
lacking in non traditional methods. Lack of human contact,
everything being done through electronic means, over the internet
or through an outsourced agency makes it unsuitable for some
 In traditional methods, the recruiter can discuss their requirements,
ask for additional details or assess a person through his
personality. Also, they can be asked for their opinions on a large
myriad of topics, apart from the job requirement, just to weigh their
overall competence. This is often missing in online methods.
B. Impact of AI on Talent Acquisition

 When it comes to recruiting techniques, Artificial intelligence is already

playing a huge role in the way businesses find new talent.
 AI enables recruiters and hiring managers to assess and interview
candidates with much more ease compared to traditional methods.
 According to a survey, nearly 52% of HR professionals said that the
most challenging part of their job is to identify the right candidates
from a large pool of applicants. That’s where artificial intelligence can
 As per the survey with HR managers in UK
 AI has great potential to help in the right talent acquisition.
 Said yes – 96%
 Said No- 4%
 AI will become a regular part of the recruitment process within the
next five years.
 Said yes – 96%
 Said No- 4%
 HR managers see Artificial Intelligence as a threat to their jobs.
 Said yes – 35%
 Said No- 65%
Applications of AI in recruiting fall into following major buckets

1. AI-Driven Assessments- AI-driven assessments are pre-hire

assessments which leverage AI to evaluate candidates faster, more
effectively, and in a candidate-friendly way. These most commonly take
the form of game-based assessments and video-based assessments.
2. Candidate Rediscovery. Candidate rediscovery tools analyse your
existing database of candidates to “rediscover” those who might be a
good fit for your open requisitions.
3. Job Description Optimization. Job description optimisers are similar
to Grammarly, but for job descriptions. They provide wording and
phrasing recommendations that make a description more inclusive.
4. Ad Automation. Ad automation AI places and tests your job ads on a
variety of different platforms, optimizing your ad spend.
5. Job Market Forecasting. Job market forecasting software gives insight
into available pools of talent for different job types, experience levels, or
6. Candidate Relationship Management. Candidate relationship
management software can leverage AI to deliver a higher level of
personalization to candidates, and re-engage candidates who applied
7. Chatbots - Chatbots provide a convenient interface for candidates to
find and apply for jobs.
8. CV Filtering- CV filtering tools evaluate candidates’ CV- reactfuls and
applications to make broad-stroke screening decisions.
9. Social Candidate Discovery- Social candidate discovery software
scrapes social and other online platforms to surface passive candidates
that may be a good fit for open requisitions.
Recruiting Tools based on AI used by Hiring Manager

 Chatbots-It can respond to potential hires during off hours, answering

their questions even if your business is closed. It can help screen hires
at the top of the funnel so that those who continue in the process are
the best suited for the position.
 Sourcehub- We can search nearly 15 different social sites, including
Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
 Contact Out- Contact Out is a Chrome extension that makes it easy for
you to find the email addresses of people. For recruitment purposes,
this can be useful.
 Hiretual - Hiretual helps recruiters with direct contact (email and
phone) instead of relying on the messaging systems in various social
 Textio- Textio uses AI and augmented writing so you can see what kind
of response your ad might have with potential candidates. It alerts you
to problematic wording and copy.
Consequences of AI in talent acquisition

 Overlooking Candidates
 As beneficial as AI’s ability to find suitable candidates can be, it also
has the potential to overlook, deprioritize, or even reject great
people. Because it tends to look strictly at past experience or other
relevant data points, AI may not follow-up with someone who could
be well-suited to a role, despite not having as much relevant
 Learned Bias
 Despite popular perception, AI does have the potential to be biased.
Though properly developed AI can help prevent human biases, the
technology’s need to learn through pattern can easily pick up on
past partiality like age, gender and even the candidate’s alma mater.
While there are companies that may neglect to account for these
biases, this problem is easily fixed when software developers take
the steps needed to remove these patterns of human error.
 Being Impersonal
 AI doesn’t always connect as well to customers as a person on the
other end might. The hiring process can feel less personal for both
the hiring manager and the candidate with AI-powered chatbots.
Though it can make the work more simple and effective, it may
ultimately lead to a lack of effective communication.

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