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Welcome Grade 3’s

Let’s learn
learn dangerous
about dangerous
places places
to play
Look at the pictures and tell your guardian why you think
Let’s learn about dangerous places
it’s dangerous to play in places like these:
to play
On a piece of paper, write a few sentences
why you think it is dangerous to play in
places that is not safe.
Look at the picture and write all 10 of the dangers in the kitchen.
Also state how you would correct it(on a piece of paper)
Make a poster to show the safety rules at
home. Watch the video for some tips.
Warming up
Move different parts of your body at the same time. Role
for example your wrists and hips or your shoulders and ankles.

Main activity: Balancing

• Walk 2 meters forward on your heels and then backwards on
your toes.
• Crawl on your hands and knees.
• Balancing on a rope, first forwards and then backwards.

Stretch your limbs slowly. If possible, do so to the tune of calm,
soothing music.
Sing along!

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